I get a bit uneasy when I read people saying RD has deep pockets. Really?
He is said to be worth 500mill. That can mean a lot of things in reality, and recently I was talking with a fellow Addick who knows Kevin McCabe, and he estimates the latter is worth twice that much. Further, RD has splurged it on FIVE football clubs in the last three years, and has promised investment in each. Furthermore he is 67, and has six children.
You really shouldn't worry - you should know by now, it is not the size that matters but how you use it, particularly when you are still in the right place for it to continue to grow!
One big problem in another of his network clubs that RD has to pick up the windfall of will essentially form a knock on effect to our club, which is a shame - not how football should be. My personal opinion, modern football is heading the wrong way but there's no stopping it, let's see if this man can work us at a profitable level, if not break even, but what will he gain from breaking even with us? Mmm..
You really shouldn't worry - you should know by now, it is not the size that matters but how you use it, particularly when you are still in the right place for it to continue to grow!
After all these years I have understood the first part of your sentence. Trouble is,my experience is that it has not continued to grow at all :-)
Anyway I take your point. On behalf of the Trust I will be trying to track what he actually invests in each club, and whether he gets an ROI, and what he does with that return. I am already fairly sure that he may be profitable in Budapest thanks to a rather reckless TV deal. I wonder what he will do with the profit he derives there. It is not clear if Ujpest "reports to " Staprix, since nominally his son owns it.
Your thoughts, and any hard figures you might obtain, will always be avidly considered.
In this case a new word - cockwomble
He is said to be worth 500mill. That can mean a lot of things in reality, and recently I was talking with a fellow Addick who knows Kevin McCabe, and he estimates the latter is worth twice that much. Further, RD has splurged it on FIVE football clubs in the last three years, and has promised investment in each. Furthermore he is 67, and has six children.
I think we should be cautious.
You really shouldn't worry - you should know by now, it is not the size that matters but how you use it, particularly when you are still in the right place for it to continue to grow!
Anyway I take your point. On behalf of the Trust I will be trying to track what he actually invests in each club, and whether he gets an ROI, and what he does with that return. I am already fairly sure that he may be profitable in Budapest thanks to a rather reckless TV deal. I wonder what he will do with the profit he derives there. It is not clear if Ujpest "reports to " Staprix, since nominally his son owns it.
Your thoughts, and any hard figures you might obtain, will always be avidly considered.