We have a little joke (well I do at least) that my inlaws have a curse. Everytime we go to a restaurant they send something back (fussy mares my Mil, GMil, Wife, and stepdaughter) they go to a Harvester and expect the ritz. In fact my Mil went to one of those posh hotels for tea and sent back the wine for not being cold enough... you may have read previous episodes about the sink, I haven't mentioned the car episode, and the fil's van was mentioned way back...

Anyway it applies to loads of things not just restaurants, and I am pretty darn sure the bad luck wasn't there before I became part of their clan... I tend not to mention the curse too much as the Brother in law gets the ump, doesn't take much tho.
Anyway recently I bought a pair of Boots, one of her cousins works in a shoe shop, handy 25% discount. So I spend hours deliberating as I seem to be mid size, and eventually settle on the smaller pair. Lo and behold as soon as I wear them out the left shoe starts digging into my leg just above the ankle, the triangular crease wear the tongue meets the main part of the shoe not good on a £150 pair of timberlands, and not likely to wear in.
So its a bit awkward but I eventually go back to the shop, the shoes are used but could very easily be made to look new again so no biggy I thought, and really what I want is the bigger size or a refund - I literally only wore them for 10 minutes and they have this year long returns guarantee. So I approach her cousin and explain and she tells me can't bring em back cos they are used, and suggests I try and wear them in, they fit nicely on the lower part so I don't think its a sizing issue. I decide to wear them around the precinct and see how it goes. Still one of them is digging into my leg very uncomfortable. So eventually I go back and protest again. On closer inspect the leather seems different and harsher on the offending shoe, and the innersole is a different colour - quite normal I'm told.
A few managers later and they are arguing with me still, then I notice the label on the inside of the shoe is also a different colour and has some different code numbers on it. I protest further this isn't a pair of shoes - to which they still argue. I am flabbergasted by this stand my ground and they give in and give me a goodwill refund. Its a bit awkward with the cousin to say the least. I found this quite bizarre and the curse of course is still applicable.
If you get over it quickly when something else happens you don't relate it back to the last time something bad happens. If you spend hours worry and getting worked up because something has hapened it feels fresher when the next thng comes up.
I certainly notice this with myself and my mother, she wil commiserate with me about my string of bad luck when I've basically forgotten half the things happened.
The answer, is to test them indoors on carpet.
However, if they're obviously faulty after wearing, they can replace/refund, as they no doubt return them to the manufacturer as not fit for purpose.
You acted a pain in the
arsefoot in a shop, and it's your mother in laws fault because she can equally be a pain in the arse in other public places ???;-)