Just been to my mum and dads and was going through some of mine and my old mans Charlton stuff when I came across this old mirror we used to have up in the living room until it got redecorated, My dad said he brought it in 1979 from a glass makers shop (cant remember where about he said though) Has anyone ever seen one like this before or do you have any old memorabilia that's a bit different to the norm.
So two antique mirrors £100 the pair.
Got this email from our counterparts at Derby this week who were very helpful when we were starting out.
" I’ll be sending an envelope this week containing several items , courtesy of The Derby County Collection – i doubt there is much you haven’t already got , but can be used to sell on for funds.
Items include
Pro Set trade cards
46 newspaper clip showing the Charlton team introduced to the King
Unused Director’s ticket , Sept 2000
3 other tickets
Programme away at Chelsea 3/11/56
Press photo – Alan Pardew
pages/pictures from Charles Buchan magazine
various teamsheets , first team & reserves
newspaper clipping with several Charlton autographs
Hope its a good game on Saturday – despite our recent good run , it will come to an end at some point.
Best regards
andy ellis
The Derby County Collection"
i can confirm that this is in full working order and make for a very good alarm clock (although i very nearly pissed the bed)