That in red would've been quite nice. We got the red and white the wrong way around on the current kit.
So from the back our home kit would be completely white with red sleeves? Have a laugh
Yep very Keith Peacock. I'm sure someone knows the shirt I'm talking about.
Yes, course we do, and it was a failed experiment for a couple of years in the sixties. For 4 years out of 110 we have played in non red shirts (I include this season's in the 4).
That in red would've been quite nice. We got the red and white the wrong way around on the current kit.
So from the back our home kit would be completely white with red sleeves? Have a laugh
Yep very Keith Peacock. I'm sure someone knows the shirt I'm talking about.
Yes, course we do, and it was a failed experiment for a couple of years in the sixties. For 4 years out of 110 we have played in non red shirts (I include this season's in the 4).
We play in red shirts.
All part of the 'rebranding' exercise around that time including change of nickname to Valiants and the 'Sword' badge. Novel but a passing fad, only the badge remains I'm pleased to say. In recognition of the FA Cup win I maintain that our away kit should always be White shirts Black shorts which is why I can just about suffer the current 2nd strip.
We play in red shirts.
Prefer the old blue The Woolwich with the white band across the Middle - my first kit
One of my favourite away kits was the white Joma/allsports combo, with red pointy bits down the side.
Wont be bettered, 84 comes close