This may be a bit premature, But does anyone know if there will be a Press Conference with Mr.Peeters ?.
There was not one for Jose - that i understand as it was mid season but where is the traditional picture holding scarf etc.
There just does not seem to be alot off media coverage from our side what so ever.
If Iam calling this to early does anyone know how long the wait normally is ?
Let him just get on with the job, as i remember listening to Riga's first post match press conferance and it felt like the journalists tried to catch him out rather then show a serious interest in what he had to say.
I may be wrong but i suspect from everything i have read, the football media in general will wish Bob to fail, in the same way they wished Riga to fail.
I just hope he spoils the story for them, as Riga did.
Anyway, rather than doing press conferences, I'd rather he was at SL, working with the team...
Or the club letting us know when we might have press conference, or more likely an interview with the guy lined up.
He's got a lot to get started/sorted, he'll be here within the next 10 days I imagine/hope