This is one scary situation -the guy in the Range Rover has his family with him and is surrounded by the bikers, but he drives over one of them and has actually paralysed him. The bikers then seek retribution, chase the Range Rover horrendously in numbers and attack the driver.
I see the bikers have essentially swarmed his vehicle, and he's dangerously close to clipping one of them when he goes out of shot. At this point I'm not quite sure what they expected him to do? Slow down and risk getting rammed from behind?
I presume he ended up clipping that bike which made them all stop? Either way, he does go pretty mental just smashing through them all.. how the feck his car didnt get stuck over one of the bikes I don't know..
Now it's got legal, and his mates facing a charge... I bet sharing that helmet cam footage doesn't seem like the brightest idea..!
Also, 200 complaints? Geez, I thought Kent Police were bad..
Feel intimidated at all ?
To what end? To car jack? Kidknap? Rob? Kill? Rape?
Who knows. But if you've got your 2 year old child in the car you wouldn't wind down the window to find out either.
Unlike this bus driver who did it out of rage....
He should have knocked as many over as he could on the freeway.
When the video first starts you can see a biker just in front of him keeps looking back at the driver, then he slows right down. The SUV driver clipped the back of his wheel so they all stopped. He thought (probably correctly) that he was going to be attacked so he decided to mow them down and speed off.
Having said that most car drivers in the city drive aggressively and without any thought for other drivers or pedestrians.
Watch the video. The bike is slowing him right down, braked sharply and the SUV clipped him. The driver stopped. They swarmed him. He panicked and drove off.
Why is he the idiot?
& in your opinion is everyone with an SUV an entitled prick? Sweeping prejudiced views there.