What's the oldest piece of kit you got from Charlton that you still use? Is was thinking about this as I dried off at the swimming pool using my 1987 Charlton towel. It's a bit rough but still works. We also use a Midland Bank bag from the mid 80s to carry our stuff to the Valley.
All these old shirts can be donate you know.
Just think...an ESMFC shirt from 1905 !
As first team kit shirts were not swapped in those days I would think that your shirt was also worn by Tommy Brown, Charley Purves, Tommy lumley , Riley Cullum, Seamus D'arcy, Dudley Forbes, Charley Vaughan and also Benny Fenton & Billy kiernan-a fine piece of history you have there Henry .
If only we had such a thing : - )
Doesn't come close to Henry's 1950s shirt though.
To answer the question I regularly use play tennis in a variety of old shirts: white Viglen one with the black and red stripe, white Viglen from follwing season, yellow 99/2000 shirt and some early 21st century home shirts. I gave away the ecru one in Indonesia and also once had the snazzy one pictured above - I'd love to still have those. I think the ecru shirt is my favourite ever Charlton shirt.