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Driving Apps

If you can drive like Sister Theresa in a Morris Minor for 200 miles, don't speed, don't brake severely, don't accelerate too hard, don't corner to fast, you save money, anyone done it?


  • I once had a Minor collision with a Morris dancer whilst driving very slowly. Does that count?
  • My wife got a new car recently and was getting around 38 mpg in it. On my way down to the south of France last month I averaged 39 mpg (fully loaded with luggage and family)

    Whilst in France I drove like a Doris . No excessive revving, sensible driving and got 49 mpg one day - so in answer to your question it can be done.

    As an aside - I used to drive 100 miles a day to and from work so if I was working late I would try to shorten it a bit by taking the racing line. I did get it down by 4 tenths of a mile once but then my car kept thinking I was drowsy and kept bleeping at me so I knocked it on the head
  • Being careful when driving (i.e. no crazy braking or speeding) I can hit 58 mpg on avg - Drove to the Peaks (200 miles actually) on less than half a tank
  • Assume what you are talking about is all these apps such as 'Aviva Drive' and 'Drive Like A Girl' being advertised at the moment?
  • Whoever named the App 'Drive Like a Girl' obviously hasn't been a passenger with Mrs EA, unless the App encourages heavy acceleration, swearing and liberal use of the hooter.
  • The day I start worrying about how many miles to the gallon I'm getting will be the day I chuck my licence back to the DVLA there's more important things in life to waste my thoughts on or worry about how much it's costing me per trip
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