revolutionary war/inoble struggele for independence? - nooooo, as usual in the u.$., it's money, money, money...they were fearful that after britain begin retreating from & later abolishing the slave trade, the same would be applied to the colonies, thereby threatening this mega money spinner/free labour source. to get a truer read on this turbulent time, check out for example, gerald horne's writings/talks online. for instance, he reports that the majority of slaves fought with the british! always delve below the story, below the story much truth is often lurking outside the headline nonsense.......i cannot wait for the new season to kick off, genuinely excited this term for some reason....
"Liberals hate America, they hate flag-wavers, they hate abortion opponents, they hate all religions except Islam, post 9/11. Even Islamic terrorists don't hate America like liberals do. They don't have the energy. If they had that much energy, they'd have indoor plumbing by now."
Oh dear, looks as though 'soccer', well actually football, not that brown rugby shaped ball that you 'throw' 10 yards to get ahead of everybody, may well be threatening the American ethos. Wouldn't it be lovely to see reduced sized pitches, larger goals and no offside rule to ensure a goal is scored every 2-3 minutes. Hold on, wasn't this proposed by the good ol USofA some time ago?
Oh dear, looks as though 'soccer', well actually football, not that brown rugby shaped ball that you 'throw' 10 yards to get ahead of everybody, may well be threatening the American ethos. Wouldn't it be lovely to see reduced sized pitches, larger goals and no offside rule to ensure a goal is scored every 2-3 minutes. Hold on, wasn't this proposed by the good ol USofA some time ago?
They already have that, it's called The Major Indoor Soccer League. All except for the larger goals.
...and we think british politics is head-up-arse absurd, you want to live amongst & listen to, the right of attila the hun zealots, for whom ann coulter is a torchbearer...she thrives on attention, ignore her...
Agreed. I've never understood why anyone would go around winding people up like that just for the attention they get. Proper weirdos.
I actually find it stranger that people bite at things like this, who are the fools?
...and we think british politics is head-up-arse absurd, you want to live amongst & listen to, the right of attila the hun zealots, for whom ann coulter is a torchbearer...she thrives on attention, ignore her...
Agreed. I've never understood why anyone would go around winding people up like that just for the attention they get. Proper weirdos.
I actually find it stranger that people bite at things like this, who are the fools?
And weirdest of the lot are people who find it strange that that people bite at things, and go on internet forums to tell them about it...
...and we think british politics is head-up-arse absurd, you want to live amongst & listen to, the right of attila the hun zealots, for whom ann coulter is a torchbearer...she thrives on attention, ignore her...
Agreed. I've never understood why anyone would go around winding people up like that just for the attention they get. Proper weirdos.
I actually find it stranger that people bite at things like this, who are the fools?
And weirdest of the lot are people who find it strange that that people bite at things, and go on internet forums to tell them about it...
Or are people who point out who the weirdest of the lot are, even stranger than all the others put together?
That would be good stand up
The bonus is that she can stay at home and have my tea ready when I come home from the football.