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What's everyone's opinion of Obama?

I'm quite curious what you guys think of Obama.

For the record, most Americans do like the British.


  • Great orator, that's where the greatness ends.
  • Oakster said:

    Sign him up, could do a job on the right or the left but probably most effective in the centre.

    He is about 6' 3" so at least he passes the height test.
  • Great international spokesman but pretty ineffectual as a president.
  • I'd like him if he could find out what ibe looks like, im confused.
  • Obama a great man, a great talker and promised so much unfortunately has delivered so little whether that's because congress has hampered his plans but the way I look at him is he is a world leader that a lot of the world love but closer to home not the greatest president.

    To be fair to the guy as well he has been president in a difficult time following that baffoon bush, the financial meltdown and already committed to bush wars
  • If reports are correct, my opinion of Obama is probably higher than that of Mrs Obamas.
  • He was alright but I'm hoping Rezza has a similar impact to him last season.
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  • edited February 2014
    Stig said:

    Didn't know he was British.

    O' Bama, everyone knows he's Irish.'s_No_One_as_Irish_as_Barack_O'Bama
  • Don't dislike him, but I've never liked him. Just a boring, ineffective president.
  • He.......pauses.....too.....much.......when......he.....speaks
  • He's a great PR man and had an excellent marketing team (and budget!) behind him. He could have been a great President but there was no way the Republicans were ever going to make it easy for him to get the slightest decision through congress.
  • Just reading The End of Power: From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches to States, Why Being In Charge Isn’t What It Used to Be by Moises Naim. His thesis is that no President will ever be effective again as power shifts in most areas of society.
  • he got bin-Laden. The cock-swinging nutters who preceded him wasted billions of dollars and thousands of lives, failing to do so.
  • Clinton's a better speaker and a better leader:
  • vffvff
    edited February 2014
    Obama appears to be a decent man. He is great on most big occassions. Obama is hamstrung this term by the decline of the Republicans to co operate with a legislative agenda in the House of Representatives. Senate Dems 55 to Repub 45 with 230 Repubs to 200 Dems in the House of Representatives.

    From what I understand, the votes cast in the House of Representatives don't represent the division of seats. More votes were cast for the Democrats in the House of Representatives than the Republicans (49 million to the Dems and 48 million to the Repubs) but Republicans have a clear 30 seat advantage.

    There seems to be a real division in American Politics and difficulty in getting anything done. The trouble with setting a budget recently a big example of that. In this country the first chamber, Parliament can force things through if the second chamber, the Lords blocks parliament legislation 3 times.
  • Great orator and visionary but hamstrung by the Americans inability to see what he was trying to do. Aged faster than any president I've ever seen. Will be replaced by what preceded him. God help us.
  • Just reading The End of Power: From Boardrooms to Battlefields and Churches to States, Why Being In Charge Isn’t What It Used to Be by Moises Naim. His thesis is that no President will ever be effective again as power shifts in most areas of society.

    I think this has been true for some time. The problem for Obama is that there are fewer moderate Republicans around, than in years gone by, who could be persuaded to back certain measures. They also banned "earmarks", which had always been used to sway/win over Senators (whichever party were in power) in the past (essentially bribes, where funds for certain projects were set aside especially for the State being "won over").

    The only thing they've really backed, other than the agreement on the fiscal cliff which they had no option on anyway, is an Immigration Bill. The main reason for this being that it was in their long-term interests. Obama won 70% of the Hispanic vote last time & there was concern that Republicans would face election oblivion in the future.

    From an outsider's view, with friends & clients there who support both parties, I found him refreshing when he first ran/won and pretty inspirational. Perhaps that was enhanced even more in comparison to the idiot who had gone beforehand.

    His policies could have made a huge difference for vast numbers of the population but possibly the worst time, financially, to be trying to do this. Politically also the Republicans have shifted further to the right, have fewer moderates and have no interest in doing anything except blocking.

    A breath of fresh air at the start certainly but, sadly, he won't be able to deliver on the great promise. It's not the first time that's happened with a politician/leader and certainly won't be the last.
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  • He's despised by people who thought it sensible to vote for G.W. Bush not just once, but twice so he must be ok by default. But then they also think Obama's left wing and that Tony Blair is great so shows how f'ked up they are.

  • Useless prick.
  • Useless prick.

    Priceless objectivity. And he has just written on the White House forum how much he loves reading your posts on CL! ;-)

  • Too skinny!
  • Only in office because he's black IMO, most knee jerkers will claim that is a racist statement, but it was frightening the amount of people interviewed before and after who said they voted for him purely on the basis of his colour, seems a lot of the black community whom never voted before, did in droves on both occasions for that reason. Sod the policy's and economic plan, international relations etc, etc.
    Spoke with many American friends on FB on the subject, black and white, most agreed on that point.
    But, you could also argue, that vote was equalled out by people not voting for him because he is black, or the alleged non American birth right, or alleged Islamic leanings.

    Seems a decent fella on the whole, but a weak politician.
  • DA9 said:

    Only in office because he's black IMO, most knee jerkers will claim that is a racist statement, but it was frightening the amount of people interviewed before and after who said they voted for him purely on the basis of his colour, seems a lot of the black community whom never voted before, did in droves on both occasions for that reason. Sod the policy's and economic plan, international relations etc, etc.
    Spoke with many American friends on FB on the subject, black and white, most agreed on that point.
    But, you could also argue, that vote was equalled out by people not voting for him because he is black, or the alleged non American birth right, or alleged Islamic leanings.

    Seems a decent fella on the whole, but a weak politician.

    ...and the alternative was McCain...
  • edited February 2014
    What do you think of Obama? Why is he a useless p?

    Useless prick.

  • edited February 2014
    Very much overrated in this country. Most likely because of his race, is election was seen as a flagship moment for equality around the world, and quite right to. But in the US, if I stand corrected, this 'overratedness' ends. Seen as 'too left'. USA is a right wing country or at least right of centre Obama too left to appease the majority
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