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If you have lost a cherished pet; would appreciate your advice



  • very sorry to hear that Prague. Remember the good times. RIP Arry.
  • edited January 2014
    Just seen this Prague....Mrs RM and myself are so sorry........I have no words to comfort you, but you will met again at 'The Bridge' of that I am sure. Our thougts and prayers are with you. Run Free Arry until you meet again RIP
  • RIP Arry. Thoughts with you Prague.
  • RIP Arry.
    So sorry to hear this Prague. Thoughts are with you
    Having an ailing 14 year old Golden Retriever myself, I cant imagine how difficult this loss will be.
  • Very sorry to hear your news, Prague. Remember the good times.
  • I can understand fully what you are going through. So sorry.
  • Sorry to hear that Prague.
  • really sad news prague but as everyones said, cherish the good times and the wonderful life you gave to arry:-((
  • I am so absolutely gutted to see your news Prague. I was hoping that you would have more time together but it was not to be. I can only imagine what you and your family are feeling right now but the pain will pass and the good memories will flood back. RIP Arry and all the very best Prague. Thinking of you.
  • Sorry to hear your news. Always sad
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  • @Pragueaddick Hi mate I have sent you an email......just re-read this thread and now I'm in tears.....sorry again to hear the news about Arry. Take care both of you.
  • I dont know you Prague but do know the pain you are going through. You gave it your best and I know Arry had a great life with you. As others have said, cherish the memories. Take care
  • Arry was loved to bits - can't ask for more in life really.
  • I really feel for you Prague.I have been in your situation & after a while you will just remember the great times you had with him.Chin up fella.
  • So sorry to hear your sad news Prague. We all know how much Arry meant to you and your wife. I know how hard it is, but remember all the good times you all ad together and know he won't suffer any more.

    Take care
  • So sorry for your loss Prague, like others I've been where you are now, it hurts like hell. It will get easier and it's true, you'll be left with so many memories that'll make you smile for years to come. You've been blessed to have such a loving companion touch your life.
  • Sorry to hear the bad news prague. Remember the good memories, im sure there are lots of them. Rip Arry.
  • I don't normally get involved in these kinds of threads, but I'm nearly in tears here.

    So sorry to hear Arry has moved on Prague.

    My wife and I are yet to have kids and got our first dog earlier this year - a rescued Lab/Husky who's just coming up to his first birthday. I've always considered myself a 'cat man' and we still have three of them, but despite all the chewed shoes, crapped on carpets and 3 am wake up calls to go pee Henry has become such an integral part of our lives it breaks my heart to think of him not being around. To us at least he does feel very much like our child.

    Plenty of other people have already given you good advice on here but I thought I'd share my experience. When we lost one of our cats (she got run over while we were on holiday) we went and got two kittens not that long afterwards. We've never forgotten dear old Rosie and I still feel sad to think of her - she was so nervous when we got her and had worked so hard to bring her out from under the sofa (both metaphorically and literally) and she had just started to settle when we lost her. At first I felt kind of guilty that we 'replaced her' so quickly, but we've never forgotten her and I think it's more of a tribute to how deeply the fury ones can touch our lives that we feel we need to have another friend help fill the considerable void they leave when they move on.

    Grieve in your own time but don't feel bad when it's time to give your love to a new companion, you'll never forget Arry and there are so many dogs out there in need of your care.
  • and here he is...
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  • Prague, lovely words mate.
    I just looked down at my boy and thought what would I do, in early February we expect our next addition to be born and he will run alongside Bailey and obviously at four years younger he should see me too my 70th birthday if I make it. You and your wife will decide if and when the time Is right, if I had to wager I'd say you'll be sitting there one evening and to each other," this is all very nice but something's missing"
    I know Redmidland's boy will make sure no harm comes of Arry while he waits at the bridge. "Run free Arry" x
  • Beautiful post PA, got a bit choked reading that. Animals can truly give so much to our lives and sorry if it's a cliche but can touch our very souls. Cherish your memories.
    As for signs I totally agree. Some may know but my dad died just before Christmas and it was a grey, cloudy day when we gathered to say goodbye. When we came out of the crematorium there was one of the most vivid rainbows I've ever seen. It meant the world to those who saw it. I guess we look for comfort where we can find it.

    Take care.
  • Nice post prague. Thats a lovely looking dog too.
  • Lovely post Prague.
  • Bless you, PA for sharing your thoughts with us at what was so clearly a very emotional time.

    Take care & stay strong.

  • Lost my own dog Jess this morning a beautiful border collie...had her 11 years since the day I moved from woolwich to Ireland. It was so sudden she started to get sick last weekend after a change of medication to help her degenerative spine disease and it sent her downhill fast not sure what happened this morning she just started shaking and drifted of a couple of minutes say I'm devastated is an understatement....dogs just really are the best friends you can get they don't hold grudges when u tell them off all they want to do is please you....I really do feel for everyone on here who's lost a pet....the only thing I can say is I think losing her is a small price to pay for the 11 and a half years of complete joy she's given Jess
  • Bless you, addickdanny.

    She was obviously a beautiful dog and a special friend to you .

    Take care & be strong
  • Oh what a beautiful dog - I feel for you.

    Treasure the memories. She will always be there in your heart.

    RIP Jess
  • Very sorry that you've lost Jess Danny. Those are lovely thoughts in your post, with which all contributors to this thread will whole-heartedly agree. You were both lucky to have each other for such a long time. Cherish the memories.
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