Speaking of Peter North, I read a book on, ahem, adult movies, and apparently it was built into his contract that none of the girls were aloud to touch his carefully manicured flat-top haircut.
Speaking of Peter North, I read a book on, ahem, adult movies, and apparently it was built into his contract that none of the girls were aloud to touch his carefully manicured flat-top haircut.
Speaking of Peter North, I read a book on, ahem, adult movies, and apparently it was built into his contract that none of the girls were aloud to touch his carefully manicured flat-top haircut.
Lol can believe that, always was immaculate. Now Randy West's mullety type do, luscious.
Since we've got loads of sweary film clips, here's a favourite Jack Nicholson clip, from The Last Detail. WARNING, THIS CLIP CONTAINS SOME ACE SWEARING:
Sissy Spacek in Coal Miner's Daughter