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The Sun & Labour & Liverpool

"Labour MPs have criticised their leader for associating himself with the paper, which has long been criticised for its reporting of the Hillsborough disaster.

Mr Miliband said he "understood the anger" felt on Merseyside about it.

So nobody is allowed to have any association with The Sun without upsetting the whole of Merseyside. Bullshit.


  • They're criticising him, not locking him up. They're entitled to do so. You're entitled to disagree.

    Another bad move by Milliband. He won't get any votes out of this and will just piss some of his base off. He also looks a bit mad in the photo.
  • PL54 said:

    "Labour MPs have criticised their leader for associating himself with the paper, which has long been criticised for its reporting of the Hillsborough disaster.

    Mr Miliband said he "understood the anger" felt on Merseyside about it.

    So nobody is allowed to have any association with The Sun without upsetting the whole of Merseyside. Bullshit.

    Pretty certain, though not 100% about it, that Blair (*spit) and Brown have written columns in that rag ?
  • Scousers complaining aye? Who'd have thought it
  • Feckin bin dippers, if my mates the two Ed's don't get in at the next election I will cry...
  • Tragedy for the families involved but as a city move on ffs.
  • and you'd think that they'd have learned after the Leveson enquiry. Another one getting into bed with Murdoch.
  • The Labour Party needs to schism, and fast. This is an iconic moment in demonstrating how and to what extent the party has betrayed its supporters. Miliband has no fibre whatsoever. He's a prostitute of the worst kind. Screw him. Screw The Sun.
  • The Labour Party need to burn fast
  • Good luck finding abstract matches to torch an abstract quantity! I don't necessarily disagree with the metaphysical thrust of your words, though - Britain needs a committed socially-conscious major party, and on this evidence we ain't getting one outta Labour.
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  • edited June 2014
    Crap paper - mine went straight in the bin - Labour need to get re- elected to get rid of the Tory government - The sooner the better - nice one Liverpool posties it's a hateful rag.
  • I think that Miliband's principal problem is his perceived hypocrisy when you compare (a) his pious comments a short while ago about the Hillsborough Inquiry and (b) his photo with the Sun's special World Cup edition. It suggests that he is motivated purely by political expediency and has - in the (in)famous words of Gordon Brown - no 'moral compass' - i.e. he is a bit of a tit who will be lurking on the back benches (if he's lucky) in a year's time.

    Very sensible of Murdoch to exclude Liverpool from the 22 million homes to which they distributed their free sheet. To the credit of the people of Liverpool, the Sun hasn't sold a copy there for a couple of decades. A copy came through our letterbox and found its way into the recycling box even faster than the Richmond & Twickenham Times (which is quite something).
  • I just think it's ridiculous that Miliband, Cameron AND Clegg are basically allowing themselves to be used in a PR stunt for the Sun. Surely they've got better things to be doing?
  • Leuth said:

    The Labour Party needs to schism, and fast.

    It already has - David Miliband took all their brain cells off to New York.
  • aliwibble said:

    I just think it's ridiculous that Miliband, Cameron AND Clegg are basically allowing themselves to be used in a PR stunt for the Sun. Surely they've got better things to be doing?

    Think they were trying to jump on the bandwagon as such people do with all sporting events.

    I presume Miliband's PR people thought this was ok so is the apology really sincere.

  • Leuth said:

    The Labour Party needs to schism, and fast. This is an iconic moment in demonstrating how and to what extent the party has betrayed its supporters. Miliband has no fibre whatsoever. He's a prostitute of the worst kind. Screw him. Screw The Sun.

    I presume Cameron was prostituting himself in his identical picture ?

    What is the real shock here ? The sun has a readership of 5 million which equates to 8 % of the electorate. What politician is not looking to court favour with them. I don't see any reason why Ed should have apologised. The Sun now has a completely different staff and has repeatedly apologised to Liverpool.

    Storm in a teacup.

  • IAgree said:

    Crap paper - mine went straight in the bin - Labour need to get re- elected to get rid of the Tory government - The sooner the better - nice one Liverpool posties it's a hateful rag.

    'Get rid of the Tory gov.-the sooner the better' where were you for the fifteen years of Labour crap. They bought the country to the verge of bankruptsy ffs. and now the gov.has to do things labourites don't like to put it right they squell 'it's Camerons fault lets kick 'em out'. I don't know how anybody could ever vote for them again after that lot. I despise them with a passion for what they,ve done to the country. They even robbed the healthiest pension scheme in Europe and then told us there is not enough money in the pot so we have to work longer to pay for it. Total and utter wankers the lot of them.
  • Sidcuptel said:

    IAgree said:

    Crap paper - mine went straight in the bin - Labour need to get re- elected to get rid of the Tory government - The sooner the better - nice one Liverpool posties it's a hateful rag.

    'Get rid of the Tory gov.-the sooner the better' where were you for the fifteen years of Labour crap. They bought the country to the verge of bankruptsy ffs. and now the gov.has to do things labourites don't like to put it right they squell 'it's Camerons fault lets kick 'em out'. I don't know how anybody could ever vote for them again after that lot. I despise them with a passion for what they,ve done to the country. They even robbed the healthiest pension scheme in Europe and then told us there is not enough money in the pot so we have to work longer to pay for it. Total and utter wankers the lot of them.
    Off topic now but did Labour ruin the euro ? Cause a financial crash in the USA and Japan ? Labour were no more or less culpable for a world banking crisis than any other government.

  • Sidcuptel said:

    IAgree said:

    Crap paper - mine went straight in the bin - Labour need to get re- elected to get rid of the Tory government - The sooner the better - nice one Liverpool posties it's a hateful rag.

    'Get rid of the Tory gov.-the sooner the better' where were you for the fifteen years of Labour crap. They bought the country to the verge of bankruptsy ffs. and now the gov.has to do things labourites don't like to put it right they squell 'it's Camerons fault lets kick 'em out'. I don't know how anybody could ever vote for them again after that lot. I despise them with a passion for what they,ve done to the country. They even robbed the healthiest pension scheme in Europe and then told us there is not enough money in the pot so we have to work longer to pay for it. Total and utter wankers the lot of them.
    Off topic now but did Labour ruin the euro ? Cause a financial crash in the USA and Japan ? Labour were no more or less culpable for a world banking crisis than any other government.

    Harks back to Margaret Thatcher
  • I'm just astonished people have time for such trivial matters when there's a World Cup on !
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  • 13 years and they are blameless for anything that went wrong.

    played the racism card every milli second----playing the class card till it back fired caused by their deliberate mass immigration----devolution for all except the poor feckers paying for it----2 wars----Planned REGIONALISATION of England

    13 years ---yes lets have the scum bags back to finish off what they have started.
  • I got mine through the door, looked at the headline: "This is our England" and thought it was a UKIP pamphlet so proceeded to chuck it in the bin.

    As for the scousers, I really can't see the point of their constant crying about the rag. Yeah, they printed a load of shit which upset them. Boycott the paper by all means, but move on FFS..............
  • Maybe the sun could do something like this to help them get over it....................
  • Writing this having just done some canvasing for the Labour party.

    If Ed M wants to have his picture taken with the Sun, and say that the paper has apologised and as leader of the opposition he has to engage with everyone, then that's fine.

    If Ed M wants to say that until the phone hacking jury has come back with its verdicts and whilst the Hillsboro Inquiry is still sitting he thinks it's best not to engage, then fine.

    What's rubbish is having the picture taken, then apologising when people complain. It shows a total lack of leadership. Very poor.
  • edited June 2014
    Let's be fair to the people of Liverpool . It has now been proved the Sun was mislead by a Tory MP and the South Yorkshire Police , so I feel they have a legitimate complaint about the paper and I can understand the strength of feeling even 25 years on .

    Whoever advised Miliband to be photographed with the paper should be sacked. It is not as if this could not have been foreseen.

    Depressingly along with Baconsandwichgate and not knowing about the political control of Swindon Council it is not the only error his minders have made .They have made him look unprofessional . Still he could go for a pint with Cable and Clegg as a photo op and then lock out interested journos from coming in to the Pub.
  • 13 years and they are blameless for anything that went wrong.

    played the racism card every milli second----playing the class card till it back fired caused by their deliberate mass immigration----devolution for all except the poor feckers paying for it----2 wars----Planned REGIONALISATION of England

    13 years ---yes lets have the scum bags back to finish off what they have started.

    You need to climb down off that fence.

  • I often wonder what trauma in GH's youth was caused by a labour MP...
  • Can't stand socialists of any kind. Biggest hypocrites on the planet. 99.9% of us are marked down to be right royally screwed over in life by circumstance of birth. What I can do without is the sanctimonious self righteous clap trap that comes with any left leaning politician or talking head. Much prefer being screwed over by a Tory, proper bastards!

    (For all the budding Labourites lurking CL this is all said tongue in cheek of course, smiley winky thingy...)
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