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edited October 2014 in Not Sports Related


  • So you start another thread about them?
  • or, maybe UKIP are simply a symptom of a problem in this country, rather than the cause of problems in this country? Then maybe we can stop simply dismissing them as "bigots".
  • Because the best way to persaude someone to reconsider his views is to call him bigot.
  • Is the thread title a quote from Gordon Brown about them ?
  • How the f*** is this site a love-in for UKIP? We have a broad spectrum of opinions and beliefs on here.
  • anyone else remember a far winged party that emerged at the beginning of the last century? Forced the government at the time to change it's policies and forced some politicians in the government to move parties because of the "alarm" of this new and "extremist party" and their effect on the liberal government? People said it would be the end of the country and empire as we know it?

    You might have heard of them, they're called the Labour party.

    The point is, whether you like them or not. This is the democratic process in action and their effect on our daily lives will not be as horrific as the tabloids would have you think. They may even go away after a while.

  • anyone else remember a far winged party that emerged at the beginning of the last century? Forced the government at the time to change it's policies and forced some politicians in the government to move parties because of the "alarm" of this new and "extremist party" and their effect on the liberal government? People said it would be the end of the country and empire as we know it?

    You might have heard of them, they're called the Labour party.

    The point is, whether you like them or not. This is the democratic process in action and their effect on our daily lives will not be as horrific as the tabloids would have you think. They may even go away after a while.

    ...or maybe not .

  • zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • The word bigot originated in France which is interesting.
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  • I agree UKIP are a bit of a symptom. There is a sense of dissatisfaction that they are exploiting, and they say all our troubles will be over if we leave Europe, just as the Independence movement were able to promise eternal life and eternal riches if Scotland could just be independent. When you're not going to have to deliver it is possible to promise anything.
    The Farage LBC interview was an eye opener, and more forensic than most, and what it revealed was that UKIP in the persona of Farage had scant regard for detail and practicalities, and it is based on xenophobia unsupported by evidence.
    That said UKIP will be 'successful' because the noise generated will be taken up by others because it is loud and long, the content matters little to them or those who flock to them, they will succeed as a protest party, and they will succeed all the time the electorate feel so alienated.
  • edited October 2014
    Perhaps people should read the link and then comment upon the content?

  • zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Spot on

  • your Labour Party witnessed ,ignored,then covered up the systematic rape and abuse of over 1400 kids--raped ThOUSANDS of times in Rotherham because it didnt sit in with your f__ked up PC ideology-------the SINGLE biggest disgrace this country has ever seen---EVER---yet you choose to call UKIP bigoted----worse to be a racist that a nonce rapist in Labour and the Lefts eyes -----get your fecking priorities in order.

  • It's ages since we had any decent bigotry in the UK, so I reckon we should give them a go and see what it's like. You never know, it might be a success like the 2012 Olympics or European finals being staged at Wembley.

    If not, we can claim it was a bit of a mix-up, and move on - like Blair did with Iraq.
  • Watch this one sink....

  • your Labour Party witnessed ,ignored,then covered up the systematic rape and abuse of over 1400 kids--raped ThOUSANDS of times in Rotherham because it didnt sit in with your f__ked up PC ideology-------the SINGLE biggest disgrace this country has ever seen---EVER---yet you choose to call UKIP bigoted----worse to be a racist that a nonce rapist in Labour and the Lefts eyes -----get your fecking priorities in order.

    How offensive can you get?!

  • edited October 2014
    IAgree said:

    your Labour Party witnessed ,ignored,then covered up the systematic rape and abuse of over 1400 kids--raped ThOUSANDS of times in Rotherham because it didnt sit in with your f__ked up PC ideology-------the SINGLE biggest disgrace this country has ever seen---EVER---yet you choose to call UKIP bigoted----worse to be a racist that a nonce rapist in Labour and the Lefts eyes -----get your fecking priorities in order.

    How offensive can you get?!

    well, you could call him a bigot. That would be a bit more offensive.
  • edited October 2014
  • Huskaris said:

    Nigel Farage (because that is what UKIP is, one man) has a charisma and a resemblance of the common man that none of the major parties have

    Resemblance is all it is though. He's yet another public school graduate with close links to the City (and now also Rupert Murdoch it seems).

    Anyone who thinks he represents a genuine alternative to the parade of venal careerists that have reduced the political system to a race to the bottom over the last four decades, simply because he's pictured with a pint or two and utters the odd mildly xenophobic soundbite, needs to open their eyes.
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  • Huskaris said:

    Nigel Farage (because that is what UKIP is, one man) has a charisma and a resemblance of the common man that none of the major parties have

    Resemblance is all it is though. He's yet another public school graduate with close links to the City (and now also Rupert Murdoch it seems).

    Anyone who thinks he represents a genuine alternative to the parade of venal careerists that have reduced the political system to a race to the bottom over the last four decades, simply because he's pictured with a pint or two and utters the odd mildly xenophobic soundbite, needs to open their eyes.
    nick clegg's "I'm not like the other two" speech in the 2010 debates was a harsh political lesson for many. I can't believe that, as you say, people believe he's a genuine alternative.
  • Huskaris said:

    Nigel Farage (because that is what UKIP is, one man) has a charisma and a resemblance of the common man that none of the major parties have

    Resemblance is all it is though. He's yet another public school graduate with close links to the City (and now also Rupert Murdoch it seems).

    Anyone who thinks he represents a genuine alternative to the parade of venal careerists that have reduced the political system to a race to the bottom over the last four decades, simply because he's pictured with a pint or two and utters the odd mildly xenophobic soundbite, needs to open their eyes.
    In your opinion. And opinions are like arseholes, everyone has got one.
  • WayneK said:

    Huskaris said:

    Nigel Farage (because that is what UKIP is, one man) has a charisma and a resemblance of the common man that none of the major parties have

    Resemblance is all it is though. He's yet another public school graduate with close links to the City (and now also Rupert Murdoch it seems).

    Anyone who thinks he represents a genuine alternative to the parade of venal careerists that have reduced the political system to a race to the bottom over the last four decades, simply because he's pictured with a pint or two and utters the odd mildly xenophobic soundbite, needs to open their eyes.
    In your opinion. And opinions are like arseholes, everyone has got one.
    but some are shittier than others...
  • Best you use Andrex then :-)
  • your Labour Party witnessed ,ignored,then covered up the systematic rape and abuse of over 1400 kids--raped ThOUSANDS of times in Rotherham because it didnt sit in with your f__ked up PC ideology-------the SINGLE biggest disgrace this country has ever seen---EVER---yet you choose to call UKIP bigoted----worse to be a racist that a nonce rapist in Labour and the Lefts eyes -----get your fecking priorities in order.

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz etc.

  • Redskin said:

    your Labour Party witnessed ,ignored,then covered up the systematic rape and abuse of over 1400 kids--raped ThOUSANDS of times in Rotherham because it didnt sit in with your f__ked up PC ideology-------the SINGLE biggest disgrace this country has ever seen---EVER---yet you choose to call UKIP bigoted----worse to be a racist that a nonce rapist in Labour and the Lefts eyes -----get your fecking priorities in order.

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz etc.

    rape is boring guys! Jesus, might as well do some beheadings, didn't anyone realise beheadings are the "in" thing right now?
  • Redskin said:

    your Labour Party witnessed ,ignored,then covered up the systematic rape and abuse of over 1400 kids--raped ThOUSANDS of times in Rotherham because it didnt sit in with your f__ked up PC ideology-------the SINGLE biggest disgrace this country has ever seen---EVER---yet you choose to call UKIP bigoted----worse to be a racist that a nonce rapist in Labour and the Lefts eyes -----get your fecking priorities in order.

    zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz etc.

    rape is boring guys! Jesus, might as well do some beheadings, didn't anyone realise beheadings are the "in" thing right now?
    My 'zzzzz' related to the one - tracked, dull and hackneyed 'leftie' bashing by Goonerhater, not the subject matter.

  • Apparently UKIP have a big announcement at 5pm. Maybe another defection?
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