Froch is between a rock and a hard place. If the fight had continued and he knocked Groves out people would be lording a great come back. The stoppage wasn't his fault. The slagging of Froch here is laughable.
Froch is between a rock and a hard place. If the fight had continued and he knocked Groves out people would be lording a great come back. The stoppage wasn't his fault. The slagging of Froch here is laughable.
If he really thought that, he'd push for a rematch to prove it to the fans that have turned against him.
Froch is between a rock and a hard place. If the fight had continued and he knocked Groves out people would be lording a great come back. The stoppage wasn't his fault. The slagging of Froch here is laughable.
I think you'll find the abuse is due to his actions after the match. Not shaking Groves hand straight after the fight was pretty poor form.
Froch is between a rock and a hard place. If the fight had continued and he knocked Groves out people would be lording a great come back. The stoppage wasn't his fault. The slagging of Froch here is laughable.
No one in the arena was booing Froch until he opened his mouth,then 20,000 people turned against him at once. His attitude to this whole thing is why he is being slagged off
Froch is between a rock and a hard place. If the fight had continued and he knocked Groves out people would be lording a great come back. The stoppage wasn't his fault. The slagging of Froch here is laughable.
Daft thing to say. Froch isn't being slagged off because of the stoppage. Most people here seem to be in agreement that Froch is a good fighter - if limited and a bit stage-managed. The criticism of him is in the way he behaved after the fight - like a total bellend - and now running from an obviously deserved rematch. Groves took him to the f***ing cleaners, was in no danger of being hurt and was pulled out ridiculously prematurely. Froch not giving him a rematch would be an absolute travesty.
But if you look at my post just after the stoppage you knew froch wernt going to offer a rematch
The whole thing opened up in front of our eyes
My tickets came from within the groves camp and we were close to his friends and gym buddies
It was a good view and a good way to understand their thoughts
Froch is right on many things in what he says
But he needs to take the groves figh next
What he can not do and keep doing is talking like he is
Eddie may be building an empire and I understand carters point but if froch keeps acting like he is the ppv % will be down and hearn will not be as keen on him anymore
Groves will be signed by hearn longterm I am sure of that
Froch is between a rock and a hard place. If the fight had continued and he knocked Groves out people would be lording a great come back. The stoppage wasn't his fault. The slagging of Froch here is laughable.
The only thing laughable are carl froch's excuses. Clearly running and Hiding.
Froch is between a rock and a hard place. If the fight had continued and he knocked Groves out people would be lording a great come back. The stoppage wasn't his fault. The slagging of Froch here is laughable.
The slagging OFF of Froch is completely justified by the fact that he's continued to act like a complete prick.
The thing about Froch is he's been like this for years. He really let himself down in the build up to the fight, yet his fans believe everything he says!
If he came out and admitted Groves was better than he expected, that he was largely beaten in most of the rounds and that it took all he had to get the TKO, I for one would give him more credit for getting the TKO in the first place, regardless of the ref's actions. But everything he says sounds so desperate it's a little bit embarrassing. I'd love to see him get smashed up in a rematch, that'd be great telly.
The British public want this fight so much. Would be à crime in my book for him to fight Chavez.
one last major Froch payday and he'll want to go out with a bang .. 2 things: v Groves will be a bigger earner than v Chavez .. and Froch has more chance of beating Groves than he does v Chavez
I think groves will beat him this time. I think groves knows it, froch knows it, the respective camps know it. Hence why the groves camp are going to all this trouble for a rematch and the froch camp are looking any where else.
The British public want this fight so much. Would be à crime in my book for him to fight Chavez.
one last major Froch payday and he'll want to go out with a bang .. 2 things: v Groves will be a bigger earner than v Chavez .. and Froch has more chance of beating Groves than he does v Chavez
If he vacates then Sky will do their usual trick of bigging up their Frcoh's opponents. Chavez will become a 'great' overnight and it will be a miracle if Froch wins. Hearn has a trick of finding un heard of foreign fighters with decent records and making them out to be world class when in actual fact they are pony.
If the fight had continued and he knocked Groves out people would be lording a great come back.
The stoppage wasn't his fault.
The slagging of Froch here is laughable.
But if you look at my post just after the stoppage you knew froch wernt going to offer a rematch
The whole thing opened up in front of our eyes
My tickets came from within the groves camp and we were close to his friends and gym buddies
It was a good view and a good way to understand their thoughts
Froch is right on many things in what he says
But he needs to take the groves figh next
What he can not do and keep doing is talking like he is
Eddie may be building an empire and I understand carters point but if froch keeps acting like he is the ppv % will be down and hearn will not be as keen on him anymore
Groves will be signed by hearn longterm I am sure of that
Exactly croydon everyone was booing the ref
But if you look at my post just after the stoppage you knew froch wernt going to offer a rematch
The whole thing opened up in front of our eyes
I posted as soon as I could after the stoppage saying froch must offer a rematch or be seen as a prick
as soon as he said what he said the whole arena changed and opened up in front of our eyes, from being pro froch, to pro groves anti froch
And if you read the article posted up by Croydon, there's no way he's giving Groves a re-match.
The re-run is causing more fuss unsurprisingly.
Froch in the first and sixth rounds would of been more realistic stoppages.
That would be à shame
one last major Froch payday and he'll want to go out with a bang .. 2 things: v Groves will be a bigger earner than v Chavez .. and Froch has more chance of beating Groves than he does v Chavez
Groves is the bookies favourite in the rematch.