To be honest I'm not worried what ANYONE says about our new signing Untill I see him in CAFC Shirt ( that doesn't mean I don't value anyone's opinion).
listen to Leicsters City fans views on kernorgant before he joint us? And how good was he exactly?
Let's not slag off a player before he has even kicked a ball for us! I have said it's 1000s times Charlton could sign Ronaldo and people would find somthing to moan about.
Welcome George I for one, I'm sure with a majority will be cheering you on from the stands
For every Yann though, there have been ten Tresor Kandols. That's not to say we have a dud but given Tucudean's failure to make an impact at Liege I think we are entitled to scepticism.
Also, Ronaldo? I don’t remember any negative comments in the Gudmundsson or Moussa threads.
Gut instinct and some aprehension that that will be all, feels like we need another proven striker, keeper, winger dont take ur foot off the throttle yet RD
Not gonna happen Raz. Proven players cost money. Real money and not I.o.u's between friends ;-/
Gut instinct and some aprehension that that will be all, feels like we need another proven striker, keeper, winger dont take ur foot off the throttle yet RD
Not gonna happen Raz. Proven players cost money. Real money and not I.o.u's between friends ;-/
Musical chairs. Not made it at SL but looking at the You a Tube clip he looks as though he might be more suited to the more physical Championship than the chess league of Jupiler. If he's only 23 now and spent last season on loan then he was only 20/21 when he arrived at SL.
Let's see what he's got before we condemn him. Welcome and good luck George. Rip up a few trees son.
I dont think it is done yet I think it will be but not done yet Nothing on OS, the picture looks blurry and that twitter account has only done 1 tweet @tucudeangeorge
Hahaha Paulie kicks off more than Brazil Ffs
Sorry explain how that is kicking off, I was merely making an observation
So was I .. I was observing you kicking off again,
I'm not complaining I find it funny, your like our very own Charlton life Roy Keane.
Sorry mate still trying to work this out, what part of my original message was me kicking off
I dont think it is done yet I think it will be but not done yet Nothing on OS, the picture looks blurry and that twitter account has only done 1 tweet @tucudeangeorge
Hahaha Paulie kicks off more than Brazil Ffs
Sorry explain how that is kicking off, I was merely making an observation
So was I .. I was observing you kicking off again,
I'm not complaining I find it funny, your like our very own Charlton life Roy Keane.
Sorry mate still trying to work this out, what part of my original message was me kicking off
Paulie it was a joke mate, Please dont get a headache over this
I can't say i watch enough of the Belgian league or the player himself to say why it never worked out at SL.
Perhaps he's the type of player that needs to feel like he's a leading player, and his confidence never got going at SL, playing 3rd or 4th striker to some of the serious quality they have there.
Lets see what he's like for us and hopefully he turns out to be a good addition.
I don't know how accurate the values on that transfermarket website are, but he's another one valued at about £1.3m. If accurate, most of the signings are a huge step up and we should be excited. Equally, the site could be a load of rubbish....
What are other members of the Charlton squad...the ones we 'know' valued at?
I don't know how accurate the values on that transfermarket website are, but he's another one valued at about £1.3m. If accurate, most of the signings are a huge step up and we should be excited. Equally, the site could be a load of rubbish....
What are other members of the Charlton squad...the ones we 'know' valued at?
Church - We will pay anything up to £5 to take him off our hands Jackson - Free Cousins - £500K Morrison - £750K
My memory might be playing tricks, but didn't the guy who met Bob on the train report Bob as saying he was going to sign two strikers, one of whom was 'shit hot'. If that was Igor, then maybe we can assume that Bob doesn't see George as 'shit hot' and knows that he's here as back-up/emergency use/see how he gets on.
That is speculation on speculation on a conversation that might not have happened in the first place, so I'll stop now.
Also @Greenie Junior you need to calm down, no need to be rude about outside fans giving us a view on a player, we welcome it whether you like it or not.
Yep it was me, perfectly calm, thanks for your concern.
But you know what, the bloke has signed, the ink is not dry and already we have an opinion on here that he is not very good. A third party opinion, and as if to reinforce the opinion he says that the same bloke said Buyens is good, I saw Buyens have a run on saturday he looks OK but it was a preseason 45, poles apart from a competitive Champ game. So based on the welling game I don't know yet.
RE, George, no one on this board has seen him play, yet already he's getting negative comments (how ridiculous is that), and this is what happens when someone posts a 3rd party opinion, George may have been going through a bad patch, all strikers do when Pas Belgian saw him. George has to only miss a couple of chances when he plays for us and thats his lot. But because of negative comments from the off, he doesn't stand a chance. David Mooney anyone?
I had a text last night from a mate (non Charlton) who said 'that George bloke, I understand he's pony'. We have a mutual friend who posts on here, who read it on this very thread and told him!!!!!
My point is, as far as I am aware no ones seen him play, so how do you know if he's any good? Are you going to take someone else's word for it or form your own balanced opinion.
And we wonder why some players done want to join us.
Belgian journo and Standard fan, Douglas de Coninck, mailed me this:
OMG. Tucudean joins Charlton? Don't expect too much This was the worst incoming transfer ever at Standard de Liège. Trust me, it's a long list...
And before people start, remember Douglas told us that Yoni Buyens will be a great player for us
And Buyens has been great has he? Let's just wait and judge ourselves shall we.
I am on holiday but I was not aware that the Championship season has already started. I am simply pointing out that the guy is even handed in his views. But has the advantage over anybody here of having seen them both play, many times, inBuyens case.
As usual you are free to pass judgment on anyone' s opinions, but why you should wish to hurl abuse at innocent Belgians who have actually seen these players, and don't really have an axe to grind, whether CAFC succeed or fail, is beyond me.
No time for negativity on players who haven't kicked a ball for us yet. Its here-say and furthermore its poison for the player and the club.
With yet another striker signed the pecking order for Sponge Foot is looking grim ...... Vetokele, Tucudean, Reza, Polish Pete, Piggott, My Nan, The Romanian With No Legs On CH5 Last Night, Stevie Wonder & Then SF Church!!!!
Don't get me talking about that Romanian with no legs!!!!!!!! £750 a month and he's happy as a sand boy! AND now his Mum & Dad are over here AND she is now claiming as his full time carer!!!! What next?
Probably a new f'ing skateboard!!!! No more please COYR......
Looks like he's a big lad with a good touch. That should at least give him a chance in this division. Looking forward to seeing him play. At least 10 starts before we dismiss him as useless please!
And we wonder why some players done want to join us.
Good post regarding giving players a chance, however aren't all fans the same? Don't think it's a uniquely Charlton thing.
Yes probably Nug, good shout! But were Charlton and we have some very intelligent contributors on this forum and I like to think we're better than that! )
And we wonder why some players done want to join us.
Good post regarding giving players a chance, however aren't all fans the same? Don't think it's a uniquely Charlton thing.
Maybe Watford fans were like this after Pozzo bought them and they witnessed a dozen players come in from Italy and Spain. It worked well for them (Though we now know they had a loophole which they exploited) eventually 2 seasons ago after a shaky start. None of these had played in the Championship before and it was a gamble that worked. Roly is gambling that the lads from Belgium and Romania (Buyens, Vetokole, Tucudean) will hit the ground running and hopefully turn out better than the inadequate quality that came over from Belgium last season (AA the exception)
It could take at least till Christmas before we can make a proper assessment. By then who knows where we will be in the league.
If players are going to be put off by reading negative comments on a message board, it's better if they don't even bother joining. Probably only Solly has escaped real criticism on here.
I'll make my own mind up after seeing him play but quite happy to see opinions from those that have already seen him.
Welcome George. I like the cut of his jib to be honest. Looks a little bit mental, strong, fast and a decent shot and can head the ball. I hereby proclaim him the new Killer Hales
Also, Ronaldo? I don’t remember any negative comments in the Gudmundsson or Moussa threads.
Let's see what he's got before we condemn him. Welcome and good luck George. Rip up a few trees son.
Perhaps he's the type of player that needs to feel like he's a leading player, and his confidence never got going at SL, playing 3rd or 4th striker to some of the serious quality they have there.
Lets see what he's like for us and hopefully he turns out to be a good addition.
Would be interesting comparisons
Church 660 Th. £
Jackson 352 Th. £
Cousins 528 Th. £
Morrison 616 Th. £
So Church is worth more than Cousins.
Back in the real world most of us can see that transfer market is just nonsense.
That is speculation on speculation on a conversation that might not have happened in the first place, so I'll stop now.
But you know what, the bloke has signed, the ink is not dry and already we have an opinion on here that he is not very good. A third party opinion, and as if to reinforce the opinion he says that the same bloke said Buyens is good, I saw Buyens have a run on saturday he looks OK but it was a preseason 45, poles apart from a competitive Champ game. So based on the welling game I don't know yet.
RE, George, no one on this board has seen him play, yet already he's getting negative comments (how ridiculous is that), and this is what happens when someone posts a 3rd party opinion, George may have been going through a bad patch, all strikers do when Pas Belgian saw him. George has to only miss a couple of chances when he plays for us and thats his lot. But because of negative comments from the off, he doesn't stand a chance. David Mooney anyone?
I had a text last night from a mate (non Charlton) who said 'that George bloke, I understand he's pony'.
We have a mutual friend who posts on here, who read it on this very thread and told him!!!!!
My point is, as far as I am aware no ones seen him play, so how do you know if he's any good?
Are you going to take someone else's word for it or form your own balanced opinion.
And we wonder why some players done want to join us.
Its here-say and furthermore its poison for the player and the club.
£750 a month and he's happy as a sand boy!
AND now his Mum & Dad are over here AND she is now claiming as his full time carer!!!!
What next?
Probably a new f'ing skateboard!!!!
No more please
But were Charlton and we have some very intelligent contributors on this forum and I like to think we're better than that!
3 year contract
It could take at least till Christmas before we can make a proper assessment. By then who knows where we will be in the league.
I'll make my own mind up after seeing him play but quite happy to see opinions from those that have already seen him.