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Some of our posters tonight...



  • Whatever Powell did or did not achieve before, right now our form is absolutely awful, our fans restless and a lot of that is on CP's head frankly. There are mitigating circumstances but we've won five games so far, that is all. And drawing perpetually is not much better than a loss - draw every game and you go down, which is where we are heading right now on current form.

    Maybe CP has earned himself another crack at the whip and another chance, but to completely dismiss the prospect that someone else may do better because they are not a Charlton hero is extremely foolish. Managers can go through form as much as players can, but a bad spell from CP and the whole club gets relegated. You would drop a player in poor form - is it so inconceivable to contemplate the idea of doing the same with a manager? It's not like we were on scintillating form that dropped off. Our football has been shit all season.
  • vff said:

    I want to see better passing football from whoever manages / coaches Charlton.

    Watching the Youth Team confidently pass the ball around, strike back after Southampton equalised and hold a 2 goal lead without any kind of panic made me think about the disconnect between that style of play and the football that is played at first team level. I know that the lack of resources and quality has played a big part of that.

    I love Charlton, my team, catching up and watching football with my brother. The football part is something that I have suffered with and I want that part to be different.

    I hope that CP is given a decent midfield so he has a chance to make a go of it. It would be nice that there is sufficient service for Reza and the Polish lad to knock the goals in. Particularly for Reza to be in great confident shape for the World Cup and Charlton to be in the Champs next season.

    He's gonna need a decent pitch if you want to see it down the Valley
  • I suppose I have to count myself as one of those who have a 'strange obsession' with Chrissy Powell. But I don't think it's strange at all. I won't pretend to understand the mentality of some of those who spout hate and vitriol about Chrissy. I just know that every time they write their ugly words, in my eyes, Chrissy's measure as a warm, decent and gentle man goes up.

    There is a difference between "hate and vitriol" and thinking the results aren't good enough, tactics are poor and it's time for a change.
  • seth plum said:

    Is the Elephant in the room, the hidden agenda, an underlying racism?
    Nobody would say anything out loud of course, but the lack of reasoned argument from many, and the bile (dog shit), are not in proportion to the issues.
    I know we are struggling and all that, and many reasonable posters construct a case about lack of points and tactics and so on. Those points can be engaged with, they are worth debating.
    However a bald statement such as Powell can go because he is 'dog shit' has no reason, no class, nothing but hatred, not a million miles from the unreasoned hatred of the racists.
    It may well be a tiny minority, a vocal tiny minority, but it is simply nasty.
    I take comfort in the fact that whenever there has been anything like a survey on here, the fans are overwhelmingly in support of Chris Powell, and for many that means even unto relegation.
    I admit to posting a lot about Chris Powell, and have been called his 'dad', but if the bile merchants run free and are never challenged, then we would have a cowardly message board in my view.

    As you probably know, this is what I meant by my Charlton loyal comment, nobody has the guts to bring it up and maybe it's best not to mention it again for the risk of starting a race row this site is better than that, but for some (hopefully a very small minority) this probably plays a factor.
  • Hey, hey got my first abuse flag for this thread...guess it must have hit home at someone.

    Cue loads of smart arses going back to flag it now...
  • Powelly got great backing yesterday from the fans , everyone was singing CP red and white army for 20 mins non stop and for me it shows the backing the fans av for him , but who is making the decisions?

    Only time will tell .
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  • Hey, hey got my first abuse flag for this thread...guess it must have hit home at someone.

    Cue loads of smart arses going back to flag it now...

    Have no idea why? Who was it? Very strange! You got more likes than flags so maybe you just hit a nerve on someone..
  • Nice one lancs.

    It pains me to say it Seth but yes I get that feeling sometimes from some of the Powell out posters. That's why I love our manager a little bit more. Yes he makes mistakes and is a bit naive but he's our manager and I feel lucky that we have him.

  • seth plum said:

    Is the Elephant in the room, the hidden agenda, an underlying racism?

    No, and never has been. Let's put that one to bed straight away. It actually undermines the argument of those whose stance it is to back him by putting that as an accusation to those who want him 'out'.

    I can understand at this point why some want change. Never could before this point though so I take the views of those who have been pushing for this for around a year or so with a pinch of salt.

    I'm pretty sure the main reason some of the anti views are so strong is because he has always had the support of the majority of posters on here.

    I'm sure if we had an expert in social studies they will tell you it's more to do with group dynamics and group behaviour than anything else. There is an element that are driven to crush that / see that as a success. That is born out by the level of online discontent being no match for the overwhelming support shown at games.

    That's the slightly disappointing thing as I genuinely can't believe that anyone if they took a step back and analysed everything logically would see we are about to lose a manager who has done a fantastic job in very trying circumstances over the last 18 months.
    Fair enough Smudge. The unreasoned hatred for Chris is not about racism, but possibly about peer pressure to say stuff, hurt at losing as we did yesterday, and the drive to be in a group that certainly wouldn't want to be associated with old gits like me.
    There is a 'troll gene' out there , it exists in lots of us I suppose, but the thing to do is to fight against it and try to be civilised.
    Apologies if I have caused any worms to crawl out of any cans.
  • I am pro change. Not anti powell.

    Anyone enjoying this season isn't a Charlton supporter.

    There is a fierce pro powell brigade who I feel are far more irrational than the anti powell posters. I don't accept that there isn't anyone better out there and we shouldn't even try to find someone.

    If we had the same squad with the same results but Warnock in charge there would be only one thread in which we would all agree on and that would be ' Warnock Out'.

  • I think some people are getting the comments aimed at CP's managerial ability confused as abuse to him personally.

    I've been very much 100% CP but he's beginning to wear me down with his decision making and tactics.

    He is a top top bloke, but he can be criticised and should be able to be criticised without people accusing other fans as being abusive.

    Personally not sure what I want at the moment.
  • When these people do eventually get their own way and Chris Powell gets the bullet and we are lumbered with a foreign coach who knows nothing about our club let alone Championship / league one football I hope they will be extremely happy with themselves .

    And I assume that if a foreign coach comes in, starts playing attractive expansive football, starts getting results, and keeps us in the Championship then the keep CP brigade will be well and truely pissed off.
    If and when that happens I will say gladly say I was wrong.
  • I don't care who's in charge anymore. We are getting cut adrift in the bottom 3 now and if we don't pick up 6/7 points in the next 3 games we are down once again.

    5 wins in 27 games is unacceptable and if that means a new fella in charge then so be it.The club want to play a game of Russian Roulette by getting rid of 3 of the better players and replace them with inexperienced youngsters from Northern Europe.

    Management, previous board, New board, all culpable for the results this season. It needs sorting out in the next 19 games, as of now.
  • I think some people are getting the comments aimed at CP's managerial ability confused as abuse to him personally.

    I've been very much 100% CP but he's beginning to wear me down with his decision making and tactics.

    He is a top top bloke, but he can be criticised and should be able to be criticised without people accusing other fans as being abusive.

    Personally not sure what I want at the moment.

    It works both ways though. People who support Powell based on the fact he's proven he can deliver with proper backing, or that there's no-one better out there often get accused of being SCP fantasists supporting the man not the manager. I personally am sick of being told I only support the manager because he's 'a nice man'. Some people do have an agenda but I think there needs to be more consideration for where viewpoints are coming from on both sides.
  • 100% want Chris to remain our manager, especially if we get relegated.
  • I just don't understand it, there seems to be a Powell hate campaign that People are getting too much enjoyment out of and I don't get why, I know why the scumbags on Charlton Loyal hate Powell but that can't be the case here find I doubt that's the case on ITTV. What everyone is forgetting is that he saved us, we were in the worse state since the exile in the 80's when he joined us, morale was at an all time low and things were looking very dismal, 2 and a bit seasons later we were finished top half of the division above. We had 4 managers between Curbishley and Powell so 5 attempts to get it right. Who's to say that we won't have another 4 or even more between Powell and the next one that brings us any joy. It's not a gamble I want to take, it's more of a gamble sacking him than keeping him and you know I'm right. I like a gamble but would like to have a sensible hand to gamble with, Powell is a sensible hand. He may make mistakes even curbs made mistakes it's only human, Curbishley playing Ilic for too long after he lost his mojo was probably why we got relegated in 99 but he fixed the problems we went up as champs and the rest they say is history. I'm sorry if this all makes me 'strangely obsessed' with Powell but it's my opinion and I'm sticking with it , you call it obsession I call it support!

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  • Football fans in internet argument shocker.

    i am 100% behind SCP and yet i am seriously beginning to question the tactics of going 10 men behind the ball and inviting teams onto us. However, its not like SCP has a plethora of talented footballers available to him at the moment.

    all we can do is get behind the team, starting with next week

    SCP surely deserves another 6 games of unquestioning support. I am fully confident this team could go on a run and climb the table.

    the new lads may be crap or they may be good. But we wont find out if we as fans are beaten before the game starts

  • seth plum said:

    Is the Elephant in the room, the hidden agenda, an underlying racism?
    Nobody would say anything out loud of course, but the lack of reasoned argument from many, and the bile (dog shit), are not in proportion to the issues.
    I know we are struggling and all that, and many reasonable posters construct a case about lack of points and tactics and so on. Those points can be engaged with, they are worth debating.
    However a bald statement such as Powell can go because he is 'dog shit' has no reason, no class, nothing but hatred, not a million miles from the unreasoned hatred of the racists.
    It may well be a tiny minority, a vocal tiny minority, but it is simply nasty.
    I take comfort in the fact that whenever there has been anything like a survey on here, the fans are overwhelmingly in support of Chris Powell, and for many that means even unto relegation.
    I admit to posting a lot about Chris Powell, and have been called his 'dad', but if the bile merchants run free and are never challenged, then we would have a cowardly message board in my view.

    Dog shit = my opinion of the service I am receiving as a paying customer.

    Calling someone a racist you don't know and have never met because you want to misinterpret something they have said about the quality of a product means YOU are the "bile merchant"
  • A 'customer' who can't even spell the name of the player he mocks in his username correctly at that...
  • My god it's like a play ground. Because I say customer and not fan or supporter you will try and mock me
  • Do you not realise the difference then?
  • Well that's killed the argument out right that has, sick to the back teeth of insinuating I'm racist. You lot crack on
  • I'm well aware of the difference.

    I'm also aware if the difference between a fan and a supporter.

    Let's concentrate on how Seth throws accusations around at people for being racist because I am staunchly against the tactics and ideas of our manager. To suggest I'm a racist is pathetic. I'm sorry I'm not within the CL clique and dare to offer a different opinion
  • Given the goings on this week , I thought we were going to get hammered yesterday.Sure it's gutting to 'throw' away 3 points with however minutes to go, but stuff happens in life , and football is unpredictable.

    I'm just pleased we haven't got another game till Saturday, and time to prepare for the Brummie game , I think we need to be positive , fans and players alike, at the start of the season I said I'd be happy to finish 4th from bottom this season, given our lack of player investment last summer, now we have a couple of new strikers , Poyet and Cousins coming through the team, and one or two other new faces, keep the faith and get behind the team on Saturday, well done to the fans who bothered to make the long trip up to Wigan yesterday, I doth my cap.
  • So everyone who doesn't like Powell's tactics and management style are racist that right ?.I don't like his tactics but I'm no racist.
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