Was going to mention this earlier.Her appearance on the apprentice doesn't necessarily make her a business phenomenon. Believe it or not they also select people who score highly on the TWAT counter regardless of business acumen .
Was going to mention this earlier.Her appearance on the apprentice doesn't necessarily make her a business phenomenon. Believe it or not they also select people who score highly on the TWAT counter regardless of business acumen .
Sex parties have kept her in the public eye...and her opinion of herself. Her agent must feel like he signed Darren bent for 3million.
I thought Liz was hilarious last night when Luisa was trying to get her to laugh. Some of the stuff she was saying - I bet Luisa couldn't believe how far away from getting a laugh she was!
One of the best moments of the series and Liz's best by far. No idea how she kept a straight face through that
Linda seems to think that she is coming across as the injured party - she is going to get a shock when she finds out what everyone thinks of her. What a vile woman she is. Hope Jim wins.
I agree ME14, Linda is in for a shock when she gets out if she thinks she's coming across as the injured party, the ones who are watching from the pub clocked her snide comments pretty sharpish.
I have to say, if the tables were turned then i think jim would be pulled up for bullying.
A friend of mine here knew the guy who won Big Brother in Australia about 5 years ago, he worked for her Dad in a furniture warehouse, he was a big Fijian guy called Trevor.
He was a big guy with dreadlocked hair and spent most of his time in there either sleeping or sitting there with this big dopey look on his face saying, "Yeah, sweet mate." and causing no possible offence to anyone.
He ended up winning it and getting $250,000 for basically sleeping and being his normal unremarkable self.
Linda seems to think that she is coming across as the injured party - she is going to get a shock when she finds out what everyone thinks of her. What a vile woman she is. Hope Jim wins.
I hate how she expects sympathy because she was on benefits. She's an ex Nolan she could easily get a job in a bar or a restaurant somewhere but is no doubt too proud to get a proper job.
Watched it for 5 minutes the other night and was bored, haven't bothered with it since, but like quite a few I have followed this thread (or at least bits of it) because of JD.
Believe it or not they also select people who score highly on the TWAT counter regardless of business acumen .
I have to say, if the tables were turned then i think jim would be pulled up for bullying.
He was a big guy with dreadlocked hair and spent most of his time in there either sleeping or sitting there with this big dopey look on his face saying, "Yeah, sweet mate." and causing no possible offence to anyone.
He ended up winning it and getting $250,000 for basically sleeping and being his normal unremarkable self.
I meant Ormiston's stories
Anything for magazine publicity after it finishes.
Wet Ollie and wet Sam are annoying me.
I just want Jim to win and Dappy to come second.
Turns out my memory is playing tricks, it was 10 years ago not 5 and the jammy fecker won $1 million not $250,000.