Hi folks, it's that time again.
In the next month to six weeks I'm hoping to visit the Upbeats with Bailey & JJ.
All are welcome to attend and join in the fun watching and/or participate in the training both Bailey and JJ will be there although JJ is going from puppy to adolescent and is unpredictable and a bit of a sh*t at the moment so won't be hands on with any children but will possibly give a small display of obedience etc. Bailey will doing all the normal stuff both with the Upbeats and some displays of obedience as well some bite work ( if I can get a volunteer to work with me)

I'm looking for suitable dates before the weather starts to change, hopefully we can get a few lifers along to attend the Upbeats are a fantastic group and really enjoy our company so if you have an hour or so to spare please come along. I believe a certain BDL will be attending if he has got over his recent shock and his schedule is clear.

Will confirm.
However, the recent international weekend , and hence no match for us, had to be ruled out as the Upbeats were not scheduled to return to SL until the following week.
As I attend away games, there appeared to be no free Saturdays available for the visit but somehow I had missed 11th October. Thanks to T.C.E , it appears this is now possible especially now that we have funding for the food - fantastic stuff, mate!
I need to make a couple of calls today to check whether we are able to utilise the players' canteen should the weather be against us & explore the possibility of combining this with the formal opening of the Garden.
Obviously, parents/BDL/T.C.E./me & Mr F will be on hand to distribute the food & drinks but any extra help would be great. I am thinking that we will need to make up "goody bags" prior to the event, ideally using the afore mentioned canteen tables so it'll be a case of handing these out & collecting up the rubbish afterwards.
It would be great to see as many Lifers as possible that day as we rarely have the opportunity to come together and although the memorial Garden will be past its best unfortunately, it will be a chance for everyone to see where the money raised/donated has ended up.
We'll keep you in touch with any developments on here but if poss , please keep this date in your diary.
And i shall retire to the Beehive straight after. @suzisausage ?
Will sort what's required/times etc nearer the date.
Are you any good at buttering bread ?
The promise of an unknown sum of money, donated to the Upbeats. (somewhere between 200/600 quid)
The possibility of a virtual endless supply of Pizzas, but this will not be confirmed until that week.
Unfortunately I can offer no help from this end, Lynne had her hip replaced not long ago and is still on crutches so cannot help at all.
For Tax reasons (I believe) the cheque has to be made out to the Charlton Upbeats, so funding the party will have to be met beforehand. I have no idea how to do it other than pay the cash myself? (ideas please)
I'm still awaiting a reply to my email re the Training Ground etc but will get back to you as soon as possible.
Will try to pop along
FF has had confirmation from the club that the canteen at SL will be made available to cook pizzas etc and hopefully will confirm more details early this coming week. I'll be at SL around 1230/1.00 anyone else attending either to watch or help make your way to the AstroTurf pitches at the far end of the training ground. You'll find me around there somewhere.