Might take kit and try and blag myself in £36!takin p
Always wondered if it would be possible to just put on a club tracksuit (and of course an over-sized pair of headphones) and just joined the players as they get off the coach................
Flying in from Tenerife Fri. P.m. Holiday Inn Dunstable Fri night. PP TL Sat Myself plus one at game. Home Sun with 3 (in my dreams!) points in the bag!
If I can avoid the toll, I might take a stroll, and take my blow-up (sheep) doll, and hope we score a goll, but Derby is a holl, is this an official poll?
Now does this earn me a loll?
genuinlely wondered what the hell you were on about until today when i noticed the mistake
Suffice to say, I'll be sitting in the back with him !