Heights. Even have to hide my extreme discomfort walking up the last flight of steps to the West Upper!
Have a fear of Earwigs and Cows, but not to Phobia levels. Agree with the person who said lumpy mash, but for me just nauseating not phobia. Ditto the gristly bits of chicken
toss Maybe change your seat to the West Lower?!
You would think so, but there are 5 of us (family) and the others don't give a toss!
Dogs. Other than heights, Dogs are the only thing I'm scared of.
I also have a hatred of dog owners who say to me "Don't worry, he/she is lovely, he/she wont bite"
I have too say, that surprises me. I am right, we did meet at Sparrows lane?
Edited, and Bailey will never bite you (unless I tell him to) but JJ is a horrible little sh*t who is still learning some manners. But please don't hate me, cynophobia must be horrible knowing that day in day out you are likely to meet a dog. Its something I wanted to train Bailey in as believe it or not there are cynophobia dogs that help people overcome their fears and as I offered everyone else that has a fear of dogs. Bailey is at your disposal maybe he can help and of course it's free of charge.
Are some people getting 'phobia' mixed up with 'don't like much'?
Maybe but where does one end and the other begin?
I guess where an irrational fear is experienced (as appears to be the general definition).
No offence to the poster concerned....but does he/she really have an irrational fear of white sauces for example?!?
I freak out if white sauce is anywhere near my food, feel physically sick, get hot, sweat and genuinely have to leave the table. I'd call that pretty damn irrational.
Ex wife had a fear of buttons and I mean a proper reaction to it, made her quite ill and got worse as the years have gone on. Was quite funny in the heady days of first love and all but wound up quite tiresome and ridiculous in the end.
I have a fear of buttons too, it was worse as a kid but I control it better now! My uncle (Cafc fan)has it too he's much worse he simple can't wear or be near them!
Are some people getting 'phobia' mixed up with 'don't like much'?
Maybe but where does one end and the other begin?
I guess where an irrational fear is experienced (as appears to be the general definition).
No offence to the poster concerned....but does he/she really have an irrational fear of white sauces for example?!?
I freak out if white sauce is anywhere near my food, feel physically sick, get hot, sweat and genuinely have to leave the table. I'd call that pretty damn irrational.
Your parents must have heard you screaming in your bedroom during your teenage years and thought "he's just cracked one off again"
My father in law once consoled my brother in law who had a terrifying run in with a spider by announcing he had a fear of picking up tortoises. He meant it as well.
Morris dancers. Absolutely shit the life out if me, one jumped out in front of me in Rochester at the sweeps festival and I very, very nearly did a shit in my pants
I read somewhere that it is a consideration that a phobia is related to the incident that took you in a previous life. That's why we're shit scared for no rational reason .
Dogs. Other than heights, Dogs are the only thing I'm scared of.
I also have a hatred of dog owners who say to me "Don't worry, he/she is lovely, he/she wont bite"
I have too say, that surprises me. I am right, we did meet at Sparrows lane?
Edited, and Bailey will never bite you (unless I tell him to) but JJ is a horrible little sh*t who is still learning some manners. But please don't hate me, cynophobia must be horrible knowing that day in day out you are likely to meet a dog. Its something I wanted to train Bailey in as believe it or not there are cynophobia dogs that help people overcome their fears and as I offered everyone else that has a fear of dogs. Bailey is at your disposal maybe he can help and of course it's free of charge.
I read somewhere that it is a consideration that a phobia is related to the incident that took you in a previous life. That's why we're shit scared for no rational reason .
I read somewhere that it is a consideration that a phobia is related to the incident that took you in a previous life. That's why we're shit scared for no rational reason .
Anyway we were bored and discussing phobias at work, and a few of my work mates thought mine was an odd one...........its Hedgehogs. I cant stand the worm and flea infested gits, even the so called 'cute' baby ones, just the thought of them make the palms of my hand sweat. Yes it might be odd, I cant think of a reason why I might get wobbly when I see one, but I do.
Anyway we were bored and discussing phobias at work, and a few of my work mates thought mine was an odd one...........its Hedgehogs. I cant stand the worm and flea infested gits, even the so called 'cute' baby ones, just the thought of them make the palms of my hand sweat. Yes it might be odd, I cant think of a reason why I might get wobbly when I see one, but I do.
Anyway we were bored and discussing phobias at work, and a few of my work mates thought mine was an odd one...........its Hedgehogs. I cant stand the worm and flea infested gits, even the so called 'cute' baby ones, just the thought of them make the palms of my hand sweat. Yes it might be odd, I cant think of a reason why I might get wobbly when I see one, but I do.
They are so rare it may not be a problem for much longer
Anyway we were bored and discussing phobias at work, and a few of my work mates thought mine was an odd one...........its Hedgehogs. I cant stand the worm and flea infested gits, even the so called 'cute' baby ones, just the thought of them make the palms of my hand sweat. Yes it might be odd, I cant think of a reason why I might get wobbly when I see one, but I do.
They are so rare it may not be a problem for much longer
I once saw a documentary about people with odd phobias. One woman had a profound fear of barns. Now, not to make light of her phobia, but I think you can pretty much go through your entire life without ever having to enter a barn.
Public Speaking
White Sauces - This one causes me the most problems.
No offence to the poster concerned....but does he/she really have an irrational fear of white sauces for example?!?
Edited, and Bailey will never bite you (unless I tell him to) but JJ is a horrible little sh*t who is still learning some manners. But please don't hate me,
I freak out if white sauce is anywhere near my food, feel physically sick, get hot, sweat and genuinely have to leave the table. I'd call that pretty damn irrational.
My uncle (Cafc fan)has it too he's much worse he simple can't wear or be near them!
Carry on.
I cant stand the worm and flea infested gits, even the so called 'cute' baby ones, just the thought of them make the palms of my hand sweat.
Yes it might be odd, I cant think of a reason why I might get wobbly when I see one, but I do.