Never seen a human spirit but I used to have a cat called Sophie who passed away a few years ago. Since then I've definitely 'felt' her brush up against my leg and pass me on the stairs. Quite comforting knowing she's still around.
I'm quite sceptical about ghostly things. I work in a primary school and the caretaker, who says he doesn't believe in anything like that at all, is convinced he's seen/heard ghosts at the school on numerous occasions. I've spoken to the children about it, and quite a few of them claim to have seen or heard ghosts at the school. I do find it very interesting though that the children, whichever year group they're in, all claim to have seen pretty much the same things in the same places. If they are making it up, they're incredibly (uncharacteristically) organised about it.
Not sure mate. I've been around animals when I've felt a presence and their reaction had convinced me it's more than just the mind playing tricks
As I said, more open minded about ghosts than psychics (I really hate them!), but hard to believe I guess until you have that experience like many on this thread. Also think there is a logical explanation for many weird things, but then others know what they felt/saw etc!
Took a photo on a school history project once and it looked for all the world like there was a ghost in the upstairs window. Mates took the same photo as we all had too - balloons!
My mum died when I was in my mid 20's and my birthday was about 3 weeks later.I was in bed on my birthday morning, felt the covers be pulled back slightly,heard my mum say happy birthday and then felt a kiss on the back of my neck. It was two minutes before my alarm went off so I thought I was dreaming! I touched both sides of my neck and it was old where the kiss was and warm the other side!!
A lot of strange things have happened to my dad since. We convinced him
Thats a really nice thing to happen TRH, second one was slightly creepy but in a nice way.
Also to those saying we're talking crap and making it up or whatever, I agree with David Mitchell on spiritual stuff.
You may have thought your saw something but it has to be scientifically possible for there to be ghost for you to see them - and it isn't so you didn't.
You may have thought your saw something but it has to be scientifically possible for there to be ghost for you to see them - and it isn't so you didn't.
science is forever evolving. It's quite possible these are hallucinations, but there are many that have the same hallucination in the same place and at the same time. There doesn't seem to be a scientific explanation for those. Not saying there never will be.
I have spoken to a priest at a social event when he was relaxing like the rest of us and the ale was flowing, far from the don't mess with the darker side of these things he just said it depends how open minded you are to all things and that if you do not deny or try to over examine things that you may not understand your mind your senses the 6th sense he reffered to in this instance will be open to allow in the energy from the past into your consciuos
I'm sitting in the dining room on the laptop reading this thread and my dog has just laid down beside me as she normally does and let out a big sigh....but she was put to sleep 2 years ago. She does this quite regularly and up until about ten years ago this would have really freaked me out, but since we moved to this house I've had literally hundreds of sightings and noises and it fascinates me now
Talking of 6th sense NLA, when I did my training for my PSV, my instuctor used to keep going on about using your 6th sense After 25 years of driving cabs and vans for a living I understand where he comes from because you really do know, most of the time, when something is going to happen for example someone stepping out into the road in front of you and you can condition your brain to look for these warning signs to prevent accidents
I find it interesting too, NLA, and think it's nice Creepy gets comfort from it. However I don't believe in ghosts - not sure if that would count as dismissing it.
Even after what I saw in barbados I have no idea if its real or not it is something I can not explain through logic and therefor can only put down to a unexplained incident
Speaking to the priest made me wonder if he is right and that if your open minded enough and not closed to the prospect then maybe you can see somethings others can't
I read that the US govt actually funded a hell of a lot of research into the phsycic (spelling sorry) side of things and for utilising the energy in military advances
I think its a good thing to be able to wish to understand and not nesc belive than rather to dismiss
And anyway if stephen hawkins reckons it could be true who the hell am I to disagree
Don't personally believe in ghosts or ever had a situation involving one.
Do find myself fascinated by the stories though of people that truly believe they have, seems a lot more common than the UFO sightings/psychics/mediums that tend to be grouped together with it.
I've had several experiences. 1978 during the World cup, I stayed up late to watch a game at my Grandparents house. They were on holiday and I had the place to myself. As I was watching a game, there were footsteps upstairs in the hallway which kind of freaked me a little, but being the brave soul that Iam, I went up to investigate and obviously found nothing, so I decided to leave the lights on and went back down and made a cuppa. The next thing I heard the footfalls again, this time like someone was running and I'll be honest I was scared, then a baby started crying which was quite terrifying......I didnt know what to do and after about a minute it stopped.....I went upstairs with some trepidation and looked in all the rooms and nothing. I went to my room and put some clothes away into my wardrobe that my Nan had washed. I closed my door and went back downstairs by which time Id lost interest in the game, but didnt really feel like going to bed either. More footfalls upstairs like someone was just going about there business, then a creaky door opening and being slammed shut.....absolutley shitting myself I ran upstairs thinking if there is someone here I'll catch them....but no, nothing except my bedroom door was open and when I went into the room, the wardrobe door was open and some of the clothes Id put away were on the floor....maybe, just maybe they had fallen out. I grabbed a pillow, and a bedspread and took them downstairs as no way was I going to stay upstairs.....I went back into the living room and the same pattern, footfalls after a baby crying....I went outside and onto the footpath and watched the upstairs through the lit windows to see if I could see anyone and nothing was apparent. I went back inside and went to the kitchen and put the kettle on again and this footstep pattern carried on for another 20 minutes, but no baby crying......I drank the second cup, the first had long gone cold, and went back to the living room and barricaded the door with one of the sofa chairs and at some point after the footsteps had stopped I eventually managed to nod off...I spent the rest of my Nan's holiday on my then girlfriends parents sofa.
When my Nan returned from holiday, we were sitting in the living room and I told her all about the experience. As I was telling her, a pencil on the shelf above the fireplace flew up in the air and span across the room in front of us (I can still see it now)....Nan said oh dont worry about the pencil, thats just old Fred letting us know he is here.......Old Fred, had first appeared to Nan back at our flat in Ogilvy Street, Woolwich sometime in the 1950's.....He regularly used to get the saucepans out and leave them on the kitchen floor apparently, but never made a sound, and when we moved to Abbey Road, apparently he came with us, and I do recall getting up to find saucepans spread around the kitchen floor a few times. However, Nan said that she thought the footsteps may have been him, but the baby crying was something that she had only recently heard along with my Grandad since they had moved into the house on Abbeywood Estate albeit on the couple of occasions she had heard it, it had only lasted a matter of a few seconds. Nan continued to recount stories about old Fred up until she died in February 2010 aged 90....Fred had been around by then for over 60 years according to her, but rather than it scaring her and Grandad, she found his presence somehow a part of the furniture.
I have another tale to tell of a spooky nature from 1980, but I'll leave that and one from my childhood for another time.
I've had two strange "sightings" - one when I was about 10 which was scary. Other I was a lot older and it was bizarre but not at all scary. Will leave it as that for the sceptics...
just thinking about seeing one makes me scared. this thread has opened my eyes massively though because this forum if full of articulate, clever, rational people and I thought every comment would be cynical. fascinated. will look into it tomorrow.
Donkeys years ago you could get a"visiting passport" it lasted a year. I was about to go on my first ever over seas hols so i went down to Dartford Post Office got my pic taken in the photo booth , They give you 4 as you know. Only two required so i binnned the other two there. Went on hols --it was a July as i had my birthday there. One Sunday months later i was getting changed to play for the Sunday football team ( as it was a league game it was after September) and one of my mates walks in and says " i have got a photo of you" -----------now this was before mobiles/face book etc so you had to make a little effort to take a pic-----so i ask him where and what . He says " well it was a bit freaky, i was on the bus coming here this morning and when i looked at my shoe something was stuck on it. I pulled it off and it was these two pics of you " !!! Which of course were the pics re my passport.
Now i dont know the odds----but think of this------thrown in a bin months before-----somehow get back on the pavement---attach themselves to anyone--thats anyone-----but it has not only to be someone who knows me but is actually on the way to meet me that same day.
Met a really nice bloke on a cruise who was a well known medium. He was a really good friend of Ronnie Osullivans family. I am a non believer and he spent many days trying to convince me. He got drunk with us one night and thought he heard me say something. At breakfast the next morning I was sitting on my own when he came over and sat next to me. Putting his hand on my shoulder he told me my Father was with us. This was a real shock so I listened for 10 minutes whilst he rattled on about my Dad and the few things he was saying. My wife joined us and he said to my wife " we have just been speaking to your Father in law". " Jesus " said my wife " we've only been on holiday a week , why do you keep phoning your bloody dad?" When I did call my dad later in the day he was shocked to hear his spirit had been with us on the ship. .....
I've had the sensation that someone came into the room, stood by the bed and then jumped on me, pinning me down. It was pretty spooky, but I had heard of this phenomenon before, and it seems to me that was the case. It's called sleep paralysis. Its worth reading up on. It has names in just about every culture past and present, and could even explain things such as alien abduction stories, due to the hallucinations that accompany it.
I've had the sensation that someone came into the room, stood by the bed and then jumped on me, pinning me down. It was pretty spooky, but I had heard of this phenomenon before, and it seems to me that was the case. It's called sleep paralysis. Its worth reading up on. It has names in just about every culture past and present, and could even explain things such as alien abduction stories, due to the hallucinations that accompany it.
I've had the sensation that someone came into the room, stood by the bed and then jumped on me, pinning me down. It was pretty spooky, but I had heard of this phenomenon before, and it seems to me that was the case. It's called sleep paralysis. Its worth reading up on. It has names in just about every culture past and present, and could even explain things such as alien abduction stories, due to the hallucinations that accompany it.
yeah i mentioned it earlier in the thread, its happened to me a couple of times. Not very pleasant when it happens.
Sorry dude, I was looking out for someone to mention it, and promptly missed it!
Scary stuff. though I did hear from one guy who said that it happened to him so often he's learned how to manipulate the hallucinations and gets up to all kinds of fun.
I have no doubt that people genuinely feel they have seen something - but I also have no doubt there will always be a scientific, medical or alcohol related explanation. As for the US government funding research as they have done in UFOs, a simple undertsanding of mathematics tells you that Alien life on other planets is exteremely likely, but the prospect of being visited by Aliens is unlikely to the point of impossibility. It says what you need to know about the US government at the time.
The distance between our worlds would mean the length of any journey would take too much time, tracelling at the speed of light - which is the fastest speed you can go. And even if it were feasable, there would be not good reason for doing it!
I have no doubt that people genuinely feel they have seen something - but I also have no doubt there will always be a scientific, medical or alcohol related explanation. As for the US government funding research as they have done in UFOs, a simple undertsanding of mathematics tells you that Alien life on other planets is exteremely likely, but the prospect of being visited by Aliens is unlikely to the point of impossibility. It says what you need to know about the US government at the time.
The distance between our worlds would mean the length of any journey would take too much time, tracelling at the speed of light - which is the fastest speed you can go. And even if it were feasable, there would be not good reason for doing it!
I forgot about that - yes drawing circles in corn fields for a laugh is a good reason if the Aliens have a sense of humour - and why shouldn't they? They will probably have a great chuckle all the way back on their 100 year journey home!
I work in a primary school and the caretaker, who says he doesn't believe in anything like that at all, is convinced he's seen/heard ghosts at the school on numerous occasions. I've spoken to the children about it, and quite a few of them claim to have seen or heard ghosts at the school.
I do find it very interesting though that the children, whichever year group they're in, all claim to have seen pretty much the same things in the same places. If they are making it up, they're incredibly (uncharacteristically) organised about it.
Took a photo on a school history project once and it looked for all the world like there was a ghost in the upstairs window. Mates took the same photo as we all had too - balloons!
Also to those saying we're talking crap and making it up or whatever, I agree with David Mitchell on spiritual stuff.
science is forever evolving. It's quite possible these are hallucinations, but there are many that have the same hallucination in the same place and at the same time. There doesn't seem to be a scientific explanation for those. Not saying there never will be.
She does this quite regularly and up until about ten years ago this would have really freaked me out, but since we moved to this house I've had literally hundreds of sightings and noises and it fascinates me now
After 25 years of driving cabs and vans for a living I understand where he comes from because you really do know, most of the time, when something is going to happen for example someone stepping out into the road in front of you and you can condition your brain to look for these warning signs to prevent accidents
The fact that you gain something personal from these things means imo its not for others to dismiss
My mrs and her sister are right into this and tried to get me interested years ago
I feel quite at ease with it too, which is strange because as I said it would've totally freaked me out a few years ago!
Speaking to the priest made me wonder if he is right and that if your open minded enough and not closed to the prospect then maybe you can see somethings others can't
I read that the US govt actually funded a hell of a lot of research into the phsycic (spelling sorry) side of things and for utilising the energy in military advances
I think its a good thing to be able to wish to understand and not nesc belive than rather to dismiss
And anyway if stephen hawkins reckons it could be true who the hell am I to disagree
Do find myself fascinated by the stories though of people that truly believe they have, seems a lot more common than the UFO sightings/psychics/mediums that tend to be grouped together with it.
When my Nan returned from holiday, we were sitting in the living room and I told her all about the experience. As I was telling her, a pencil on the shelf above the fireplace flew up in the air and span across the room in front of us (I can still see it now)....Nan said oh dont worry about the pencil, thats just old Fred letting us know he is here.......Old Fred, had first appeared to Nan back at our flat in Ogilvy Street, Woolwich sometime in the 1950's.....He regularly used to get the saucepans out and leave them on the kitchen floor apparently, but never made a sound, and when we moved to Abbey Road, apparently he came with us, and I do recall getting up to find saucepans spread around the kitchen floor a few times. However, Nan said that she thought the footsteps may have been him, but the baby crying was something that she had only recently heard along with my Grandad since they had moved into the house on Abbeywood Estate albeit on the couple of occasions she had heard it, it had only lasted a matter of a few seconds. Nan continued to recount stories about old Fred up until she died in February 2010 aged 90....Fred had been around by then for over 60 years according to her, but rather than it scaring her and Grandad, she found his presence somehow a part of the furniture.
I have another tale to tell of a spooky nature from 1980, but I'll leave that and one from my childhood for another time.
I've had two strange "sightings" - one when I was about 10 which was scary. Other I was a lot older and it was bizarre but not at all scary. Will leave it as that for the sceptics...
I am glad though that others are certain to that unexplained things have happened to them
Especially people who I respect and trust it is a fascinating subject
Donkeys years ago you could get a"visiting passport" it lasted a year. I was about to go on my first ever over seas hols so i went down to Dartford Post Office got my pic taken in the photo booth , They give you 4 as you know. Only two required so i binnned the other two there. Went on hols --it was a July as i had my birthday there.
One Sunday months later i was getting changed to play for the Sunday football team ( as it was a league game it was after September) and one of my mates walks in and says " i have got a photo of you" -----------now this was before mobiles/face book etc so you had to make a little effort to take a pic-----so i ask him where and what . He says " well it was a bit freaky, i was on the bus coming here this morning and when i looked at my shoe something was stuck on it. I pulled it off and it was these two pics of you " !!! Which of course were the pics re my passport.
Now i dont know the odds----but think of this------thrown in a bin months before-----somehow get back on the pavement---attach themselves to anyone--thats anyone-----but it has not only to be someone who knows me but is actually on the way to meet me that same day.
When I did call my dad later in the day he was shocked to hear his spirit had been with us on the ship. .....
Scary stuff. though I did hear from one guy who said that it happened to him so often he's learned how to manipulate the hallucinations and gets up to all kinds of fun.
The distance between our worlds would mean the length of any journey would take too much time, tracelling at the speed of light - which is the fastest speed you can go. And even if it were feasable, there would be not good reason for doing it!