Out of interest does anyone know how to get a message to Chris Powell, an email address or something please??
Despite understanding qualms of other fans who want him gone. I for one am going to give him some support, though he may not have time or be in the right place atm with all the stress, every little helps in turning round our season. Make Powell a more positive and happy man, and the team will follow and results too. In my opinion no-one could do a better job than him in current circumstances, and if we want our charlton back, we will only get it through him. The players, even the new ones responded yesterday and showed effort and pride and worked for each other - communication was definitely not a problem, they will work for each other, we just need to get behind all of them (Even the ones fans may not like - after all if he scores goals, whats not to like), despite all setbacks in last minutes, we have faced adversity before and remember anything is possible, 19 games left now. COYR.
Inbox me and I will try to get it to him.
And no, I'm not going to pass on messages telling him to f+++ off or similar so don't ask. Unfair? Don't care, do your own dirty work.