Big Bob lives in William Barefoot Drive up by the shops and across the road from what was The Royal. He did 6 years in the army, was dishonourably discharged, something to do with the regimental goat. Then got into a bit of petty thievery and did a couple of stretches in local nicks... Oh sorry, you meant OUR Big Bob?
On a dark, dark hill, there was a dark, dark town. In the dark, dark town, there was a dark, dark street. On the dark, dark street, there was a dark, dark house. In the dark, dark house, there was a dark, dark staircase. Down the dark, dark staircase, there was a dark, dark cellar. And in the dark, dark cellar, Bob Peeters lives.
He doesn't live anywhere because Big Bob is but a state of mind - at most a personification of the existential crisis as felt by all Charlton fans in Y1 of the RD years.