Like the idea about joining up to watch the match mate but not sure it will come off as I have applied for only a 3 day pass Starting Saturday. If you do organise a pub though let me know as she has agreed to me watching it with her so can always give it 'i didn't know these guys would be in here'
lol nice one, i might have to use that one one day!!
Is this the old post office?
dude, this mob are from deapest darkest kent, so prob not!! some of the places they talk about i thought were ooop north! chat ham or something like that never eard of it!
They are very sociable people obviously - they like to meat up.
Oh very dear...
ha ha quality
Actually here is a joke for you that I am not going to lay claim to making up:
What do you call a cricketer that asks for two types of cooked meat at a butchers?
Ian Bothams
I sadly love the badness of that joke!
They tried to raise the steaks with all the new housing, but to be frank, erm, furter afield would be a better bet for a place to live.
Pork off. That's my birth town you're slating.
Count me out sadly. Missus has already made plans for us on Friday...
I'd agree though, the Cricketers in Rainham would be a good venue. Plenty to pork.
You haven't got the rump with us then?
Actually he's got a bit of a beef with me.
A real man would tell him where to go, I guess you're just abit chicken.
You may be right, I'll have to take stock of the situation.
Medders, I understand you are soon to be married & need to get used to being told what to do. :-)