That we can sing songs about the new guys without disrespecting them? We already know that Raza doesn't like being known as Gucci or varients and songs about Piotr including references to Parsley would also be similar in my opinion. It's the same with the Wilson song and although he acknowledged it and smiled at Oxford we know from other players that it had actually upset him.
We are there to support the players. Let's do so but not by disrespecting them in the process.
That sounds kinda awesome!
a) sing a song that a player likes which builds a bond between player and fans and inspires him to do his best for us, or,
b) sing a song that gives the impression we don't value their feelings at all, demotivating them.
Hmm....I wonder which of these conflicting strategies is likely to give us the best chance of avoiding relegation this season......
It ain't rocket science, is it?
James loved it.