I think it looks crap. Who would want to make themself look like a member of the Taliban?
Taliban ? Are other people not allowed to have beards ? And is it not a fashion at the moment ? Just like porn star moustaches were in my youth. I also seem to recall ( although this may be total rubbish ) that certain ranks in the different branches of the armed forces were once expected to grow beards. Give the guy a break, it's a bit of facial hair !
Without being funny, it works, whether it be a miniscule difference or a huge one, strikers have to look up to see what they need to get the ball past, with a big yellow furry faced thing staring at you you'd probably be in all sorts of minds. Personally reckon he needs to shave the top and have a true upside-doon-heid.
For those of you who aren't children of the 70s and have no idea what I'm on about:
http://www.freeclassicimages.com/images/zz top.jpg
He obviously takes very good care of his beard, lol!