Hi all,
My work are organising a charity football match and auction for charities that have supported one of the guys there who has been ill with first testicular cancer then brain tumours (he seems to be on the mend, thankfully).
They are looking to see if they can get auction items (think they are hoping for signed shirts if possible) for the London clubs (and we're the most local) - I said I would try and find out the best person for them to contact with all the details of the day and the cause so that they can see if there will be anything the club may be able to do.
Best place I can think to ask is on here! Does anyone know?
Cheers in advance!
My partner works with people with learning disabilities and ran an charity evening/auction a few London clubs gave items but was surprised that man United were the most generous gave a few nice items including a signed football ,where as Brighton just gave a feeble excuse as don't give to charity as devalues there merchandise!
Any way best of luck