My son informs me that the PS4 will be priced at £299, which considering how my PS3 is an essential peice of entertainment (used for blu-ray/dvd, movie downloads and netflix, I think that's quite reasonably priced.......................
And it has more powerful hardware than the Xbox one, as well as the fact Sony haven't constantly back peddled on their new features.
I have pre ordered it so should arrive tomorrow. But got finished up today so I dont need to get up in the morning. I am tempted to go to tesco/asda at midnight to get a copy. As I haven't pre ordered it with either am I likely to get one?
The game has cost more to produce than any movie in history (apart from Pirates of the Carribean 3), and has apparently already in profit purely from pre-orders!
Will hold out until I get a ps4, ps3 died around 6 months ago so will try wait to replace it... Winters coming though and they are a great way to use up the cold evenings
I have pre ordered it so should arrive tomorrow. But got finished up today so I dont need to get up in the morning. I am tempted to go to tesco/asda at midnight to get a copy. As I haven't pre ordered it with either am I likely to get one?
I never pre-order but have always managed to pick up the game in question at Tesco, whether it's FIFA, COD or Red Dead... If I'm still awake and not planning to go to work the next day I'll go along at 1am...midnight is pointless, the queues are immense.
Debating on this, is there any point me getting it when i will play for one week before Fifa comes out then wont play again for another few months?
when you're winning 4-0 only for the EA server to kick you out and award you a loss, GTA5 will be the perfect medicine as you can shoot the virtual sh*t out of some random suit wearing ped, pretending he was the guy that commissioned the shoddy EA online games
Debating on this, is there any point me getting it when i will play for one week before Fifa comes out then wont play again for another few months?
when you're winning 4-0 only for the EA server to kick you out and award you a loss, GTA5 will be the perfect medicine as you can shoot the virtual sh*t out of some random suit wearing ped, pretending he was the guy that commissioned the shoddy EA online games
Debating on this, is there any point me getting it when i will play for one week before Fifa comes out then wont play again for another few months?
when you're winning 4-0 only for the EA server to kick you out and award you a loss, GTA5 will be the perfect medicine as you can shoot the virtual sh*t out of some random suit wearing ped, pretending he was the guy that commissioned the shoddy EA online games
How long do you give it before the Daily Mail writes a piece calling for the game to be banned?
Tomorrows edition no doubt. To be fair, GTA titles are pretty tame in the grand scale of things. A lot worse games out there for a gore-fest................
we pre ordered this but my son is asking me to go collect it at midnight as he reckons they will run out, I have told him not to be stupid it will still be in game for me to collect tomoz, I am right aint I ?
Pre ordered copies are kept back for the usual opening hours. Can only speak for the Game shop, but they will only sell pre-orders tonight to those that have ordered it, plus any extra copies above the total pre-order quantity..............
we pre ordered this but my son is asking me to go collect it at midnight as he reckons they will run out, I have told him not to be stupid it will still be in game for me to collect tomoz, I am right aint I ?
Some information on what to expect if interested
The game has cost more to produce than any movie in history (apart from Pirates of the Carribean 3), and has apparently already in profit purely from pre-orders!
Decent article here on the progression of the series. Certainly brings back some memories of the early games!
lol er winning
Not everyone can get there for midnight so I'm sure it'll be fine
I think the x button is the accelerator.