waiting patiently for DPD to deliver before it goes unopened into the safe place for Joe's xmas pressie
I then naturally inherit the PS3
should be here by 1615 according to track DPD
Some might argue that a responsible parent would open and test the PS4 to make sure it works. Just to be on the safe side 'testing' could be repeated as many times as the parent deems necessary.
just arrived I have taken on board your thoughts sheffieldred and although the merits of it seem obvious to me she who should be obeyed just gave me that look that tells me No
waiting patiently for DPD to deliver before it goes unopened into the safe place for Joe's xmas pressie
I then naturally inherit the PS3
should be here by 1615 according to track DPD
Some might argue that a responsible parent would open and test the PS4 to make sure it works. Just to be on the safe side 'testing' could be repeated as many times as the parent deems necessary.
On a serious note when I was about 13 I got a computer for Christmas and when I opened it it wasn't working. It was into the new year before I got one that was.
I think, even in this day and age, you would be mad not to test it before you wrap it up!
I'd normally counsel against over-ruling your wife but in this case I think you should. A) to make sure it's working to do any boring setup tasks (system updates, user profile setups etc) so that your son can get playing straight away, rather than having to wait for a load of faffing about to be done first
I'd normally counsel against over-ruling your wife but in this case I think you should. A) to make sure it's working to do any boring setup tasks (system updates, user profile setups etc) so that your son can get playing straight away, rather than having to wait for a load of faffing about to be done first
A yes
B wouldn't have a clue what it meant my joe does all my gadgets I cant work them unless he shows me how
the poor delivery guy said it was his busiest day in years , had over 180 to deliver today ontop of his normal stuff, reckoned he wouldn't be finished till 10pm
I then naturally inherit the PS3
should be here by 1615 according to track DPD
I think, even in this day and age, you would be mad not to test it before you wrap it up!
A) to make sure it's working
and your stuffed carrot with 3 veg for xmas 8)
A yes
B wouldn't have a clue what it meant my joe does all my gadgets I cant work them unless he shows me how
wink wink
Is it any good NLA?