As we are in the midst of the Ashes it seemed appropriate to mention Sid O'Linn, one of the many South Africans who played for Charlton in the 50s and 60s and also one of the many who played football in the winter and cricket (for Kent) in the summer.
This image is a cigarette card but it is not the card itself, of value and interest though it is, that is the item for our imaginary museum.
What is so tantalising is the shirt Sid is wearing.
Sid is still alive and well and living in his native South Africa. He turned 86 on the day after we beat Bristol City 4 - 1.
Among his mementos from his time with the Addicks is that shirt you can see in the picture or at least one very much like it.
The shirt has the number 10 on the back and Sid's name written inside the collar. It dates from 1950 which I believe makes it the oldest known Charlton shirt in existence.
The '47 Cup final shirts would be older of course but legend has that having been left to go rotten in a cupboard they were, when rediscovered, promptly thrown away.
There maybe other shirts out there somewhere, even older than this 63 year old variety, but none that I am aware of.
Watch this space.