Should be an absolute rout by the Wednesday.
Three, four, five, who knows where it will end.
Don't know what all the fuss is about
4-0 to the MASSIVE and it'll be like a training session for our lads
Don't know much about a few players of their team now. Obviously Church and Sordell will be a problem, but do they both start? Their keeper looks dodgy as **** and as we know their centre halves are pretty poor too. Jackson is a good player but nothing better than we have
Charlton deserved it, they wanted it more , their fans were spot on didnt shut up all game and that big flipping drum they had was mad. Not good enough wednesday i honestly think they didnt know how much this ment to us all
Not a single mention of Ajdarevic in the thread (apart from team line up) and all about how their midfield went missing as opposed to our 4-5-1 being the right choice for the fixture and for our squad.
Unlike them let's take one game at a time and go back to concentrating on the league
The 5th rounds a forgone conclusion we will stuff the eel eaters
( Not heard us called that before)
Charlton: the very definition of "Tinpot"!
Charlton = not MASSIVE
I really really don't like powell and never have so to see him swinging off the goalposts when his team have just cheated their way through to the next round had me spitting feathers
Whoever Dan is, Dan is a bellend.
There are a couple of nice comments but that's about it. Tbf owlsonline is worse than owlstalk in the anti Powell comments.
I doubt a neutral would be able to say there was much difference between here and Owlstalk. We're not exactly gracious in defeat ( and I certainly include myself in that).