WSS said on another thread "Could you ask if we could name the South Stand something as well Henry? Sounds so boring just having points on the compass as stand names"
WSS, I know you are young but it's a shame that you don't know the club's history. However I'm sure you not the only one that doesn't know the true reason for the name of that stand.
Actually the away end doesn't have that name because of the compass point. It is named after Charlton's pre-world war one goalkeeper. He was a regular in those pre-league and pre-professional days and worked at Sieman's Engineering Works in Charlton. He lost a foot in an incident at the factory but as football was a less mobile game in those days just switched from left back to keeper.
In 1915 he joined the Royal Engineers and fought on the western front. He lost his sight in a gas attack at Passchendaele in 1917 but despite this continued to play in goal when the club reformed in 1919. He always said he could smell the leather ball coming towards him. He was still in the squad when the club joined the league in 1921 but never made a league appearance. He became groundsman at the Valley until he lost an arm in an accident with the motor roller.
He continued to be active and was a keen mountain climber until he lost his life in a fall in the Italian Alps in 1928. The clubs first promotion in 1929 was dedicated to him by the players.
When I was lucky enough to have a son I of course named him after this great Charlton player.
WSS and you all you others, please don't disrespect the memory of one of our true heroes, someone who epitomises the values that Charlton stand for, Joe South.
And after I stuck up for you on NA
Archie West - you kids know nothing.