Does anyone know how to stick a video file on this site? I've got two that should inspire the goodbye beard campaign but can't but the baskets on here.
If someone who knows how whispers me their e-mail address I'm at work for another five minutes and can e-mail the files over?????
I'll e-mail them to Andy to stick on youtube
I've gotta drive to Sheff Utd now as I'm dj'ing later that day so you have a choice of modes of transport next week
You know you want to...
Dunno on the driving dood. I fancy a beer. im driving when we go out tonight so if i drive tommorow it will be a completely beer free weekend and thats wrong! And watching football while everyone else is drinking beer and your drinking coke.................NIGHTMARE! But if theres no other means then ill drive. im not going to bother with trains and stuff.
Cant believe you driving to the sheffield game.........You melt! you have to blow out the djing mate. Think about it. If we win the celebrations are gonna be amazing and you will be gutted if you have to leave early.