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Peeters: Owner has told me to make sure Charlton stay up



  • edited August 2014

    2 seasons and we will know what Rd wants this one and the next

    The ground is looking mint to get folks through the door, entice players into.thinking it's being geared up for prem, and get Corp monies back in, with the food company changing

    All spells good times ahead and the club not going to go into administration

    Which wasn't how it was feeling this time lady season

    Lady season? Is this a curious reference to @Fanny Fanackapan‌, who, it seems, is a seasoned lady
  • edited August 2014

    Blucher said:

    I must say that I found Bob's press conference pretty compelling and full of common sense. Leaving aside the fact that our turnover and budget is well below the average for this division, why would he want to put himself and the players (a number of whom have never kicked a ball in this country) under unnecessary pressure at this stage ? As The Curbs used to say, an important part of any manager's job is to manage expectations.

    As for Roland, he is letting his actions do the talking at the present time and the basic strategy of signing good young talent looks to be a very sound one, as long as the team overall is sufficiently streetwise for this brutal division. Whilst a balance is always required, it is understandable that the club is shopping abroad when you look at the fees of £11 million and £5.5 million for McCormack and Assombalonga respectively - and that's before you even get on to the issue of wages.

    As to new signings, it seems pretty clear that the Delort deal is still under discussion, although Bob quite rightly made the point that the focus now is on Saturday and our existing squad. His reference to our having plenty of time to secure reinforcements until 31 August may have been a coded message to Tours not to overplay their hand but no doubt all will become clear shortly.

    Overall, whilst there are inevitably uncertainties in this period of change, it all looks pretty encouraging.

    Couldn't agree more. I don't think there is any lack of ambition. Duchatelet has a plan, but he doesn't know how well it might work or how aggressive he needs to be. We'll all learn a lot this season and for Duchatelet this will mean finding out how much to up the ante next summer in order to have a real crack at the Play-Offs. Peeters made it very clear that the expectation is for the side to improve over the next 2-3 years.

    Peeters comes across well. He's thoughtful and yet direct. I'd guess he knows what he wants from his players and that he doesn't take prisoners when he's not satisfied. I like him.

    There are no guarantees and things can always go wrong, but we really are in much better shape than we were 12 or 24 months ago.
    I'm surprised by you Mundell, speaking of turnovers and budgets, saying they make a winning team - and I know you are being disingenuous. The many players who beat us last year didn't rush up the wing with spreadsheets in their pockets, disappointed by their managers, and hoping to cash in as a bit-part in Big Brother.

    They were financially insecure, unloved by their managers, and worried about their wives - yet who, exactly, were those Barnsley players who beat us at The Valley three months ago - and still went down? They beat us because they are drilled, rehearsed and coached better. There is absolutely no reason why our mix of old pros and young pretenders shouldn't have a solid defence, a forward-looking midfield, and an utterly merciless attack.

    Isn't it about bloody time we stamped our authority on this game?
  • You been to Sparrows Lane yet??
  • If Roland genuinely sticks to this and gives bob time then I think it's a very sensible move - its a young squad with very little champ experience with coaches with little/no champ experience. As Katrien and Murray said in their interview, this season really is a bit of an experiment. Obviously Roland would be disappointed if we don't see a marked improvement in last year given the investment but it really is a bit of the unknown this year.
  • jac52 said:

    Absolutely ridiculous. All the players should be told that anything but a top six finish is unnacceptable as clearly that's what we're all expecting so they need to feel the additional pressure and not get it into their heads that coming between 21st and 7th is what we expect.

    On behalf on @jac52... I think a LOT of us have just been...

  • thought every manager said that the first aim is to stay up and then take it on from there. I'm sure that BP has higher aspirations than just keeping us up and he was responding to the least RD expected so don't understand why some are using this as a stick to beat BP with already.
  • He would have told the players his real aims. Nothing wrong with him coming out and saying the main objective is to stay up.

    He will have a goal a little bit more optimistic than just staying up and I'm sure he would have told the squad what he wants to achieve this season.
  • Well that will motivate these targets to sign for us, I'm sure!

    What he's telling us and what he's telling the players are quite possibly two different things.

    Staying up can mean finishing anywhere between 3rd and 21st - I would imagine the expectation is that we'll stay up pretty comfortably at least.

    Personally I think they are being very realistic. Who knows, we might really click and have a flying season but they'd be mad to out that pressure on themselves by pronouncing to the media and fans that they expect big things this season.
    Agreed Exiled. I think this statement has been quite typical of what we've heard from Bob since he's been appointed. From his demeanour and passing comments I think he's got some real ambition and believe in what he wants to achieve. Realistically he knows 8 new players have joined, competitively they will take time to mould. At this stage if he says 'we expect to stay up, go up, or anywhere in between' then anyone could argue it's the wrong stance.

    To analyse or read anything into such a broad statement given he, and a number of players are new to the club is quite hard to do at this stage.

    I also think what he's telling the players in private is instilling belief they can get promotion. It's little things like his reactions in the first half against Pompey last week when players lose the ball.

    I reckon we could surprise a few people this season, but to promote that publicly isn't the be all and end all
  • From the little i have learned over the past few weeks concerning your club, stability is not something you guys have had for quite a long time now. I believe that the main goal now is to stabilize the club, the results, the financial aspects and try to get a sense of what is possible, can the club grow, new sponsors, more fans in the ground, better results and a maturing group of players.

    Viewfinder, your comment about budget is just silly, money doesn't win games but money provides the team and set up that can win you games. Passion and coaching can only get players performing at their maximum, but if that maximum is reached you cant progress without players that have a higher maximum potential.

    Belgian i hope you stick around mate, you seem knowledgeable about all aspects of football and its good to hear from someone looking in.

    Saying that…Spurs? dear o dear.
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  • agree with Gary.

    @Belgian_Spur‌ really enjoying your inputs.
  • From the little i have learned over the past few weeks concerning your club, stability is not something you guys have had for quite a long time now. I believe that the main goal now is to stabilize the club, the results, the financial aspects and try to get a sense of what is possible, can the club grow, new sponsors, more fans in the ground, better results and a maturing group of players.

    Viewfinder, your comment about budget is just silly, money doesn't win games but money provides the team and set up that can win you games. Passion and coaching can only get players performing at their maximum, but if that maximum is reached you cant progress without players that have a higher maximum potential.

    Belgian i hope you stick around mate, you seem knowledgeable about all aspects of football and its good to hear from someone looking in.

    Saying that…Spurs? dear o dear.
    Haha being a spurs fan , all the red surrounding your team makes me queasy
  • edited August 2014
    What i ment about the passion and maxiumum potential is this, a team having a wonderyear with a wondercoach and the right amount of luck can sometimes win silverware but for that team to be consistent enough to perform on that same level and compete year in/ year out it has to have the budget to keep bringing in new impulses, improving the staff, the pitch, the ground. Winning is part of a clubs culture, seen it myself a lot of times. If i came into a team that was used to winning, it improved my own play - you get a different mindset and stop believing in luck, you start seeing the merit and just know that when you step out on the pitch, they'll have to be 110 % to try and stop you. From a fluke with merit to a constant performer with merit is the hardest progression to make, only the top few players achieve that. And even the very top like CR7 crumble when the pressure is perceived as too high or the circumstances are forcing them out of their comfort zone.

    Once you reach a certain level in all sports, its the marginal differences that can make you better than everyone else competing on the same level.

    That or you have a team called PSG and just buy Ibra and pay him about 60-70 million a year (thats about what he costs them due to french tax policies).

    RD is no oil sheik nor a Russion ex kgb billionaire, he's rich but not forbes fortune 500 (or probably not even 50000) rich. The difference between rich and wealthy ...
  • Just love the optimism for the new season!
  • Just love the optimism for the new season!

    Just hope people will stay optimistic even if we lose tomorrow
  • RD is no oil sheik but he is the richest owner we've ever had which means when something needs doing like the pitch or squad additions it's not a case of when but which one. At the same time he looks like he wants to utilise the young talent already at the club and not just throw money at every position. It will be up to the whole squad to keep up as I suspect he will look to add better players every window.
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