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The 2015 General Election



  • Labour planning to build 200,000 houses a year
  • Most of these were announced this week weren't they?

    Any details of how they would be funded?
  • IAgree said:

    Ahh now you've put me on the spot!

    Still listening.
    Not hearing.
    Are you transmitting?
    Is Milliband?
    There you have the main policies developed and announced over the last year and covered extensively during the conference.


    BTW personally totally 100% support bombing ISIL
  • edited September 2014
    you understand the difference between bombing (current government policy and action) and troops on the ground, I hope?
    From the Guardian
    ''Defeat of Isis cannot be achieved without ground troops, says Tony Blair
    In essay on threat posed by group, former UK prime minister says Britain and other nations must form wide-ranging coalition''
  • edited September 2014
    IAgree said:

    Labour planning to build 200,000 houses a year

    Like they did last time.

    come on, on 18 Sep most of these fantasies statements of intent were not clear to the british voting public. They were announced at the conference on 21- 24 Sep, so your week old, post conference, reply to my post seems a little uncharitable.

    Even The Guardian listed your points as things they learned on 23 Sep
    ''Ed Miliband’s speech – 10 things we learned
    The Labour leader feels he is facing a job interview with the British people. These are the areas he will base his campaign on...etc etc''

    At least he admitted a few of the catalogue of mistakes from the last regime. Eg ''Ed Miliband will admit that the Labour government made mistakes on immigration'' etc (Guardian)

    Hardly bathed himself in glory either with his delivery.

    ''The Lib Dems said the “rambling” speech was full of “underfunded promises” using “money that’s been spent many times over”.''

    Even that buffoon Osborne spotted a slight issue
    Ed Miliband didn’t mention the deficit once. Extraordinary. If you can’t fix the economy you can’t fund the NHS

    — George Osborne (@George_Osborne) September 23, 2014
  • you understand the difference between bombing and troops on the ground, I hope?
    From the Guardian
    ''Defeat of Isis cannot be achieved without ground troops, says Tony Blair
    In essay on threat posed by group, former UK prime minister says Britain and other nations must form wide-ranging coalition''

    Do you understand what patronising sarcasm is?

    Yes ground troops are required but it is a broad coalition and they do not have to be from the UK.
  • IAgree said:

    Labour planning to build 200,000 houses a year

    So it meets housing demand by immigration and destroy some of the green belt?

    The UK Independence Party has said it would cut income tax from 40p to 35p for people earning up to £55,000.

    At its party conference, UKIP will also promised to raise to £13,500 the amount people can earn before paying any income tax.

    In a plan to win the "blue-collar vote", Nigel Farage's party pledged to fund the changes by leaving the EU and cutting UK foreign aid by 85%.
  • What happens if the Tories don't have any left by the General Election?
  • Considering the title of this thread I can't see much mention of UKIP. I cannot help thinking that you will ignore them at your peril. Especially if you favour the Liberal Democrats. I honestly believe that quite a large proportion of voters are very fed up with the politicians who have been presented to us over recent years, and their behaviour. Like or loath Nigel Farage, UKIP have made big strides recently, not an easy thing to achieve whilst having to combat the entrenched British Press.
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  • edited September 2014
    I'm a middle of the road, typical sceptic.
    I'm naturally suspicious of Farage's troops.

    But every time I hear him on the radio or on the TV, he says things that I find myself agreeing with. I nod along with his patter thinking like it sounds as though it's 'common sense'.

    Should I be worried?
  • edited September 2014
    DiscoCAFC said:

    The UK Independence Party has said it would cut income tax from 40p to 35p for people earning up to £55,000.

    At its party conference, UKIP will also promised to raise to £13,500 the amount people can earn before paying any income tax.

    In a plan to win the "blue-collar vote", Nigel Farage's party pledged to fund the changes by leaving the EU and cutting UK foreign aid by 85%.

    I heard him the other day linking this as a policy to assist ordinary people "like nurses". Given that our nurses are one of worst paid in their profession in comparison to other developed nations and actually earn less than the UK average wage I don't think there would be too many in the nursing profession benefiting from it...but it sounds better than saying it's a tax cut for the better off in society doesn't it?
  • Surely the Public have learned from the Liberals in 2010? All minority parties can make any promises they like as they will never be a position to fail to deliver on them.

    UKIP can promise to remove us from the EC, kick out anyone that is not a UK National, cut Income Tax to 10%, abolish all other taxes and reduce class room sizes to 6 pupils per teacher (who would be earning a minimum of £60k a year, along with the Nurses - in fact all Public sector workers). They could also promise World Peace and free petrol for all.

    As they will never get into Government it won't matter because they will never be called out on it!
  • IAgree said:

    Labour planning to build 200,000 houses a year

    Should keep Edward's manicurist in work anyway.
  • DiscoCAFC said:

    The UK Independence Party has said it would cut income tax from 40p to 35p for people earning up to £55,000.

    At its party conference, UKIP will also promised to raise to £13,500 the amount people can earn before paying any income tax.

    In a plan to win the "blue-collar vote", Nigel Farage's party pledged to fund the changes by leaving the EU and cutting UK foreign aid by 85%.

    Given that our nurses are one of worst paid in their profession in comparison to other developed nations and actually earn less than the UK average wage I don't think there would be too many in the nursing profession benefiting from it.
    It always gets to me when wage comparison of the genreic word "Nurse" is added to the equation.

    Are you aware that a Band 9 experienced RCN earns between £77,850 and £98,453?

    Now I know very few 'nurses' are that experienced or work in specialist fields, but a mid range RCN on Band 6 or 7 will earn more than the UK average wage - and some significnatly more.

    Still not enough though.
  • edited September 2014

    UKIP can promise to remove us from the EC, kick out anyone that is not a UK National, cut Income Tax to 10%, abolish all other taxes and reduce class room sizes to 6 pupils per teacher (who would be earning a minimum of £60k a year, along with the Nurses - in fact all Public sector workers). They could also promise World Peace and free petrol for all.

    Fucking hell - I must have missed that at their Doncaster conference.

    Works for me - now where do I sign up?

    Edit, on second thoughts, I'd probably end up getting kicked out of the country.

    Booo Farage..........

  • Addickted said:

    DiscoCAFC said:

    The UK Independence Party has said it would cut income tax from 40p to 35p for people earning up to £55,000.

    At its party conference, UKIP will also promised to raise to £13,500 the amount people can earn before paying any income tax.

    In a plan to win the "blue-collar vote", Nigel Farage's party pledged to fund the changes by leaving the EU and cutting UK foreign aid by 85%.

    Given that our nurses are one of worst paid in their profession in comparison to other developed nations and actually earn less than the UK average wage I don't think there would be too many in the nursing profession benefiting from it.
    It always gets to me when wage comparison of the genreic word "Nurse" is added to the equation.

    Are you aware that a Band 9 experienced RCN earns between £77,850 and £98,453?

    Now I know very few 'nurses' are that experienced or work in specialist fields, but a mid range RCN on Band 6 or 7 will earn more than the UK average wage - and some significnatly more.

    Still not enough though.

    Band 9 is practically running a whole Trust

    A senior sister I "know" is "only" a band 7. You would hope a senior sister would earn more than the national average, though.
  • edited September 2014
    Had this blogger got too much time on his hands? Caution - he claims to be a West Ham fan.

    Back in 2010 he analysed the ''Labour's 27 Broken Manifesto Promises''

    ''As Labour launches its manifesto today, I thought it might be helpful to demonstrate how meeaningless the whole exercise is. Why? Well, all you need to do is go back to their 2005 manifesto and check their promises against what they have acually delivered. Here are 27 of Labour's broken promises...''
  • Addickted said:

    DiscoCAFC said:

    The UK Independence Party has said it would cut income tax from 40p to 35p for people earning up to £55,000.

    At its party conference, UKIP will also promised to raise to £13,500 the amount people can earn before paying any income tax.

    In a plan to win the "blue-collar vote", Nigel Farage's party pledged to fund the changes by leaving the EU and cutting UK foreign aid by 85%.

    Given that our nurses are one of worst paid in their profession in comparison to other developed nations and actually earn less than the UK average wage I don't think there would be too many in the nursing profession benefiting from it.
    It always gets to me when wage comparison of the genreic word "Nurse" is added to the equation.

    Are you aware that a Band 9 experienced RCN earns between £77,850 and £98,453?

    Now I know very few 'nurses' are that experienced or work in specialist fields, but a mid range RCN on Band 6 or 7 will earn more than the UK average wage - and some significnatly more.

    Still not enough though.

    Band 9 is practically running a whole Trust

    A senior sister I "know" is "only" a band 7. You would hope a senior sister would earn more than the national average, though.
    By my reckoning that makes you a kept man.

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  • Addickted said:

    Addickted said:

    DiscoCAFC said:

    The UK Independence Party has said it would cut income tax from 40p to 35p for people earning up to £55,000.

    At its party conference, UKIP will also promised to raise to £13,500 the amount people can earn before paying any income tax.

    In a plan to win the "blue-collar vote", Nigel Farage's party pledged to fund the changes by leaving the EU and cutting UK foreign aid by 85%.

    Given that our nurses are one of worst paid in their profession in comparison to other developed nations and actually earn less than the UK average wage I don't think there would be too many in the nursing profession benefiting from it.
    It always gets to me when wage comparison of the genreic word "Nurse" is added to the equation.

    Are you aware that a Band 9 experienced RCN earns between £77,850 and £98,453?

    Now I know very few 'nurses' are that experienced or work in specialist fields, but a mid range RCN on Band 6 or 7 will earn more than the UK average wage - and some significnatly more.

    Still not enough though.

    Band 9 is practically running a whole Trust

    A senior sister I "know" is "only" a band 7. You would hope a senior sister would earn more than the national average, though.
    By my reckoning that makes you a kept man.

    I wish, I fecking wish
  • Addickted said:

    Addickted said:

    DiscoCAFC said:

    The UK Independence Party has said it would cut income tax from 40p to 35p for people earning up to £55,000.

    At its party conference, UKIP will also promised to raise to £13,500 the amount people can earn before paying any income tax.

    In a plan to win the "blue-collar vote", Nigel Farage's party pledged to fund the changes by leaving the EU and cutting UK foreign aid by 85%.

    Given that our nurses are one of worst paid in their profession in comparison to other developed nations and actually earn less than the UK average wage I don't think there would be too many in the nursing profession benefiting from it.
    It always gets to me when wage comparison of the genreic word "Nurse" is added to the equation.

    Are you aware that a Band 9 experienced RCN earns between £77,850 and £98,453?

    Now I know very few 'nurses' are that experienced or work in specialist fields, but a mid range RCN on Band 6 or 7 will earn more than the UK average wage - and some significnatly more.

    Still not enough though.

    Band 9 is practically running a whole Trust

    A senior sister I "know" is "only" a band 7. You would hope a senior sister would earn more than the national average, though.
    By my reckoning that makes you a kept man.

    I wish, I fecking wish
    Well tell her to pull her finger out then. Must be some Band 8's going about. Has she no ambition for you?
  • Addickted said:

    DiscoCAFC said:

    The UK Independence Party has said it would cut income tax from 40p to 35p for people earning up to £55,000.

    At its party conference, UKIP will also promised to raise to £13,500 the amount people can earn before paying any income tax.

    In a plan to win the "blue-collar vote", Nigel Farage's party pledged to fund the changes by leaving the EU and cutting UK foreign aid by 85%.

    Given that our nurses are one of worst paid in their profession in comparison to other developed nations and actually earn less than the UK average wage I don't think there would be too many in the nursing profession benefiting from it.
    It always gets to me when wage comparison of the genreic word "Nurse" is added to the equation.

    Are you aware that a Band 9 experienced RCN earns between £77,850 and £98,453?

    Now I know very few 'nurses' are that experienced or work in specialist fields, but a mid range RCN on Band 6 or 7 will earn more than the UK average wage - and some significnatly more.

    Still not enough though.
    The overwhelming majority of Nurses are on Band 5s with a top rate of 27 k and 6s with a top rate of just over 34 k I am unaware of anyone on higher than a 8a and that is for a very few Nurses would manage a very large service. Never heard of anyone being on a grade 9

    My daughter has just qualified as a Midwife and will be taking a considerable amount of responsibility for 21k.

    Nurses received increments which have long been part of thier pay structure and are all now performance related as opposed to given automatically. They have not received a pay rise for five years and should all get 1% as well as any earned performance bonus.

    Nurses are by no means well paid.


    Would heartily recommend the above website
  • KHA, yes of course ukip are nowhere near forming a government, but my point was that they are approaching a time where they will be capable of making things very difficult for other parties in a number of ways. The current coalition is a good example of how the government is unable to govern in the way they like to, without making concessions.
  • As a lifelong labour voter I am keeping one eye on the fact that all the crap in the Tory
    party is jumping ship to Ukip. This does mean I may well become a Tory at the next election. My old dad wouldn't forgive me , but Milliband doesn't do it for me, and I hate Farage more than Crystal Palace.
  • Labour policies I've heard of:
    3,000 more nurses
    Reunite trains with tracks to run railways better
    A two year (not two minute) constitution commission
    Raise the minimum wage (which should lower benefits bill)
    Build more housed (behind the scenes they want to tackle housing benefit)
    I expect there is a manifesto process to develop the full offering.

    Housing benefit and benefits for the low paid are two massive government bills, far bigger than the EU budget contribution or overseas aid!
    These two benefits are basically subsidies to landlords and to large corporations from the public purse. Employers campaigned against the introduction of the minimum wage in the first place claiming it would cost jobs but employment has been going up every year.

    Milliband not too charismatic but he's smart and he's not making mistakes. The latest policy about youth apprenticeships is very persuasive - jobs and training is good for individuals good for the benefits bill and good for the country.

    Meanwhile I see the tories announce a tax cut for the rich by eliminating "pension death taxes". So income not taxed going into a pension will now be allowed to be inherited by next of kin tax free
  • Not making mistakes?
  • We'll be talking about this after the elections:
  • It makes no difference who is Labour leader they face a drip drip drip slow-burn character assassination by the press.

    Boris might have common touch.

    Farrage might present well.

    At the end of the day however a common touch from a bloody nice bloke won't create jobs, pay bills, keep energy costs down, fund hospitals or raise the minimum wage.

    Policy is what matters.

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