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Tube strikes



  • My cousin is a firefighter who's life is depicted in book written and published by our uncle in the 1970s. He was early retired in his thirties and hasn't had to work since, and nothing has changed if his misfortune occurred today.

    My great grandfather was a fire-fighter who attended a disaster when Arding & Hobbs burnt down in the late 1800s and gave evidence to the enquiry covering his heroic actions and I almost became a firefighter but was encouraged to follow a different path.

    No one is saying anyone is a liar, just misinformed. The details are public knowledge,even contribution rates, so before saying its tosh just because it doesn't conform to Union propaganda, read it for yourself. My issue is, I hate seeing an honourable vocation led into the mire by donkey Union leaders.
  • Yes, same morals as bankers. Self serving, motivated by greed and funded by other peoples money..

    Oh, another who lumps all bankers together and labels them the same. I've worked in banking since 1980. I've never had a bonus equating to more than 5% of my salary. I've not had a bonus now for five years. My pay rise the last five years have never been above 2% per annum and each of those rises has not even covered my transport fare increase that year. I've worked with traders who have taken home bonuses well in excess of a million a year but if they have made the Bank say 50m that year due to good trading then why shouldn't they be recompensed for that? I am however dead set against guaranteed bonuses as a lot of the time you are rewarding failure. That is where the bonus culture is wrong. However, hundreds of thousands of people work in Banking, from messengers to traders, from secretaries to accountants etc etc. The number taking home big bonuses is minute but it is what gets focused on and all we then hear is greedy bankers etc when in effect most in Banking are no more, no less, greedy than anyone else. And, to be honest, it really fucks me off.

  • Yes, same morals as bankers. Self serving, motivated by greed and funded by other peoples money..

    Oh, another who lumps all bankers together and labels them the same. I've worked in banking since 1980. I've never had a bonus equating to more than 5% of my salary. I've not had a bonus now for five years. My pay rise the last five years have never been above 2% per annum and each of those rises has not even covered my transport fare increase that year. I've worked with traders who have taken home bonuses well in excess of a million a year but if they have made the Bank say 50m that year due to good trading then why shouldn't they be recompensed for that? I am however dead set against guaranteed bonuses as a lot of the time you are rewarding failure. That is where the bonus culture is wrong. However, hundreds of thousands of people work in Banking, from messengers to traders, from secretaries to accountants etc etc. The number taking home big bonuses is minute but it is what gets focused on and all we then hear is greedy bankers etc when in effect most in Banking are no more, no less, greedy than anyone else. And, to be honest, it really fucks me off.

    Personally, I'd sack all those that take bonuses and see what they think then.

  • Striking against job cuts, totally justified reason for strike action. I dont care if there is no one being made compulsory redundant, the fact remains 960 jobs will gone for good.

    so no-one is actually losing there job so in effect they are striking because they don't want to see TFL improve the experience for their clients, the passengers, who in turn contribute to paying the strikers wages. Less than 5% of journeys start a a ticket office. It's called progression.

    Personally, I'd sack all those that strike and see what they think of job cuts then.
    Maybe more than 5% of journeys would statt at the ticket office of they opened more of them.....just a thought
  • Yes, same morals as bankers. Self serving, motivated by greed and funded by other peoples money..

    Oh, another who lumps all bankers together and labels them the same. I've worked in banking since 1980. I've never had a bonus equating to more than 5% of my salary. I've not had a bonus now for five years. My pay rise the last five years have never been above 2% per annum and each of those rises has not even covered my transport fare increase that year. I've worked with traders who have taken home bonuses well in excess of a million a year but if they have made the Bank say 50m that year due to good trading then why shouldn't they be recompensed for that? I am however dead set against guaranteed bonuses as a lot of the time you are rewarding failure. That is where the bonus culture is wrong. However, hundreds of thousands of people work in Banking, from messengers to traders, from secretaries to accountants etc etc. The number taking home big bonuses is minute but it is what gets focused on and all we then hear is greedy bankers etc when in effect most in Banking are no more, no less, greedy than anyone else. And, to be honest, it really fucks me off.

    God I love this place. A place where a banker moans about someone else being greedy! Where a banker says people should be sacked for wanting more money, yet we were told yesterday that if bankers dont get a 200% bonus, they will leave the company and go elsewhere!

  • Striking against job cuts, totally justified reason for strike action. I dont care if there is no one being made compulsory redundant, the fact remains 960 jobs will gone for good.

    so no-one is actually losing there job so in effect they are striking because they don't want to see TFL improve the experience for their clients, the passengers, who in turn contribute to paying the strikers wages. Less than 5% of journeys start a a ticket office. It's called progression.

    Personally, I'd sack all those that strike and see what they think of job cuts then.
    If 960 jobs are going that means that must mean there will be less employment in the near future. I guess that most people will be able to do something else, pay taxes,NI and spend their hard earned in shops but the ones that end up, in the future, without jobs it will be up to the rest of us pay to their benefits.
    The 5% statistic you have quoted, what does this prove? Its a service and one that if its taken away wont improve the experience for TFL's clients. It will improve TFL's balance sheet, which in my opinion is what this whole thing is about.

    "Personally, I'd sack all those that strike and see what they think of job cuts then."
    Thats one reason why we have unions and employment laws.
  • edited April 2014

    Yes. Because all Bankers are greedy of course. I would actually argue there is a certain greed (if that's the right word) to all of us that go to work. I am happy to admit that I go to work predominantly to earn as much money for my family as possible. Unless I win the lottery in the next 2 years, then the only way I can take my kids to Disneyland every year, or buy the Cafc season tickets, or make home improvements is plain old hard work. And that's why we all go to work. I admire the fire fighters and nurses of this world who make a real difference but not every job has such a tangible benefit.

    Just because Large works in banking, or I work in advertising, or someone works on the tube we are all still heading out the front door every day trying to make the best we can.

    My issue is around how people try and secure this personal gain. And I think it very ironic that those who secure gain through holding the public and their employers to ransom have the cheek to have a go at those who have no choice but to get their head down and work as hard as possible.
  • Yes, same morals as bankers. Self serving, motivated by greed and funded by other peoples money..

    Oh, another who lumps all bankers together and labels them the same. I've worked in banking since 1980. I've never had a bonus equating to more than 5% of my salary. I've not had a bonus now for five years. My pay rise the last five years have never been above 2% per annum and each of those rises has not even covered my transport fare increase that year. I've worked with traders who have taken home bonuses well in excess of a million a year but if they have made the Bank say 50m that year due to good trading then why shouldn't they be recompensed for that? I am however dead set against guaranteed bonuses as a lot of the time you are rewarding failure. That is where the bonus culture is wrong. However, hundreds of thousands of people work in Banking, from messengers to traders, from secretaries to accountants etc etc. The number taking home big bonuses is minute but it is what gets focused on and all we then hear is greedy bankers etc when in effect most in Banking are no more, no less, greedy than anyone else. And, to be honest, it really fucks me off.

    Disingenuous in the extreme. If you don't like being associated with 'greedy bankers' - work in another industry. It can't be more obvious to anyone reading that 'greedy bankers' doesn't mean the bloke working behind the counter in your local Barclays, or the bloke replacing printer cartridges in RBS, or the woman selling mortgages at Santander. Everyone knows when you say 'greedy bankers', you mean the pricks 'earning' seven figure sums by gambling with peoples' pensions. Stop attempting to Aunt Sally the debate here. People moaning about unions are just jealous that they don't work in an industry where the union that represents the people working there actually has any power remaining. Thatcher, Major and Blair did their level best to ameliorate any power the unions had left after their own pigheadedness in the seventies. As a result, we now have zero hours contracts, a gap in wealth distribution greater than at any point since feudal times, employment law that massively favours employers and a workforce that now accepts all this with a shrug of the shoulders and a 'that's just the way it is now' mentality. The system is fucked beyond repair, and the longer people just put up with it, the worse it will get.
  • chilham said:

    How often do unions, RMT in particular, publish details on the % turnout for any strike ballot and the % in favour, along with the % required for a quorate ballot?

    A boring argument often used by MPs who did not get voted into their position by the majority of their constituents.
    You are also aware of course that parliament doesn't publish turnout either, they leave that to others to work out.
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  • Yes, same morals as bankers. Self serving, motivated by greed and funded by other peoples money..

    Oh, another who lumps all bankers together and labels them the same. I've worked in banking since 1980. I've never had a bonus equating to more than 5% of my salary. I've not had a bonus now for five years. My pay rise the last five years have never been above 2% per annum and each of those rises has not even covered my transport fare increase that year. I've worked with traders who have taken home bonuses well in excess of a million a year but if they have made the Bank say 50m that year due to good trading then why shouldn't they be recompensed for that? I am however dead set against guaranteed bonuses as a lot of the time you are rewarding failure. That is where the bonus culture is wrong. However, hundreds of thousands of people work in Banking, from messengers to traders, from secretaries to accountants etc etc. The number taking home big bonuses is minute but it is what gets focused on and all we then hear is greedy bankers etc when in effect most in Banking are no more, no less, greedy than anyone else. And, to be honest, it really fucks me off.

    So basically, you're pissed off that people who don't work in your industry, and so by implication don't actually know what your job really entails, are slating you all for being greedy. Pot, kettle anyone?
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