Thuram kicks up, long down to Ghoochannejhad but Ajdarevic, Ghoochannejhad back out wide to Ajdarevic, but Burke can get back... Adeyemi to Macheda but Poyet gets there - looks impressive - to Evina now, and back to Poyet, to Wood and we get back to Thuram. Smashes it up, Cousins helps it on, Olly Lee with Cousins who wins a free kick.
fk to be wilson....too long and cleared......morrow to AA....JJ on edge of box....tackled....they push forward....shot comes in...thurum saves with his feet....they come again....we clear again.....they get it back..we are under pressure
Cousins looks in a bit of pain. Wilson long to Sordell, cleared by defence, Morrison wins the header vs Macheda, Ajdarevic to Jackson edge of the box but Huws just nips it away, Novak on the left but ignored, back to Lee, great ball to Burke, in the area but Thuram clears with his feet, right-hand side, Lee but Poyet clears, Ghoochannejhad loses it, Lee from Burke now, ball in the middle, Huws in centre mid, Macheda, Morrison to block him, ball on his right, Novak, Huws, Robinson behind, Huws, Lee into the box, Novak, ball drops to Adeyemi but Poyet on the edge, right back position up to Sordell, Robinson, Aaron Martin... Ajdarevic now. Ball in the centre circle, Sordell advances, Jackson left foot, no, off the defender and Burke keeps it in... Wood cross halfway, Poyet now and Wilson out right, back inside to Ajdarevic, looks for Ghoochannejhad, controls but Caddis heads back to Randolph... Phew.
brum knocking it about......we are under severe pressure...we clear....sordell losses it.....they come again....sordell....jj shoots blocked.....woods....AA.....reza.....but tackled and back with randolf
Robinson has it, Emyr Huws on it, our throw. Cousins goes back for the throw... Wilson actually. Chucks it, Sordell loses out, Ajdarevic turns and back to Wilson, and back to Wood now, crosses halfway and Evina halfway in their half, looks up but Diego there, ball out to Wilson but Wood actually, out to Evina and Jackson into Ghoochannejhad, Cousins right foot MASSIVE opportunity but no...
brum throw...taken...addicks throw.....we are 60% - 40 % possession at the moment...but losing.....AA to wilson....woods now to evina......poyet......wood.....JJ.....Reza....cousins....shoots......saved by keepers feet
Threaded ball into Cousins' feet from Ajdarevic, loads of space, tried to shoot past Randolph, saved with his feet and Ghoochannejhad looks to get past Packwood but gave away a free kick.
Randolph long long kick and Morrison now, Macheda on it, right-foot to Cousins, jackson halfway though, Poyet past his man and finds Ghoochannejhad but Randolph just gets there. Nicely weighted from Diego. Ooh.
Big balls everyone!
*gloom gloom gloom*