He's really creepy. Not just some of his comments but the way he's all over that bird is so desperate. my missus thinks the way he's acting is slimey and she weren't alone when i looked on twitter last night. Plus the fact he was talking normally then when he saw sappy went all 'gangsta'.
Did Lee Ryan have to go to the toilet to err 'clean up' last night? I dont know who the bird is who he is after but I presume in the lads mags she scrubs up a lot better than what she looks on screen.
as for Apprentice girl - she knows exactly what she is doing.
If you subscribe to Voltaire's view, which I certainly do, freedom of speech is indivisible no matter how obnoxious the opinions expressed. Opinions may cause extreme offense but it is actions that inflict harm....."sticks and stones......etc" Of course, incitement to inflict harm (i.e. violence) is, nowadays, rightly illegal but Evander Holyfield's comments were patently nothing of the sort. There seems to have developed in the West a new "right", the right not to be offended. Except that it seems to be a right for some and not others. Better if we just kept our temper and counter with reasoned argument when someone says something we don't like rather than say they can't say it at all IMHO.
In America where he is from I don't think that would be a controversial thing to say on TV.
Whatever you think about Dappy, the lad is having a go and taking advantage of two silly bints who think a threesome will win them votes.
Go Dappy!
The way he talks makes my blood boil and ting wasteman
Trying to "out sexpest" dappy.
For a man who said that ^^^^, you seem to be following it rather closely mate!
I dont know who the bird is who he is after but I presume in the lads mags she scrubs up a lot better than what she looks on screen.
as for Apprentice girl - she knows exactly what she is doing.
Its a great sounding quote, but Hitler held racist and very dangerous/violent opinions. Would you want to defend those to the death?
Yeah an extreme example I know, and most of the time its ok to defend many kinds of opinions. But ones that could cause major harm?
Of course, incitement to inflict harm (i.e. violence) is, nowadays, rightly illegal but Evander Holyfield's comments were patently nothing of the sort.
There seems to have developed in the West a new "right", the right not to be offended. Except that it seems to be a right for some and not others. Better if we just kept our temper and counter with reasoned argument when someone says something we don't like rather than say they can't say it at all IMHO.