I live in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland and have done since 2001. When I arrived there were 15'000 'frontalieri' - Italian border habitants that came to work here. Now there are 60'000, accepting in some cases less than half the liveable wage for a Swiss resident. They do not pay taxes here and take the money back home with them. In the meantime Swiss residents, I'm talking those earning an ordinary wage, including ex-pats like me who have ordinary jobs and who pay our taxes here (I pay more or less the equivalent as I did in the UK - tax haven my arse, but at least everything works) are being laid off (I haven't...yet).
Every day an extra 25'000 cars come over the border from Italy, one person per car. There are motorway restrictions due to pollution levels, especially when there's a dry spell. There's a CHF20 Million hole in this year's council budget. Why? Because higher local unemployment calls for higher benefit payouts and a local but foreign workforce that doesn't spend while it's here, and barely participates in the local economy. This vote had to happen sooner or later. Simples.
Rich people came to Switzerland to look after their own interests, not to make Switzerland rich. Example: Richard Burton, fine actor and personal hero of mine, came to Switzerland in 1957 because the UK asked him to pay over 90% of his earnings. Here he paid less than a third (in line with the office worker or farmer up the road - equality eh?) and everyone was happy.
Now, due to international pressure Swiss banking secrecy no longer exists and the country has to adapt to a different world. What people don't understand is that I can incorporate a single member LLC in Delaware or New York state tomorrow and I can operate with no tax burden whatsoever, have a nominee director and member (shareholder) and without full disclosure (yes, even now) yet the frigging Yanks want to preach to the world and everyone follows in their footsteps? Laughable.
Im guessing ticino? Hope your work situation works out. I was very surprised by the result today...am sure once some of the benefits side of the contract with EU States come into the equation then we might not see too much enforcement.
its a sad day as any victory for the SVP is disturbing.
You guessed right C.R. I may have portrayed it one-sidedly, looking at the very local situation, because Ticino has a higher unemployment rate than the rest of the country and is generally ignored in Bern. Controlled immigration isn't a problem; However, opening the doors wholesale unfortunately has proven that it is.
Not at all, I think the logic you have expressed in the post above is very cogent and shows an awareness of both sides of the social coin.
i guess we shall see but as CH is IMO generally far less accepting of.different cultures than the UK, I am hopeful this doesnt end up as the first step towards a big leap to the Right.
I live in the Italian speaking part of and have done since 2001. When I arrived there were 15'000 'frontalieri' - Italian border habitants that came to work here. Now there are 60'000, accepting in some cases less than half the liveable wage for a Swiss resident. They do not pay taxes here and take the money back home with them. In the meantime Swiss residents, I'm talking those earning an ordinary wage, including ex-pats like me who have ordinary jobs and who pay our taxes here (I pay more or less the equivalent as I did in the UK - tax haven my arse, but at least everything works) are being laid off (I haven't...yet).
Every day an extra 25'000 cars come over the border from Italy, one person per car. There are motorway restrictions due to pollution levels, especially when there's a dry spell. There's a CHF20 Million hole in this year's council budget. Why? Because higher local unemployment calls for higher benefit payouts and a local but foreign workforce that doesn't spend while it's here, and barely participates in the local economy. This vote had to happen sooner or later. Simples.
Rich people came to Switzerland to look after their own interests, not to make Switzerland rich. Example: Richard Burton, fine actor and personal hero of mine, came to Switzerland in 1957 because the UK asked him to pay over 90% of his earnings. Here he paid less than a third (in line with the office worker or farmer up the road - equality eh?) and everyone was happy.
Now, due to international pressure Swiss banking secrecy no longer exists and the country has to adapt to a different world. What people don't understand is that I can incorporate a single member LLC in Delaware or New York state tomorrow and I can operate with no tax burden whatsoever, have a nominee director and member (shareholder) and without full disclosure (yes, even now) yet the frigging Yanks want to preach to the world and everyone follows in their footsteps? Laughable.
You guessed right C.R. I may have portrayed it one-sidedly, looking at the very local situation, because Ticino has a higher unemployment rate than the rest of the country and is generally ignored in Bern. Controlled immigration isn't a problem; However, opening the doors wholesale unfortunately has proven that it is.
The Swiss are now famous for accepting people of all nationalities who want to live in their country. Or, should that be, don't want to live in their country ;-)
A: Well the flag is a big plus.
6 lost posts.....I'm getting worried....
Every day an extra 25'000 cars come over the border from Italy, one person per car. There are motorway restrictions due to pollution levels, especially when there's a dry spell. There's a CHF20 Million hole in this year's council budget. Why? Because higher local unemployment calls for higher benefit payouts and a local but foreign workforce that doesn't spend while it's here, and barely participates in the local economy. This vote had to happen sooner or later. Simples.
Rich people came to Switzerland to look after their own interests, not to make Switzerland rich. Example: Richard Burton, fine actor and personal hero of mine, came to Switzerland in 1957 because the UK asked him to pay over 90% of his earnings. Here he paid less than a third (in line with the office worker or farmer up the road - equality eh?) and everyone was happy.
Now, due to international pressure Swiss banking secrecy no longer exists and the country has to adapt to a different world. What people don't understand is that I can incorporate a single member LLC in Delaware or New York state tomorrow and I can operate with no tax burden whatsoever, have a nominee director and member (shareholder) and without full disclosure (yes, even now) yet the frigging Yanks want to preach to the world and everyone follows in their footsteps? Laughable.
its a sad day as any victory for the SVP is disturbing.
i guess we shall see but as CH is IMO generally far less accepting of.different cultures than the UK, I am hopeful this doesnt end up as the first step towards a big leap to the Right.