His criticisms are valid, making them public like that is probably a bad idea frankly. It will turn players against him, he will lose the team doing that and I can't see many owners/chairmen being very happy with a manager willing to air dirty laundry so publicly. DiCanio was a great player but as a manager eventually he WILL crash - and won't get back up... (metaphorically of course.)
The only thing I felt strange is why the ref didn't give O'Shea an instant red card? He did wait a few seconds. It was the right decision but he just took his time over it.
I agree with what he said but you never here the top managers slate there players like that. I don't think he'll last the season at Sunderland I think he's too outspoken for the premier league.
Whether you agree or not, the issue is whether you gain respect of the dressing room or completely lose it. My suspicion is that it could well be the latter and its going to be a very interesting race as to whether PdC or (not so) SAP win this season's sack race?
DiCanio has his own style as a manager and I personally don't think it is a long term recipe for success. It doesn't seem to be doing to well in the short run at Sunderland either. Palace are a poor side (at that level) who will go down, but Sunderland looked equally poor!
All well and good for the headlines but it's what affect it has on the team that matters and I can't see it being good.
Personally, I don't need di Canio or any manager to tell me that what o'shea done was pony but if he knows bleating about it on telly won't really matter to his players then fair do's.
I remember our fans all excited that pardew and his personality were gonna be a bit more exciting than the dour curbs to watch and listen to as our manager , well everyone now knows it's what happens on the pitch that matters most and being passionate with all the theatrics don't mean a jot if you can't get your team playing for you
Hardly would say that was a rant, thought he nalied it really.
One of the most skillful players we've ever had here and put more work into his time here than most. Short memories some people.
What I admired most about him was the fact that despite him being 35, and having played at much bigger clubs than us (including a massive one) his level of fitness and work rate was probably only 2nd to Scott Parker in that team. Fantastic player but whether he'll make a fantastic manager will be interesting to see. I don't see that he's done anything wrong and if it was a manager like Martin Jol the word rant wouldn't have even been mentioned.
I make him right BUT. If you had screwed up at work how would you feel if it was publicly broadcast? It certainly isn't going to help galvanize the team. I want my Manager to have my back as all the greatest ones do. The likes of Ferguson and Mourinho defend their players publicly and save the vitriol for a one on one.
I think he was right about the striker pure bottle job but in the case of O'shea maybe wrong that was a mistake, but it is good to hear something different to the normal guff they spout.
I like the end of that video when winterburn comes over giving it the biggun Dicanio raises his arm and winterburn flinches like a poof
If you work in a profession that is high profile, get paid extraordinary amounts of money, get disproportionate amounts of praise when you merely complete your job to a satisfactory level, and can claim a massive pension at the age of 35, then you should be big enough and ugly enough to take valid criticism in public too. When will some of you catch on to the idea that these blokes are not slaving away for 50 hours a week at a job they don't really like just to put a meal on the table for their family? They are kicking a bag of wind about for a few hours a week, they are getting paid to play games, they are among the most privileged people in our society - they can walk away tomorrow and go and work in B & Q if they so wish - for crying out loud stop comparing them to people like us doing everyday jobs. There is no comparison! Rant over.
What Algarve said. Pro footballers are cosseted to a point of ridiculousness. Was it SWP who is too important to open his own mail ! It's a public job and PDC wants his supporters to know that when the performance is unacceptable he will tell it like it is.
He's a joke, and not a very funny one. He should fuck off back to Italy where his 'talents' for self publicity might be more appreciated. I will be surprised if he's still in a job by Christmas
I admire outspoken managers like Di Canio, unlike managers who make pathetic excuses.
I am in this camp
The guys a complete twat.
Personally, I don't need di Canio or any manager to tell me that what o'shea done was pony but if he knows bleating about it on telly won't really matter to his players then fair do's.
I remember our fans all excited that pardew and his personality were gonna be a bit more exciting than the dour curbs to watch and listen to as our manager , well everyone now knows it's what happens on the pitch that matters most
and being passionate with all the theatrics don't mean a jot if you can't get your team playing for you
One of the most skillful players we've ever had here and put more work into his time here than most. Short memories some people.
I like the end of that video when winterburn comes over giving it the biggun Dicanio raises his arm and winterburn flinches like a poof