Provisional dates. Most guests to be confirmed as yet
All meetings at Bromley Conservative Club, Elmfield Road, BR1
Wed 10 Sept – TBC
Thursday 30 Oct – Team Management
Wed 3 Dec – Eddie Youds
Wed 28 Jan – Pairs Quiz
Thurs 12 March – Current Players
Wed 6 May – TBC
Is there any chance that you could get Richard Murray along to a meeting ? I dusted off my old Charlton shares the other day, & checked what they are now worth. I had quite a shock.
So we're still working on who the guest's will be then and in October.
When we know we'll tell the clique, the Illuminati. the Masons, ZOG and the new world order.
If you don't belong to any of those groups then try the Charlton programme or Charlton Life.
She'll come, everyone comes to Bromley Addicks, it's the law