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Katie Hopkins slagging (and bizarrely from p.7 enneagram profiling of lifers)



  • Who cares what people are named after? I mean, my Irish mate was named after a day celebrated throughout the UK every year! Mind you Pancake did get ribbed over it poor lad!
  • edited July 2013
    i know a guy called Carol and i wouldnt make a snap judgement on him or his dad ! well maybe if in a differant time zone.

    That bints other statement said " im going to name my next after a name that has been in our family for generations------my next born will be called Twat---------our family have come from a long line of Twats"
  • Name snobbery never happens on CL, Nigel.
    Would love to know how many charlton fans have a kid called Nigel or Nigella?
  • seth plum said:

    Genuinely laughed out loud to this comment:

    "We had a Pakistani boy called Ahsan Bhutt at my old school"
    LOL...great link Seth. Some oldies, but goodies on there. Liked that one Chris, but the Downe family on the next page had me giggling too. Very childish of me I know!! ;-)

    As for Katie Hopkins...I have nothing but contempt for the woman and her prejudices.
  • Who did she write her piece for? Oh the Daily Mail, what a surprise.

    Not even bothering to give her views the time of day, clearly done it for attention in the hope of more newspaper articles.
  • McBobbin said:

    There's something in the book "freakonomics" about names. There is correlation between how "poor" your name is and your outcome in life, but the cause is socioeconomic rather than the name itself. Names don't tell the whole story

    There is. Good book that. He also explains how names like Chardonnay are at first fashionable and seen as high status when used by "stars" but when then copied by others they quickly go out of fashion and are seen as "low class".KHA used to talk to me when he thought my name was Henry but when he found out it was Ben Dover he snubs me : - )
    I'm a name snob, we should never sign anyone called Iain Dowie (feckless idiot
    It was the same with Stone Island and Burberry :-)
  • I'm gonna have a baby called Roderius, raise him to be a right nutter, and send him to her kids school.
  • She is the female equivalent of Kelvin McKenzie, just another oxygen thief.

    Why do the media keep giving these utters twats a living?

  • She is the female equivalent of Kelvin McKenzie, just another oxygen thief.

    Why do the media keep giving these utters twats a living?

    So the public spends their time arguing over non-issues like this one instead of focusing on important topics.
  • edited July 2013

    I don't have an issue with my son's friends as he hasn't been to a school where he would meet the kind of families that Katie seems to scared of....

    I've just re-read that, and all I can say is that I have a cousin who lives in Kings Hill who I suspect has gained a higher state of self importance just from moving from Blackfen to there. You've done nothing to change my suspicions about people who live there. I may have read too much into it, and it may be the way you've worded it, but still. If we're going to judge people by their names, let's do it by area too!
    To clarify, I have done the school run since my son was in Reception and I spent four years on the school PTA. During this time I haven't seen, or heard of, any children that behave in any way I would find unacceptable. For that reason, until I watched the video of Katie Hopkins, the thought of being worried about other children hadn't entered my head. I thought it pertinent to mention that as I wanted to make it clear that I've never even thought about judging children, irrespective as to their names, where they live, their race, their parents occupation or wealth.

    However, if people want to judge me then I suspect I should point out that due to the shortage of places in the schools on Kings Hill not all residents get their children in there and there is a very long waiting list. For this reason my son was enrolled in King's School, Rochester, a 1,400 year old private school.

    To my knowledge there are no Chardonneys, Charmaines or Tylers at King's, Rochester.

    Now I'll step back so you can all judge me and cast aspersions about my desire to give my son the best start in life I can.
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  • I have now judged you on your need to tell us how much you are paying for your son's education. You could have just said a private school but no you had to go the whole hog.

    I find people who talk about money like that a bit classless.

  • Hold on Curb-It thats because you and Tavern is loaded in-it !!

    The Duke and Duchess of Shooter Hill. I always know when you guys are at home they run the flag up on the water tower.
  • I was merely pointing out what it can cost if one lives where I do. It takes away, I believe, some of the myth that some seem to have about Kings Hill.

    It's easy to miss-read what someone says (writes) and then all join in and have a pop at him.

    Like I said earlier, most, if not all, parents want what's best for their children. Sometimes that will mean selecting their play dates, sometimes it will mean going five years without a holIday to get them in a good school because the one half a mile away is too full!

    But, please feel free to keep judging me based on your perception of what you thought I meant!
  • edited July 2013
    Ha, you wont hear me talking about money as I have none.
  • I get what she says !
  • When we lived in north London my wife taught a child actor who's name was "Beans"

    Not a stage or nickname, his parents christened him that.

  • Im sure people get what she says, BUT if you stopped your child from playing with another child due to their name/parenting then you are a snob. But thats fine if you're happy with that, like Hopkins is. She doesn't hide.
  • But, please feel free to keep judging me based on your perception of what you thought I meant!

    Sorry what does that sentence even mean, im a bit thick you see.

    Every time i read one of your posts ill think to myself... there's that man that pays 17k a year for his kids education and felt the need to share it.

  • edited July 2013
    Curb_It said:

    Ha, you wont hear me talking about money as I have none.

    Nor do I now!
  • She is the female equivalent of Kelvin McKenzie, just another oxygen thief.

    Why do the media keep giving these utters twats a living?

    So the public spends their time arguing over non-issues like this one instead of focusing on important topics. the correct answer

    Deliberately 'provocative' prats like this one, along with Liz Jones, Samantha Brick et. al get people talking about the most inane bollocks to stop them having to think about how utterly they're being fucked over.
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  • I'd love to send my kids to private school - it's not a great deal more than we pay every month for childcare anyway. I just don't have the money but it absolutely represents the best chance for them to get the best start in life. I was talking to our company accountant yesterday and he's resorted to paying £8-9k a year to get his daughter through her 11+ because the only primary school in the area was rubbish. As soon as she is old enough he'll get her back in the mainstream education system but until then he's prepared to make that sacrifice

    At my daughters sports day last week I got to see some of the locals talking to (or shouting at) their kids and some of the names they come out with are just horrendous. Then you look at the parents and you can kind of see what people are referring to.

    It may be a bit snobby but I often judge people. Not necessarily on the names of their kids, it may be their presentation, their car or just their demeanour - but I think anyone who says they don't do it is a liar. Of course your initial judgement isn't always correct but we all pre-judge people. Just because someone stated their kid is in a private school - and that it is likely to cost them an arm and a leg - doesn't make them classless. It's someone with a valid opinion on the topic. Fees are much of a muchness for these schools so it's not a brag - it's a statement. In this case it was more a statement of frustration that there simply isn't enough room in the local schools and this was one of the alternatives.

    FYI KHA - Ryarsh school is meant to be very good indeed. That's pretty close I believe
  • I think you are right Swis, we all pre judge people, it is human nature. I see someone in any kind of designer gear, I think "mug", I see someone with a shaved head and tattoos I think "thug", I hear someone talk like a hooray think "knob". BUT it is what you do after, once you have recognised your prejudice. I try and take a deep breath and then engage in conversation, mostly I find my prejudices have been wrong to be honest, and even if I don't, I try to see the good side in people (although I may not come across that way). Living in a holiday town engaging with tourists is a great leveller...
  • Swisdom you judge firemen.

  • edited July 2013

    I was merely pointing out what it can cost if one lives where I do. It takes away, I believe, some of the myth that some seem to have about Kings Hill.

    It's easy to miss-read what someone says (writes) and then all join in and have a pop at him.

    Like I said earlier, most, if not all, parents want what's best for their children. Sometimes that will mean selecting their play dates, sometimes it will mean going five years without a holIday to get them in a good school because the one half a mile away is too full!

    But, please feel free to keep judging me based on your perception of what you thought I meant!

    It is certainly in the best interests of a child to send them to a private school. At least you'll know what they're getting. The drugs are of a much higher quality and there are a lot more of them.

  • Curb_It said:

    Swisdom you judge firemen.

    That's a particularly valid point here - well done.

    Since it clearly bugs you a friend of mine was a Paramedic (first on the scene) at the 7/7 bombings. He was on a train tending to people in all sorts of states. Dead, dying, limbs blown off. Anyway those lovely chaps at the fire service left him on his own down there, in the dark, for some reason. Imagine that. Death all around you, people screaming in agony and you are the ONLY person there. The fire brigade then laughed as he emerged looking like he'd seen a ghost and said "Sorry mate - we weren't sure if there was someone else down there or not". That's why I am not a fan of the fire brigade. He is a fucking mess now. Lives on anti-depressants, alcohol and cannabis.

    Having relatives in the emergency services I hear some lovely stories.

    I dont hate firemen but they seem incapable of doing wrong in some peoples eyes. Some are awesome. Many are not

  • It doesnt clearly bug me but it was a very memorable comment. I imagine everyone that was involved in 7/7 in some way is a mess including firemen.

  • Wow, this thread has been on a journey.
  • Kate is ether a snobbish predutice Cow or she says these things just for publicity. Ether way, there is obviously something mentally wrong with her.

    She also said she would never employ fat people, I could easily slap her.
  • Never judge a book by its cover is still just as sound advice as it ever was.
  • Never judge a book by its cover is still just as sound advice as it ever was.

    Yes, but the Da Vinci Code is still as big a load of the chite as has ever been written.
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