Bit of a long-shot, but CAFC supporters never cease to amaze me. Down here in Shep. Neame Land, we are trying to save an historic boatyard ( where the Thames barges are restored) and establish a community boatyard. We need money so any advice on fund raising would be enthusiastically welcomed. Thank you.
If you do set up a charity and produce a newsletter make sure you edit it yourself!
Me and the gf also raised £250 in one hour for Downs Syndrome, by simply busking in front of their stall...this was completely unrehearsed and a bit patchy to say the least, but nobody seemed to mind.
Has your gf got big tits - that always helps to persuade people to put some coins in the bucket. :-)
34b...but she does have a persuasive manner :-)
I help manage fundraising for a local charity and from events, grants, legacies, donations etc we raise about £30k a year, but it's a slog and getting harder. If you need significantly more than that you'll need a pretty big team of dedicated people.
There might just be some trusts that exist for the purposes of establishing such community facilities, I can make some enquiries if you want to go down that route. Be ready for some serious form filling though.
Ditto other similar campaigns. Pick their brains.
See what you can get in kind ie local colleges for design and build work, prisons for cleaning out.
Local celebs might donate items to sell or attend fundraising events.
I would avoid taking money off people for a flag which never sees the light of day. : - )
Many thanks to all. There appear to be quite a lot of funding streams for different purposes e.g giving kids a chance to learn to canoe and build small boats attracts EU funding. Fascinating area. A cool £3 million should see us through! I get the feeling I'm going to be kept busy. Luckily the one thing we do have is a large number of very determined people.