If I had been manager yesterday I would have said to the players in the dressing room after the game. We won't talk about the game now. We'll talk about monday morning at the training ground. If we try talking now we will say things we will later regret. A couple of nights sleep will give us the chance to think what we want to say. In that period of time we can think of something and then think thats not right. Then think of something else and think it's much better way of putting your point across. By monday we are in the cold light of day and there will less likely to be raised voices and bad language. By the cold light of day you can be much more constructive in your critism. Straight after the match the adrenlin is still pumping and its easier to shout, swear and say something you regret.
I won't dispute the fact that the lads did not peform to a level they are capable of reaching against Millwall. But they are still very honest lads. Instead of shouting and swearing at them it is much better to assess why they didn't reach those performance levels and why and how it went wrong. In that cold light of day you can say Player A you done this wrong and this how it should have been done. And Player B you done that wrong and that it shoulld have been wrong. And Player C you done the other wrong and it should done like this and like that. And so on and so on. Then you can work on the right things in practice.
A lot of things said by the fans in general are said on message boards are said when the adrenalin is still pumping very soon after the game and I notice a lot more constructive things are posted the next day or so after the match when things have slightly calmed down. Maybe it's an idea that message boards close for 24 hours after a match and then reopen then more constructive things could be said. Just a thought though.
But when it comes to the players sending them away and then discussing it later is a good idea.
However if it was my team selection and game-plan that caused such a performance, then I'd have to be honest and take full responsibility.
The next team selection should provide the answer on what really happened.
However, I would have sent them straight out again to listen to the Millwall fans lapping it up & to take the abuse they deserved.
they were gutless & spineless and couldn't put one decent attacking move together over the whole 90 mins. My lads under 10 team could do better than that.
Hamer (mainly distribution issues)
I generally try to be positive but it's pushing the boundaries of reason and logic to say only one player had a poor game.
"We saw a group of cadavers wandering round the pitch"
Chris Powell needs to be more ruthless. decisive and flexible. It is pointless to carry on in a game hoping your original ideas and plan are going to come good despite the evidence to the contrary as was clear against Millwall. If he wants to continue with his first plan after half time in the belief it will come good, then it should be for only 10 or 15 minutes, unless of course he is right, and make changes then rather than later. On the showing so far this season he lacks the decisiveness to make early changes when necessary; he needs get his act together sooner rather than later.