GJ does have a point somewhat in that some posters aren't seen for shit but as soon as a thread like this appears out they pop and must feel really good about themselves.
GJ does have a point somewhat in that some posters aren't seen for shit but as soon as a thread like this appears out they pop and must feel really good about themselves.
Say what you like,but there is a definite smear of casual racism/homophobia on here from a minority of muttonheads.
Are you a native American?
Well played.
There's something deeply ironic about someone complaining about Casual racism when he's given himself a name that has very recently caused a huge shitstorm for its offensiveness.
In fact, that particular term has been offensive since the 70s.
Surely with that in mind, you of all people @Redskin, can see its not always as simple as "He said a word that could be racist!"? That in fact there must be some intention behind the use of the word?
After all, I'm sure there was no intention to be racist when you signed up to CharltonLife? But if you used that term to describe a native American it would be very offensive. So does intention not come in to whether something should be deemed racist or not?
Greenie hit the nail on the head a few pages back. I'll never forget my grandad saying I look queer.. He meant I look ill. He had no intention to insinuate I was homosexual.
The intentions behind a word mean just as much as the choice of word
Say what you like,but there is a definite smear of casual racism/homophobia on here from a minority of muttonheads.
Are you a native American?
Well played.
There's something deeply ironic about someone complaining about Casual racism when he's given himself a name that has very recently caused a huge shitstorm for its offensiveness.
In fact, that particular term has been offensive since the 70s.
Surely with that in mind, you of all people @Redskin, can see its not always as simple as "He said a word that could be racist!"? That in fact there must be some intention behind the use of the word?
After all, I'm sure there was no intention to be racist when you signed up to CharltonLife? But if you used that term to describe a native American it would be very offensive. So does intention not come in to whether something should be deemed racist or not?
Greenie hit the nail on the head a few pages back. I'll never forget my grandad saying I look queer.. He meant I look ill. He had no intention to insinuate I was homosexual.
The intentions behind a word mean just as much as the choice of word
If there are any Native Americans, or anybody for that matter, on here that find my name offensive, then I apologise, and will happily change it.
Say what you like,but there is a definite smear of casual racism/homophobia on here from a minority of muttonheads.
Are you a native American?
Well played.
There's something deeply ironic about someone complaining about Casual racism when he's given himself a name that has very recently caused a huge shitstorm for its offensiveness.
In fact, that particular term has been offensive since the 70s.
Surely with that in mind, you of all people @Redskin, can see its not always as simple as "He said a word that could be racist!"? That in fact there must be some intention behind the use of the word?
After all, I'm sure there was no intention to be racist when you signed up to CharltonLife? But if you used that term to describe a native American it would be very offensive. So does intention not come in to whether something should be deemed racist or not?
Greenie hit the nail on the head a few pages back. I'll never forget my grandad saying I look queer.. He meant I look ill. He had no intention to insinuate I was homosexual.
The intentions behind a word mean just as much as the choice of word
If there are any Native Americans, or anybody for that matter, on here that find myname offensive, then I apologise, and will happily change it.
But then we all know that's bollocks.
So because there's no Native Americans on here it doesn't matter...? So can we be a cove of hatred as long as those foreigners don't know?
I am, of course, joking.
Excuse the stupid way of getting to that point, but can't we agree it does simply boil down to intention and some words aren't simply "racist", but can be used in different contexts?
If so, shall we get back on topic about the disgusting little cretin who spat at Carson?
I know I will come across as a 'leftie' or 'liberal' on here but actually I'd rather be that than behave like some of the posters on here who cannot see that their casual and throwaway language is offensive.
Sometimes you do have to temper your own, traditional use of language or behaviour because the world has changed. That is a good thing as it has given a voice to many people and groups of people who in the past had no voice. This includes people of colour, race, disability and sexual persuasion ( a terrible term but it certainly isn't choice.)
There are people on this forum who have relatives or friends with disabilities. They will rightly get offended by terms such as mong or spaz or retard or any similar words that are historically acceptable. But should people only get offended because they know someone who is physically or mentally disabled? I don't know someone who has a physical disability but I would still consider it unacceptable to use the terms I have listed earlier.
And this applies when calling something that is broken or imperfect 'gay' like many people do. That is offensive.
Therefore, as the term 'pikey' has its roots in being a derogatory word for gypsies or travellers it is offensive.
I could go on but won't. Suffice to say that I see on a daily basis the effect casual offensive language has on people. If you don't wish to change what you say or the words you use then fine. But surely that means you cannot be offended by words that other people use to you, about you or about people you love.
I use the word Mong in every day life, so do a lot of people I know and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. Its a throw away word for when someone's being an idiot but on another site I had someone telling me how offensive it was.
Like father,like son...
Sorry Geronimo! ;o)
FWIW I have no time for racism etc but what also pisses me off no end is trouble makers trying to find it where it does not exist!
I use the word Mong in every day life, so do a lot of people I know and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. Its a throw away word for when someone's being an idiot but on another site I had someone telling me how offensive it was.
I use the word Mong in every day life, so do a lot of people I know and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. Its a throw away word for when someone's being an idiot but on another site I had someone telling me how offensive it was.
So, if you had a child, that suffered from Downs Syndrome. You would refer to them as a mong ?
I didn't say I refer to downs people as mongs. I said when someone acts like an idiot.
Why do people on this site act like they're the holiest of holy. I'd put money that yourself, HI and Redskin have said things before that would be 'frowned' upon in this easily offended world we live in.
The difference is you are obviously very aware that what you say may offend and seem to be proud of it to boot!
Correct Greenie Junior, I have said things in PRIVATE, that would be frowned upon.
But I don't go on a public message board and say offensive things (hopefully). It may be two faced, but it is being aware, that anyone, can read this. This is why so many people come a cropper, with their tweets.
And yes, years ago, I no doubt said mong. But I have learnt, that it is not acceptable and I wouldn't be so naive, as to say I will continue saying it.
Anyway, you're a good lad & I don't want to sound too precious, so these are my just views.
No offence intended. Just a discussion.
I know it's just your views mate, no offence taken. I enjoy a good discussion.
I don't think I've said offensive things to people on here, other than calling my dad a pikey earlier in the thread. I simply was mentioning someone having the hump with me saying Mong and admitted to using the term regularly.
I think the only time I've used the term on here was when I'd had a few beers and entered a heated debate, was probably wrong of me to use it on here as I know people will get offended. As I say though, I will most likely continue to use it when speaking with friends etc
Oh do fuck off, we've just beat derby 3-2 and you're searching for statements from show racism the red card to tell us what is/isn't racist. Very very weird.
I use the word Mong in every day life, so do a lot of people I know and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. Its a throw away word for when someone's being an idiot but on another site I had someone telling me how offensive it was.
I use the word Mong in every day life, so do a lot of people I know and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. Its a throw away word for when someone's being an idiot but on another site I had someone telling me how offensive it was.
So, if you had a child, that suffered from Downs Syndrome. You would refer to them as a mong ?
I didn't say I refer to downs people as mongs. I said when someone acts like an idiot.
Why do people on this site act like they're the holiest of holy. I'd put money that yourself, HI and Redskin have said things before that would be 'frowned' upon in this easily offended world we live in.
The difference is you are obviously very aware that what you say may offend and seem to be proud of it to boot!
Correct Greenie Junior, I have said things in PRIVATE, that would be frowned upon.
But I don't go on a public message board and say offensive things (hopefully). It may be two faced, but it is being aware, that anyone, can read this. This is why so many people come a cropper, with their tweets.
And yes, years ago, I no doubt said mong. But I have learnt, that it is not acceptable and I wouldn't be so naive, as to say I will continue saying it.
Anyway, you're a good lad & I don't want to sound too precious, so these are my just views.
No offence intended. Just a discussion.
I know it's just your views mate, no offence taken. I enjoy a good discussion.
I don't think I've said offensive things to people on here, other than calling my dad a pikey earlier in the thread. I simply was mentioning someone having the hump with me saying Mong and admitted to using the term regularly.
I think the only time I've used the term on here was when I'd had a few beers and entered a heated debate, was probably wrong of me to use it on here as I know people will get offended. As I say though, I will most likely continue to use it when speaking with friends etc
Would you use the word 'mong' if someone close to you was Down's Syndrome?
The trouble with closing this thread down is that (as the heading implied) it was about the disgusting behaviour of one of our supporters, not about degrading terms used by people to others. I am interested in what the club intends to do about the Carson affair, not the childish language used by ignorant people, who would be upset by certain words used against them.
I use the word Mong in every day life, so do a lot of people I know and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. Its a throw away word for when someone's being an idiot but on another site I had someone telling me how offensive it was.
I use the word Mong in every day life, so do a lot of people I know and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. Its a throw away word for when someone's being an idiot but on another site I had someone telling me how offensive it was.
So, if you had a child, that suffered from Downs Syndrome. You would refer to them as a mong ?
I didn't say I refer to downs people as mongs. I said when someone acts like an idiot.
Why do people on this site act like they're the holiest of holy. I'd put money that yourself, HI and Redskin have said things before that would be 'frowned' upon in this easily offended world we live in.
The difference is you are obviously very aware that what you say may offend and seem to be proud of it to boot!
Correct Greenie Junior, I have said things in PRIVATE, that would be frowned upon.
But I don't go on a public message board and say offensive things (hopefully). It may be two faced, but it is being aware, that anyone, can read this. This is why so many people come a cropper, with their tweets.
And yes, years ago, I no doubt said mong. But I have learnt, that it is not acceptable and I wouldn't be so naive, as to say I will continue saying it.
Anyway, you're a good lad & I don't want to sound too precious, so these are my just views.
No offence intended. Just a discussion.
I know it's just your views mate, no offence taken. I enjoy a good discussion.
I don't think I've said offensive things to people on here, other than calling my dad a pikey earlier in the thread. I simply was mentioning someone having the hump with me saying Mong and admitted to using the term regularly.
I think the only time I've used the term on here was when I'd had a few beers and entered a heated debate, was probably wrong of me to use it on here as I know people will get offended. As I say though, I will most likely continue to use it when speaking with friends etc
Would you use the word 'mong' if someone close to you was Down's Syndrome?
As in, my family? Yes, 100%. I don't associate the word Mong with people who have Down's syndrome. If I was using a word to offensively describe them, wouldn't it be downie? (Genuine question, not out to offend)
Oh do fuck off, we've just beat derby 3-2 and you're searching for statements from show racism the red card to tell us what is/isn't racist. Very very weird.
But didn't you say it was okay to say words like that, Chizz?
Oh do fuck off, we've just beat derby 3-2 and you're searching for statements from show racism the red card to tell us what is/isn't racist. Very very weird.
But didn't you say it was okay to say words like that, Chizz?
I use the word Mong in every day life, so do a lot of people I know and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. Its a throw away word for when someone's being an idiot but on another site I had someone telling me how offensive it was.
I use the word Mong in every day life, so do a lot of people I know and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. Its a throw away word for when someone's being an idiot but on another site I had someone telling me how offensive it was.
So, if you had a child, that suffered from Downs Syndrome. You would refer to them as a mong ?
I didn't say I refer to downs people as mongs. I said when someone acts like an idiot.
Why do people on this site act like they're the holiest of holy. I'd put money that yourself, HI and Redskin have said things before that would be 'frowned' upon in this easily offended world we live in.
The difference is you are obviously very aware that what you say may offend and seem to be proud of it to boot!
Correct Greenie Junior, I have said things in PRIVATE, that would be frowned upon.
But I don't go on a public message board and say offensive things (hopefully). It may be two faced, but it is being aware, that anyone, can read this. This is why so many people come a cropper, with their tweets.
And yes, years ago, I no doubt said mong. But I have learnt, that it is not acceptable and I wouldn't be so naive, as to say I will continue saying it.
Anyway, you're a good lad & I don't want to sound too precious, so these are my just views.
No offence intended. Just a discussion.
I know it's just your views mate, no offence taken. I enjoy a good discussion.
I don't think I've said offensive things to people on here, other than calling my dad a pikey earlier in the thread. I simply was mentioning someone having the hump with me saying Mong and admitted to using the term regularly.
I think the only time I've used the term on here was when I'd had a few beers and entered a heated debate, was probably wrong of me to use it on here as I know people will get offended. As I say though, I will most likely continue to use it when speaking with friends etc
Would you use the word 'mong' if someone close to you was Down's Syndrome?
As in, my family? Yes, 100%. I don't associate the word Mong with people who have Down's syndrome. If I was using a word to offensively describe them, wouldn't it be downie? (Genuine question, not out to offend)
Nah. You clearly don't know this, so you can be excused. 'mong' is short for 'mongoloid', which is (or rather was - I haven't heard it used in at least 20 years, probably longer) an extremely offensive word used for people with Down Syndrome
I use the word Mong in every day life, so do a lot of people I know and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. Its a throw away word for when someone's being an idiot but on another site I had someone telling me how offensive it was.
I use the word Mong in every day life, so do a lot of people I know and I'm not going to stop anytime soon. Its a throw away word for when someone's being an idiot but on another site I had someone telling me how offensive it was.
So, if you had a child, that suffered from Downs Syndrome. You would refer to them as a mong ?
I didn't say I refer to downs people as mongs. I said when someone acts like an idiot.
Why do people on this site act like they're the holiest of holy. I'd put money that yourself, HI and Redskin have said things before that would be 'frowned' upon in this easily offended world we live in.
The difference is you are obviously very aware that what you say may offend and seem to be proud of it to boot!
Correct Greenie Junior, I have said things in PRIVATE, that would be frowned upon.
But I don't go on a public message board and say offensive things (hopefully). It may be two faced, but it is being aware, that anyone, can read this. This is why so many people come a cropper, with their tweets.
And yes, years ago, I no doubt said mong. But I have learnt, that it is not acceptable and I wouldn't be so naive, as to say I will continue saying it.
Anyway, you're a good lad & I don't want to sound too precious, so these are my just views.
No offence intended. Just a discussion.
I know it's just your views mate, no offence taken. I enjoy a good discussion.
I don't think I've said offensive things to people on here, other than calling my dad a pikey earlier in the thread. I simply was mentioning someone having the hump with me saying Mong and admitted to using the term regularly.
I think the only time I've used the term on here was when I'd had a few beers and entered a heated debate, was probably wrong of me to use it on here as I know people will get offended. As I say though, I will most likely continue to use it when speaking with friends etc
Would you use the word 'mong' if someone close to you was Down's Syndrome?
As in, my family? Yes, 100%. I don't associate the word Mong with people who have Down's syndrome. If I was using a word to offensively describe them, wouldn't it be downie? (Genuine question, not out to offend)
Mong is a word that people used to use about Down's Syndrome people. I suppose it has evolved to mean someone who is a bit of a div or an idiot. As it is a word that was used to offend people with a mental illness I wouldn't use it nowadays, although I did as a kid before knowing what it really meant.
(Apologies if you are offended by the word pathetic)
Who are you talking about, exactly? Name names.
There's something deeply ironic about someone complaining about Casual racism when he's given himself a name that has very recently caused a huge shitstorm for its offensiveness.
In fact, that particular term has been offensive since the 70s.
Surely with that in mind, you of all people @Redskin, can see its not always as simple as "He said a word that could be racist!"? That in fact there must be some intention behind the use of the word?
After all, I'm sure there was no intention to be racist when you signed up to CharltonLife? But if you used that term to describe a native American it would be very offensive. So does intention not come in to whether something should be deemed racist or not?
Greenie hit the nail on the head a few pages back. I'll never forget my grandad saying I look queer.. He meant I look ill. He had no intention to insinuate I was homosexual.
The intentions behind a word mean just as much as the choice of word
pikeychap that spat at the goalkeeper start another thre... Oh.If there are any Native Americans, or anybody for that matter, on here that find my name offensive, then I apologise, and will happily change it.
But then we all know that's bollocks.
I am, of course, joking.
Excuse the stupid way of getting to that point, but can't we agree it does simply boil down to intention and some words aren't simply "racist", but can be used in different contexts?
If so, shall we get back on topic about the disgusting little cretin who spat at Carson?
Sometimes you do have to temper your own, traditional use of language or behaviour because the world has changed. That is a good thing as it has given a voice to many people and groups of people who in the past had no voice. This includes people of colour, race, disability and sexual persuasion ( a terrible term but it certainly isn't choice.)
There are people on this forum who have relatives or friends with disabilities. They will rightly get offended by terms such as mong or spaz or retard or any similar words that are historically acceptable. But should people only get offended because they know someone who is physically or mentally disabled? I don't know someone who has a physical disability but I would still consider it unacceptable to use the terms I have listed earlier.
And this applies when calling something that is broken or imperfect 'gay' like many people do. That is offensive.
Therefore, as the term 'pikey' has its roots in being a derogatory word for gypsies or travellers it is offensive.
I could go on but won't. Suffice to say that I see on a daily basis the effect casual offensive language has on people. If you don't wish to change what you say or the words you use then fine. But surely that means you cannot be offended by words that other people use to you, about you or about people you love.
FWIW I have no time for racism etc but what also pisses me off no end is trouble makers trying to find it where it does not exist!
I don't think I've said offensive things to people on here, other than calling my dad a pikey earlier in the thread.
I simply was mentioning someone having the hump with me saying Mong and admitted to using the term regularly.
I think the only time I've used the term on here was when I'd had a few beers and entered a heated debate, was probably wrong of me to use it on here as I know people will get offended. As I say though, I will most likely continue to use it when speaking with friends etc