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  • I'm hated. Mind you I hate the Daily Mail more. Vile rag.
  • edited October 2013
    Got up to the first half unscathed but last few questions pushed me to hated! I was wondering if the editor of the mail had risked his life for this country - or is that just for the dead people he wants to character assasisnate. I think it is pretty hard to go as low as that piece of sh*t of a tabloid has managed!
  • I'm hated. And the feeling is mutual.
  • The even sadder thing is that people actually buy it!!!!
  • I am loathed. I think it was my answer to
    "Are you part of the CL Red Wedge?"
  • No surprise i'm hated.

    Anyone see Newsnight with Alistair Campbell and some Daily Mail deputy? No surprise to see the editor decided to skip the interview...
  • Apparently I'm detested, but I'm still a Daily Mail reader and have been all my life!
  • The funny thing is that there are really no losers in this story.

    Mail readers love it because their paper is giving the Labour leader a slap and Milliband doesn't really mind because it gives him a fight against a powerful opponent and the chance to show he won't be pushed around by the press.

    Blair or Brown would never have had the balls to do what Milliband has done so good on him for that at least - although I still find it hard to believe he can win an election.
  • Got up to the first half unscathed but last few questions pushed me to hated! I was wondering if the editor of the mail had risked his life for this country - or is that just for the dead people he wants to character assasisnate. I think it is pretty hard to go as low as that piece of sh*t of a tabloid has managed!

    The owners of the paper actually supported Hitler for a bit, and the blackshirts in the 30s. But of course that was years ago so it doesn't count.....
  • I'm hated by the Daily Mail. That result has made my day.
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  • I'm hated by the Daily Mail. That result has made my day.


  • I read this evening that the daily mail is the second most read newspaper in the UK and has the most popular website of any newspaper in Europe. Wow!!
  • Go on Facebook to see why the website gets hits. Every frothing right wing buffoon links to their made up stories to illustrate what they are indignant about today. Those of a more reasonable persuasion then click on the link to find out what it is all about in order to put the frother straight. I used to as well, until someone pointed out to me that I was feeding their figures and thereby keeping them going. I now search the subject on google to find other sites with the same story. Many times there is no other site with the story because the Fail made it up or twisted it beyond recognition.
  • The Daily Mail could never hate me as much as I hate it.
    It's a vile newspaper that sells papers on the back of scare mongering to people have no thoughts if their own.
    Utter filth.
  • A friend of mine knew Ralph Miliband personally: she was an undergraduate at the LSE in the 1960s where he was a professor of sociology. He was a widely respected academic and author on politics. She says he was a most honourable, kind and respectful man. The Daily Mail is vile.
  • don't like it don't read it - hated
  • The hate me too & I don't even live here anymore :(
  • I'd rather read the Mail than rags like the Sun, Mirror and People. I bet most of you who say they hate the Mail have never read it. It is usually the first paper to sell out so must be popular.
  • I'd rather read the Mail than rags like the Sun, Mirror and People. I bet most of you who say they hate the Mail have never read it. It is usually the first paper to sell out so must be popular.

    And billions of flies like eating shit...

  • Ah, the left, quick to criticise the Mail for an article about the possible influence a marxist father could have had on his son, a potential future PM of this country, but happy to let MP's and others slate and disgrace the memory of an old woman and try to disrupt her funeral.

    If you dont like the damn paper, dont buy it, I wouldnt dream of buying the Mirror, The Granuaid or Morning Star, neither would I visit a website to see how much they hated me, neither do I give a flying that they would/do.

    Feel free to criticise the paper for something they did years ago (rightly so, as you ask, they should always be reminded) but, try this link and then tell me none of you have ever used any of the products or services listed.

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  • Feel free to criticise the paper for something they did years ago (rightly so, as you ask, they should always be reminded) but, try this link and then tell me none of you have ever used any of the products or services listed.

    There's a big difference in using say a Ford car now and buying into the meme that because Henry Ford was anti-semitic in the 1930s that we should now boycott Ford cars. The modern Ford Motor Company bears no relation to the company of that era. Similarly with the other companies you list - some of which are (Bayer, VW, Porsche etc) German.

    The Mail though has sought to call Ralph Miliband a hater of Britain because of something that he wrote at the age of 17, let's be realistic about what they are trying to achieve here - it isn't about getting at a long-dead academic but a pretty crude and cheap way of throwing mud at his son. are Daily mail readers really that thick that they need to be told not to vote Labour because of something the current leader's father wrote over 70 years ago and then ignore that he went on to fight for Britain in World War Two?

    Harold Harmsworth, the proprietor of the DM at the same time as Ralph Miliband made that comment was an appeaser of Germany, a supporter of Hitler who called him "Adolf the Great", he supported Hitler's annexation of the Sudetenland and advocated that Hitler should next annex Romania. He also wrote an editorial supportive of Oswald Mosley under the headline "Hurrah for the Blackshirts".

    He even funded a German spy:

    I can imagine the caterwauling if Ralph Miliband had written in support of an enemy of Britain and had done half of what Harold Harmsworth did.

    It has though rebounded on the Daily Mail, reminding people of their Nazi supporting past.
  • Oddly, The Daily Fail seems to detest me. I'd have thought I should have been a target reader. But it is a very strange paper and reading just one edition does make you very depressed indeed. I can't imagine what you must feel like if you read it every day.
    I think The Daily Mash tee-shirt sums it up nicely:


    Mind you the Guardian tee-shirt is also apposite:

  • The Daily Mail went way too far this time and they know it, even the Tories like Heseltine are having a go at them about it.

    I cannot stand Kelvin MacKenzie but at least he always had the balls to front up and be a man about his mistakes - The Mail's Paul Dacre is hiding behind the skirts of his underlings and won't face the music, what a weak, pathetic coward.
  • Brazen cheek from a paper whose owner called Hitler "Adolf the Great" and ran stories such as "hurrah for the Blackshirts".

    And DA9 I'll condemn Volkswagon's hypocrisy when they start running ads about what Miliband's dad wrote in his diary when he was 17.

  • DA9 said:

    Ah, the left, quick to criticise the Mail for an article about the possible influence a marxist father could have had on his son, a potential future PM of this country, but happy to let MP's and others slate and disgrace the memory of an old woman and try to disrupt her funeral.

    If you dont like the damn paper, dont buy it, I wouldnt dream of buying the Mirror, The Granuaid or Morning Star, neither would I visit a website to see how much they hated me, neither do I give a flying that they would/do.

    Feel free to criticise the paper for something they did years ago (rightly so, as you ask, they should always be reminded) but, try this link and then tell me none of you have ever used any of the products or services listed.

    If they had just questioned the political influence that Milliband senior had had on his son then that would have been absolutely fine - but they didn't.

    They said that the bloke - based on a single diary entry when he was 17 years old - "Hated Britain" - completely unjustifiable and over the top.

    They actually ruined a good story because it would be interesting to know what strands of his Father's philosophy that Ed Milliband holds on to, but they could not help themselves.
  • I'm a Millwall fan from Eltham, probably the most vilified two things in the Daily Mail!
  • Hated ... never mind
  • What a surprise that Michael Gove seems to be the only Tory defending the Daily Vile. What a weasel that man is.
  • I've no problem with the Daily Mail.

    It is not for me, yet those who seem to care most about diversity and free speech seem to be those who get so outraged against something they don't stand for.

    What is clear though is that they are making a success of it. They have adapted to the digital age far better than anyone else, and as a result have virtually cornered the digital market. Their website receives over 9 million hits a day, more than double their closest digital rival (Guardian), and continues to grow y/y by 30%.

    Whether you like what they do (I don't), there clearly is a market who do.
  • DA9 said:

    Ah, the left, quick to criticise the Mail for an article about the possible influence a marxist father could have had on his son, a potential future PM of this country, but happy to let MP's and others slate and disgrace the memory of an old woman and try to disrupt her funeral.

    If you dont like the damn paper, dont buy it, I wouldnt dream of buying the Mirror, The Granuaid or Morning Star, neither would I visit a website to see how much they hated me, neither do I give a flying that they would/do.

    Feel free to criticise the paper for something they did years ago (rightly so, as you ask, they should always be reminded) but, try this link and then tell me none of you have ever used any of the products or services listed.

    If they had just questioned the political influence that Milliband senior had had on his son then that would have been absolutely fine - but they didn't.

    They said that the bloke - based on a single diary entry when he was 17 years old - "Hated Britain" - completely unjustifiable and over the top.

    They actually ruined a good story because it would be interesting to know what strands of his Father's philosophy that Ed Milliband holds on to, but they could not help themselves.
    It wasnt based on a diary entry when he was 17, that was merely his statement of allegiance to Marx and "The workers" it was based on confirmed comments from RM, published in his biogrpaphy, that he sometimes wished we had lost world war II, and he detested our defence of "The F****** Falklands". If thats not a man who is at least uncomfortable with his country, then I dont know what is, maybe hated were the wrong words, but anyone quoting those comments to me would get short shrift.
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