Listen to a traffic report before hand, intentionally ignore the instructors navigation to go and sit in traffic for 45 minutes... you cant go wrong poodling and in my day the test couldn't go on for longer than 45 mins.
Hi, I am an instructor. Listen to what your instructor says, but remember the test is all about safety. The most common fault is observation at junctions. If in doubt...wait. You will only get a driver fault for undue hesitancy, but going when it is dangerous will always lead to a major fault. Take your time on the manoeuvre, lots of observations. And drive defensively, if in doubt...chicken out. If you are in the wrong lane go the way you are signalling unless you can move safely. Always check first.
Btw Ruuders, I new Jo when I worked in London, I am glad she is still teaching, she was always a good instructor.
Hiya TheDrunkenDuck. Small world. What is your name and I will pass that message on. Yeah she is superb. Obviously she wouldn't have been teaching back then but I wish I had her from the start. I can't fault her one bit, very friendly, and approachable. She taught the manouveres with me which was totally different then other instructors with different pointers. She is very enthusiastic and we go over things verbally and she draws diagrams with me and we discuss things as we go along. We talk about the mistakes I make and I learn form them and take away that knowledge for the next lesson. She praises the good stuff. It has been great to have a two way conversation and I am able to bring up things that "bother me" such as stalling on approach to roundabouts on hills and "rolling back" slightly. Next lesson we worked on it and I had very little problem. She is very encouraging and enthusiasitc. She has a good pass rate as well.
Hi Rudders, it is Roy, I used to work with her in BSM when they were at Bexleyheath. I moved to Wales a few years ago and teach down here now. We had the same person teach us how to become instructors, so we probably teach in a similar way. Good luck with your lessons, I am sure you will be on the road soon.
Move to the North. I've moved up here and I doubt any of the dickheads who get behind the wheel on a daily basis have ever had a lesson, let alone a test. I certainly can't tell the difference between a driver from Liverpool or Manchester and a driver who has downed a crate of Special Brew before getting in the car.
Failing that, make sure you can do your manoeuvres blindfolded. When I'm alone, I can parallel park with my eyes closed, but as soon as someone else is the car, it goes to shit half the time. Make sure you look like your checking your mirrors and blindspots. Even though in real life a driver hardly ever moves his head because your eyeballs can move and you have peripheral vision, the examiner might mark you down for not checking your mirrors unless you are actively turning your head to look at them.
Watch out for signs, speed limit changes, lamp posts, Give Way and Stop signs. Obvious really but when you're on the test you won't believe what obvious mistakes you make because you're concentrating on passing the test rather than reading the road. Stalling isn't going to fail you (unless you stall a lot), just don't panic and safely restart the car. Watch out for pedestrians and if in doubt give way to them if they're crossing the road and they don't see you, or they don't care if you're coming - even if you don't hit them, I imagine you could fail for failing to stop or slow down for the hazard.
If your examiner wears glasses do not ask them to take them off for the test as it will get the examiner's back up straight away.
Seriously though, try and relax as best you can and just keep driving like you would normally as if your instructor was in the passenger seat. Just see it as a lesson with another instructor as if your usual instructor was away. Don't think to the end of your test, just think one of step and one at time. Just think of the last instruction your examiner is giving you. If your examiner says "At the roundabout turn right 3rd exit" just think how you how you are going to it. Then so and so on. Also if you think you have made a mistake it might not be and if you think it's a major fault the examiner may only see it as a minor fault and remember you are allowed 15 minors (but obviously no majors). Even if you think you have made a major just keep driving as well as you can because even if you have made a major you don't want the examiner to think too badly of you. They'll appreciate you have kept going. For example if you are losing a match 0-4 you still don't want to lose 0-8.
I passed fourth time and I only passed the day before I came to live in Oz, talk about cutting it fine.
I think the best approach is to consider the test an opportunity to show what you have learnt to do, not as something to be feared because you might get something wrong.
Err on the side of conservatism and remember that YOU are in control of the car.
I passed third time, the instructor actually put her hands on the wheel and swerved out of the way of a car that was about to pull out on me. I saw it and was about to move, but as she had done that I assumed id failed for sure. Rest of the test just relaxed and somehow passed. Just remember if you make a mistake dont panic and stay calm. Best of luck.
I failed 1st time today! was not impressed examiner slamed on the breaks even though you could have fitted a bus through the space he stopped me going for and the person was letting me pass! Seems like such a waste time and money!
I failed mine 3 times. Best advice is go slow (but not too slow) and I'd honestly say bring your instructor with you. I believe examiners are crafty and go by statistics.
Also as people are saying don't give up even if you think you've failed. I took a test around the same time as my mate and I done the whole test really well (think I had 2 minors) but as I pulled up to a curb to stop I scrapped it so I positioned the car better and stopped and she ticked me a serious for lack of control while pulling over and she also said as I went over a roundabout it was very dangerous as I didn't check my right properly ( must have been lack of head movement) yet we made it across in one piece and I approached the roundabout at about 10mph but also got a serious for that. Compared to my mate who passed on the same day who racked up 14 minors and during his turn in the road he reversed back into the curb whacked it and he said fuck outloud and only got a minor for it..
So yeah extra care on rounabouts as they're fussy with them, can't go too slow or too fast. Slow and take care on junctions.
Good luck mate, hope you pass first time cause I honestly think the driving test is one of the biggest scams going.
I'm partially deaf in my left ear and my examiner was softly spoken. I couldn't hear a bloody thing she was saying and had to keep asking her to repeat herself. Could have kissed her when she told me I'd passed though.
I'm partially deaf in my left ear and my examiner was softly spoken. I couldn't hear a bloody thing she was saying and had to keep asking her to repeat herself. Could have kissed her when she told me I'd passed though.
(1) - Some idiot at the roundabout by Thamesmead Lidl was parked and was only when I got right behind them that they put their hazard lights on, was so annoyed I pulled out without checking my mirrors... Fair enough I understood why I failed
(2) - Was driving down the A2 and pulled out to over take someone.. the Examiner felt that I got too close and that had I got any closer they would have had to have taken action (My argument was they didnt have to take action so surely I pulled out at the perfect time i.e. not too early not too late)
(3) - Didnt use my mirrors enough which was bullshit
(4) - Passed my test but got a minor because I was using my mirrors too much (Had no response when I told him the reason for my third failure)
(1) - Some idiot at the roundabout by Thamesmead Lidl was parked and was only when I got right behind them that they put their hazard lights on, was so annoyed I pulled out without checking my mirrors... Fair enough I understood why I failed
(2) - Was driving down the A2 and pulled out to over take someone.. the Examiner felt that I got too close and that had I got any closer they would have had to have taken action (My argument was they didnt have to take action so surely I pulled out at the perfect time i.e. not too early not too late)
(3) - Didnt use my mirrors enough which was bullshit
(4) - Passed my test but got a minor because I was using my mirrors too much (Had no response when I told him the reason for my third failure)
(1) Sounds like just bad luck with the idiot throwing off course. Tests are 90% skill and 10% luck. Something you have never come across before can make you rush a decision. But in a situation like that just plan a little earlier.
(2) Sounds like you might have either got too close behind him, not left enough clearance when passing or came in too close in front of him. If it's the third make sure you can see the whole car in the centre mirror to avoid cutting him up. The question is did the examiner feel you made the other driver change speed or direction or make him worried. If so thats is a serious.
(3) You really have to move your head to show the examiner you are swithched on not just your eyes. All it takes is a centre mirror checj and miss the odd door mirror check. Each is a minor and too many minors one thing becomes a serious because it keeps happening.
(4) That examiner sounded fussy. Never known anyone get a fault for over checking their mirrors.
passed my driving test third time lucky a couple of weeks ago. Honestly just see it as you driving by yourself and the examiner is simply a fly on the wall. As long as you dont have any bad habits and have listened to your driving instructor and they're decent you should be fine. Both fails before were simply down to nerves, failed them both in the first 5 minutes of the test but soldiered on, stalling coming onto a roundabout on a hill (top of grosvenor road for those familiar with t wells) and the another was because some chump turned into the road without looking and i swerved and narrowly missed a parked car when you should really just come to a stop and take it from there.
third and final test i only got 2 minors and was one of the tough routes going on to a dual carriageway with the tiniest slip road you'll find. So was pretty chuffed with myself.
Don't crash.....other than that just stay calm and try to remember what you've been taught. If your instructor thinks you're ready then you're good enough. Good luck.
I passed 1st time. If I can pass 1st time, you'll be fine. Did the test in Blackheath, passed and was back in doors within 40 minutes. Mental, when you think about it.
I phoned my missus when I passed 1st time and her reaction was, 'YOU F*CKING WELL DIDN'T. SHUT UP!' Yeah, thanks for the encouragement, love. Cheers. Nice one.
Passed second time in 1982, took the test at Belvedere. Back then the examiners were like ex-military officers, I had my test at 2.30, the examiners had all been in the pub next door and my examiner stunk of whiskey. Anyway off we went, we did all the manoeuvres and then went down the Thamesmead spine road, I was waiting for him to tell me to turn off, but he din't, we got all the way to Plumstead, then I realised he was asleep! So I pulled over and woke him up. He directed me back to the test centre and told me I had passed! So my tip is get the examiner shitfaced.
Btw Ruuders, I new Jo when I worked in London, I am glad she is still teaching, she was always a good instructor.
Failing that, make sure you can do your manoeuvres blindfolded. When I'm alone, I can parallel park with my eyes closed, but as soon as someone else is the car, it goes to shit half the time. Make sure you look like your checking your mirrors and blindspots. Even though in real life a driver hardly ever moves his head because your eyeballs can move and you have peripheral vision, the examiner might mark you down for not checking your mirrors unless you are actively turning your head to look at them.
Watch out for signs, speed limit changes, lamp posts, Give Way and Stop signs. Obvious really but when you're on the test you won't believe what obvious mistakes you make because you're concentrating on passing the test rather than reading the road. Stalling isn't going to fail you (unless you stall a lot), just don't panic and safely restart the car. Watch out for pedestrians and if in doubt give way to them if they're crossing the road and they don't see you, or they don't care if you're coming - even if you don't hit them, I imagine you could fail for failing to stop or slow down for the hazard.
Good luck!
Seriously though, try and relax as best you can and just keep driving like you would normally as if your instructor was in the passenger seat. Just see it as a lesson with another instructor as if your usual instructor was away. Don't think to the end of your test, just think one of step and one at time. Just think of the last instruction your examiner is giving you. If your examiner says "At the roundabout turn right 3rd exit" just think how you how you are going to it. Then so and so on. Also if you think you have made a mistake it might not be and if you think it's a major fault the examiner may only see it as a minor fault and remember you are allowed 15 minors (but obviously no majors). Even if you think you have made a major just keep driving as well as you can because even if you have made a major you don't want the examiner to think too badly of you. They'll appreciate you have kept going. For example if you are losing a match 0-4 you still don't want to lose 0-8.
Good luck.
I passed fourth time and I only passed the day before I came to live in Oz, talk about cutting it fine.
I think the best approach is to consider the test an opportunity to show what you have learnt to do, not as something to be feared because you might get something wrong.
Err on the side of conservatism and remember that YOU are in control of the car.
Also as people are saying don't give up even if you think you've failed. I took a test around the same time as my mate and I done the whole test really well (think I had 2 minors) but as I pulled up to a curb to stop I scrapped it so I positioned the car better and stopped and she ticked me a serious for lack of control while pulling over and she also said as I went over a roundabout it was very dangerous as I didn't check my right properly ( must have been lack of head movement) yet we made it across in one piece and I approached the roundabout at about 10mph but also got a serious for that. Compared to my mate who passed on the same day who racked up 14 minors and during his turn in the road he reversed back into the curb whacked it and he said fuck outloud and only got a minor for it..
So yeah extra care on rounabouts as they're fussy with them, can't go too slow or too fast. Slow and take care on junctions.
Good luck mate, hope you pass first time cause I honestly think the driving test is one of the biggest scams going.
(1) - Some idiot at the roundabout by Thamesmead Lidl was parked and was only when I got right behind them that they put their hazard lights on, was so annoyed I pulled out without checking my mirrors... Fair enough I understood why I failed
(2) - Was driving down the A2 and pulled out to over take someone.. the Examiner felt that I got too close and that had I got any closer they would have had to have taken action (My argument was they didnt have to take action so surely I pulled out at the perfect time i.e. not too early not too late)
(3) - Didnt use my mirrors enough which was bullshit
(4) - Passed my test but got a minor because I was using my mirrors too much (Had no response when I told him the reason for my third failure)
(2) Sounds like you might have either got too close behind him, not left enough clearance when passing or came in too close in front of him. If it's the third make sure you can see the whole car in the centre mirror to avoid cutting him up. The question is did the examiner feel you made the other driver change speed or direction or make him worried. If so thats is a serious.
(3) You really have to move your head to show the examiner you are swithched on not just your eyes. All it takes is a centre mirror checj and miss the odd door mirror check. Each is a minor and too many minors one thing becomes a serious because it keeps happening.
(4) That examiner sounded fussy. Never known anyone get a fault for over checking their mirrors.
third and final test i only got 2 minors and was one of the tough routes going on to a dual carriageway with the tiniest slip road you'll find. So was pretty chuffed with myself.
Back then the examiners were like ex-military officers, I had my test at 2.30, the examiners had all been in the pub next door and my examiner stunk of whiskey.
Anyway off we went, we did all the manoeuvres and then went down the Thamesmead spine road, I was waiting for him to tell me to turn off, but he din't, we got all the way to Plumstead, then I realised he was asleep! So I pulled over and woke him up. He directed me back to the test centre and told me I had passed!
So my tip is get the examiner shitfaced.