I'm always very impressed by Boris. Definitely our future Priminister!
You can't be serious. London is the capital of the world, and we have this bloody village idiot at the helm feeding off of the work and planning done by Ken. If I dug a hole and threw him in the only person I would chuck in as well is Russell Band. Has to be the biggest cock going. Posh twat trying to become some sort of working class hero who thinks people will admire his admission to having taken loads of drugs. To me, that is just proof of how much of a twat he is.
Posh? Russell Brand? The bloke from Grays who went to a Comp?
I'm always very impressed by Boris. Definitely our future Priminister!
You can't be serious. London is the capital of the world, and we have this bloody village idiot at the helm feeding off of the work and planning done by Ken. If I dug a hole and threw him in the only person I would chuck in as well is Russell Band. Has to be the biggest cock going. Posh twat trying to become some sort of working class hero who thinks people will admire his admission to having taken loads of drugs. To me, that is just proof of how much of a twat he is.
Posh ? Are you sure you know who Russell Brand is ? The posh guy with the blonde mop was Borris Johnson, mayor of London. Russell Brand is a comedian from Essex.
I thought brand was very good last night! Agree with previous poster that the Gov needs to listen to people like him about how to tackle the drugs issue. Tessa Jowells comment that cigarettes would never have been made legal had they known the effects years ago was interesting too!
Phillips writes for a newspaper that you don't agree with and I'm guessing don't buy. Brand is an unfunny druggie who thinks its amusing to phone up a pensioner to boast about having sex with his granddaughter. Yet you claim that Phillips is utterly horrid.
I see Boris' carefully crafted persona has many fooled. The buffoonery is just an act, a disarming technique that works all too well. Boris has is a very clever man, and a born political animal. Read anything he's written and it's clear he isn't the great idiot he portrays so often, whether you agree with him or not.
I wouldn't be surprised if he was prime minister one day, he has many convinced that he's harmless and funny, I assure you that is exactly what he wants you to think.
I thought Russell Brand was the most effective participant on the panel last night. Yes, he has a few mildly annoying mannerisms but what he says and his understanding of the social and moral side of the issues raised was superior to any other panelist.
Surely what you say...not how you say it or what you are wearing when you say it is how someone should be judged? I thought he was spot on last night and the views he expressed were clearly the most popular amongst the audience.
A lot of people on here allowing their preconceived opinion on one or other of these people to dictate what they thought of the show.
I don't particularly like either Brand or Johnson, but the telling moment for me was when Brand asked Johnson, (re: 'Affordable Housing'), "Affordable for who?" Johnson evaded, evaded and evaded again despite repeated prompting from Brand, Jowell and Dimbleby.
For what it's worth, I think Johnson (and, in this particular instance, Brand) should be judged on his political integrity, not his image, and this refusal to answer a direct question illustrated more than anything else why, for me, Russell Brand came out of this debate better.
Phillips writes for a newspaper that you don't agree with and I'm guessing don't buy. Brand is an unfunny druggie who thinks its amusing to phone up a pensioner to boast about having sex with his granddaughter. Yet you claim that Phillips is utterly horrid.
You need to reset your moral compass.
Steady on old bean! Don't you think that's going a bit far? I'm no fan of the Daily Mail, but leaving that aside I find Melanie Phillips' views to be bigoted and ill conceived. I find Brand amusing on the whole, but I don't condone what he did with Andrew Sachs, but thanks for your concern over my moral compass anyway.
Phillips writes for a newspaper that you don't agree with and I'm guessing don't buy. Brand is an unfunny druggie who thinks its amusing to phone up a pensioner to boast about having sex with his granddaughter. Yet you claim that Phillips is utterly horrid.
You need to reset your moral compass.
That attack is a little out of order. So you've never made a mistake in your life then?
Why would Johnson's mannerisms be an act? I can tell that he's intelligent but what would be gain from acting that way in front of the cameras and differently away from it? Do you think a George W Bush type would ever win a general election here? No chance.
Guppy: Boris, have you got this number? Johnson: [inaudible] look, there is a guy at the moment, going through... Guppy: You're brilliant. Johnson: ... files at home Guppy: Fantastic. But I am telling you something, Boris. This guy has got my blood up, alright? And there is nothing which I won't do to get my revenge. It's as simple as that. Johnson: How badly are you going to hurt this guy? Guppy: Not badly at all. Johnson: I really, I want to know ... Guppy: Look, let me explain to you... Johnson: If this guy [see/sues?] me I will be fucking furious. Guppy: I guarantee you he will not be seriously hurt. Johnson: How badly will he ... Guppy, interrupting: He will not have a broken limb or broken arm, he will not be put into intensive care or anything like that. He will probably get a couple of black eyes and a ... a cracked rib or something. Johnson: Cracked rib? Guppy: Nothing which you didn't suffer at rugby, OK? But he'll get scared and that's what I want ... I want him to get scared, I want him to have no idea who's behind it, OK? Johnson: If I get trouble, if I get... Guppy: You will not, Boris. I swear to you. If you... Johnson: [unaudible bluster]... I got this bloody number for you. OK, Darrie. I said I'd do it. I'll do it. Don't worry. Guppy: Boris, I mean it; I really love you.
I guess that was produced by the same peole who did the Jimmy Saville/Paul Merton one?
If it was made up then why has BoJo failed to take anyone to court over it? It should be pretty easy to establish a defamation case and/or sue youtube where it has been broadcast for some time.
Then there was the time he lied in making up quotes while a Times journalist - for which he was sacked, and of course he was sacked as a shadow minister after lying about a long-running extramarital affair.
Phillips writes for a newspaper that you don't agree with and I'm guessing don't buy. Brand is an unfunny druggie who thinks its amusing to phone up a pensioner to boast about having sex with his granddaughter. Yet you claim that Phillips is utterly horrid.
You need to reset your moral compass.
Ridiculous. Firstly, he's a recovering addict, not a 'druggie'. Tarring all drug users past and present with the same brush is something which will not help the issue at all. The Sachs call was stupid but if you actually ever listened to it, which I doubt, Jonathan Ross was the one who brought up the issue (although it's true that Brand continued talking about it) and he was hardly boasting. Whether he is funny or not is completely subjective, which makes your point about disagreeing with Phillips/Daily Mail hypocritical. From what I have seen and read of Melanie Philips she comes across as a bigoted self-parody, as do some other similar columnists, but that's just my opinion, which of course I am entitled to.
Phillips writes for a newspaper that you don't agree with and I'm guessing don't buy. Brand is an unfunny druggie who thinks its amusing to phone up a pensioner to boast about having sex with his granddaughter. Yet you claim that Phillips is utterly horrid.
You need to reset your moral compass.
Ridiculous. Firstly, he's a recovering addict, not a 'druggie'. Tarring all drug users past and present with the same brush is something which will not help the issue at all. The Sachs call was stupid but if you actually ever listened to it, which I doubt, Jonathan Ross was the one who brought up the issue (although it's true that Brand continued talking about it) and he was hardly boasting. Whether he is funny or not is completely subjective, which makes your point about disagreeing with Phillips/Daily Mail hypocritical. From what I have seen and read of Melanie Philips she comes across as a bigoted self-parody, as do some other similar columnists, but that's just my opinion, which of course I am entitled to.
It is what some people do Redredrobin, pick out a couple of things on one side that suit their argument and use it to justify their own opposite views.
As others have said, if Boris is this cutting edge genius politician in private, why on earth would he want to come across as a buffoon in public?
Ormy's post hurts my head, I don't quite understand who the fools are - the ones who believe Boris is an idiot and will vote for him because they like it, the ones who believe Boris is an idiot despite him not actually being an idiot and won't vote for him because of that, Boris for thinking everyone else is an Idiot who will vote for someone who comes across as an idiot, despite him actually being super intelligent, or me for not understanding Ormy's post...
Phillips writes for a newspaper that you don't agree with and I'm guessing don't buy. Brand is an unfunny druggie who thinks its amusing to phone up a pensioner to boast about having sex with his granddaughter. Yet you claim that Phillips is utterly horrid.
You need to reset your moral compass.
Ridiculous. Firstly, he's a recovering addict, not a 'druggie'. Tarring all drug users past and present with the same brush is something which will not help the issue at all. The Sachs call was stupid but if you actually ever listened to it, which I doubt, Jonathan Ross was the one who brought up the issue (although it's true that Brand continued talking about it) and he was hardly boasting. Whether he is funny or not is completely subjective, which makes your point about disagreeing with Phillips/Daily Mail hypocritical. From what I have seen and read of Melanie Philips she comes across as a bigoted self-parody, as do some other similar columnists, but that's just my opinion, which of course I am entitled to.
Regarding Brand, I don't understand the "he's been through it he must understand the issues of drug addiction better than policitians" argument. First, he's a very rich recovering addict and that puts him in a very different place from someone in a squalid squat. Second, sure he'll have first-hand experience of the effects of drugs but he's only seen the one side of it and will not necessarily be in a position to judge all the matters that are important: where's the funding coming from; where's the qualified staff to deal with the particular problems that herion addicts have; will the local council give planning consent to an addicts drop-in centre; etc, etc. It's a bit like saying that just because some bloke's broken down on the hard shoulder of the M25, he knows what it's all about. So, I'll have him pitch up to deal with my broken motor rather than a man from the RAC. Sure Brand talks well but that is easy when you can merely wander away to the next gig and not have to bother about dealing with such matters on a day-to-day basis. Generally, I think I'd rather listen to the views of his mum, Jo. :-)
Can't believe these comments, 'Russell Brand comes across as intelligent' - what with his false 'Mockney' accent (believe he was born in Grays, Essex and calling everyone Mate. Comes across as a total prat, George Galloway came over much better the previous week. Brand far too excitable and ignorant!
Phillips writes for a newspaper that you don't agree with and I'm guessing don't buy. Brand is an unfunny druggie who thinks its amusing to phone up a pensioner to boast about having sex with his granddaughter. Yet you claim that Phillips is utterly horrid.
You need to reset your moral compass.
Ridiculous. Firstly, he's a recovering addict, not a 'druggie'. Tarring all drug users past and present with the same brush is something which will not help the issue at all. The Sachs call was stupid but if you actually ever listened to it, which I doubt, Jonathan Ross was the one who brought up the issue (although it's true that Brand continued talking about it) and he was hardly boasting.
I have no wish to listen to such disgusting nonsense. I just pity those that did and found it funny.
" but that's just my opinion, which of course I am entitled to. "
And that's democracy. If you ever decide you don't like it. go live in Iran or some other middle eastern hell hole.
Brand spent the whole show slagging off bankers etc, but when it was suggested that he could pay a bit more tax on his massive income, he declined to do so. The extra revenue could have been spent on aid for druggies. That is the sort of thing that was a bigoted self parody.
But still if you want to be rude about a daily mail columnist instead, its says more about you than I ever could.
Phillips writes for a newspaper that you don't agree with and I'm guessing don't buy. Brand is an unfunny druggie who thinks its amusing to phone up a pensioner to boast about having sex with his granddaughter. Yet you claim that Phillips is utterly horrid.
Phillips writes for a newspaper that you don't agree with and I'm guessing don't buy. Brand is an unfunny druggie who thinks its amusing to phone up a pensioner to boast about having sex with his granddaughter. Yet you claim that Phillips is utterly horrid.
You need to reset your moral compass.
Ridiculous. Firstly, he's a recovering addict, not a 'druggie'. Tarring all drug users past and present with the same brush is something which will not help the issue at all. The Sachs call was stupid but if you actually ever listened to it, which I doubt, Jonathan Ross was the one who brought up the issue (although it's true that Brand continued talking about it) and he was hardly boasting.
I have no wish to listen to such disgusting nonsense. I just pity those that did and found it funny.
But still if you want to be rude about a daily mail columnist instead, its says more about you than I ever could.
Well it was the Waily Fail that put it into the public forum for people who had never actually heard it to get all frothy at the mouth about. They told you it was disgusting smudge. Some of us don't need someone else to make our mind up for us, we think for ourselves. And when Phillips and her ilk dislike people who do have their own opinion, that's when the rest of us consider her an unpleasant person.
But still if you want to be rude about a daily mail columnist instead, its says more about you than I ever could.
Melanie Phillips publicly called for Iran to be "neutralised" - her words not mine.
Anyone who advocates attacking another nation after our two previous attempts at interfering in other nations in that region ended in total disaster is either trolling for a response and attention or is certifiably mad. Either way that is dangerous and irresponsible talk.
It was only a matter of time before she launched into an attack on Islam/Iran or something of that ilk - that's her schtick and was exactly what her readers expected to hear, so she played up to them perfectly.
Alongside Russell Brand and BoJo she came across as the biggest comedian of the lot.
Anti- semitism is still thriving on Charlton Life I see. No surprise though given the number of the Great and Good of Charlton Life who worship at the altar of the known anti semite Ken Livingstone.
Melanie Phillips, if some readers are unaware, is a Jew. Various Iranian politicians have threatened to "blow Israel out of existence" or words to that effect. Indeed two terrorist organisations, Hamas and Hezbollah (?spelling), regularly slaughter innocent Jews.
She may not have expressed herself terribly well on the programme but it is a sorry state of affairs if one is denounced as a "bigot" (as posters above have done) for expressing justifiable fears.
Mind you, come to think of it, Gordon Brown denounced a woman as a "bigot" because she questioned Labour's immigration policy.
Brand's a cock!
I liked bonkers Melanie Phillips, total mentalist.
Tessa Jowells comment that cigarettes would never have been made legal had they known the effects years ago was interesting too!
Brand is an unfunny druggie who thinks its amusing to phone up a pensioner to boast about having sex with his granddaughter. Yet you claim that Phillips is utterly horrid.
You need to reset your moral compass.
I wouldn't be surprised if he was prime minister one day, he has many convinced that he's harmless and funny, I assure you that is exactly what he wants you to think.
Surely what you say...not how you say it or what you are wearing when you say it is how someone should be judged? I thought he was spot on last night and the views he expressed were clearly the most popular amongst the audience.
Does anyone really think Boris Johnson behaves like that in private? You need to get a fucking grip if you believe that.
As they say, you'll never go broke underestimating the stupidity of the masses.
I don't particularly like either Brand or Johnson, but the telling moment for me was when Brand asked Johnson, (re: 'Affordable Housing'), "Affordable for who?"
Johnson evaded, evaded and evaded again despite repeated prompting from Brand, Jowell and Dimbleby.
For what it's worth, I think Johnson (and, in this particular instance, Brand) should be judged on his political integrity, not his image, and this refusal to answer a direct question illustrated more than anything else why, for me, Russell Brand came out of this debate better.
I'm always very impressed by Boris. Definitely our future Priminister!
As long as you aren't a journalist looking into the criminal activities of one of BoJo's friends...The journalist in question was later attacked:
Guppy: Boris, have you got this number?
Johnson: [inaudible] look, there is a guy at the moment, going through...
Guppy: You're brilliant.
Johnson: ... files at home
Guppy: Fantastic. But I am telling you something, Boris. This guy has got my blood up, alright? And there is nothing which I won't do to get my revenge. It's as simple as that.
Johnson: How badly are you going to hurt this guy?
Guppy: Not badly at all.
Johnson: I really, I want to know ...
Guppy: Look, let me explain to you...
Johnson: If this guy [see/sues?] me I will be fucking furious.
Guppy: I guarantee you he will not be seriously hurt.
Johnson: How badly will he ...
Guppy, interrupting: He will not have a broken limb or broken arm, he will not be put into intensive care or anything like that. He will probably get a couple of black eyes and a ... a cracked rib or something.
Johnson: Cracked rib?
Guppy: Nothing which you didn't suffer at rugby, OK? But he'll get scared and that's what I want ... I want him to get scared, I want him to have no idea who's behind it, OK?
Johnson: If I get trouble, if I get...
Guppy: You will not, Boris. I swear to you. If you...
Johnson: [unaudible bluster]... I got this bloody number for you. OK, Darrie. I said I'd do it. I'll do it. Don't worry.
Guppy: Boris, I mean it; I really love you.
If it was made up then why has BoJo failed to take anyone to court over it? It should be pretty easy to establish a defamation case and/or sue youtube where it has been broadcast for some time.
Then there was the time he lied in making up quotes while a Times journalist - for which he was sacked, and of course he was sacked as a shadow minister after lying about a long-running extramarital affair.
As others have said, if Boris is this cutting edge genius politician in private, why on earth would he want to come across as a buffoon in public?
Ormy's post hurts my head, I don't quite understand who the fools are - the ones who believe Boris is an idiot and will vote for him because they like it, the ones who believe Boris is an idiot despite him not actually being an idiot and won't vote for him because of that, Boris for thinking everyone else is an Idiot who will vote for someone who comes across as an idiot, despite him actually being super intelligent, or me for not understanding Ormy's post...
First, he's a very rich recovering addict and that puts him in a very different place from someone in a squalid squat.
Second, sure he'll have first-hand experience of the effects of drugs but he's only seen the one side of it and will not necessarily be in a position to judge all the matters that are important: where's the funding coming from; where's the qualified staff to deal with the particular problems that herion addicts have; will the local council give planning consent to an addicts drop-in centre; etc, etc.
It's a bit like saying that just because some bloke's broken down on the hard shoulder of the M25, he knows what it's all about. So, I'll have him pitch up to deal with my broken motor rather than a man from the RAC.
Sure Brand talks well but that is easy when you can merely wander away to the next gig and not have to bother about dealing with such matters on a day-to-day basis.
Generally, I think I'd rather listen to the views of his mum, Jo. :-)
" but that's just my opinion, which of course I am entitled to. "
And that's democracy. If you ever decide you don't like it. go live in Iran or some other middle eastern hell hole.
Brand spent the whole show slagging off bankers etc, but when it was suggested that he could pay a bit more tax on his massive income, he declined to do so. The extra revenue could have been spent on aid for druggies. That is the sort of thing that was a bigoted self parody.
But still if you want to be rude about a daily mail columnist instead, its says more about you than I ever could.
Melanie Phillips publicly called for Iran to be "neutralised" - her words not mine.
Anyone who advocates attacking another nation after our two previous attempts at interfering in other nations in that region ended in total disaster is either trolling for a response and attention or is certifiably mad. Either way that is dangerous and irresponsible talk.
It was only a matter of time before she launched into an attack on Islam/Iran or something of that ilk - that's her schtick and was exactly what her readers expected to hear, so she played up to them perfectly.
Alongside Russell Brand and BoJo she came across as the biggest comedian of the lot.
Melanie Phillips, if some readers are unaware, is a Jew. Various Iranian politicians have threatened to "blow Israel out of existence" or words to that effect. Indeed two terrorist organisations, Hamas and Hezbollah (?spelling), regularly slaughter innocent Jews.
She may not have expressed herself terribly well on the programme but it is a sorry state of affairs if one is denounced as a "bigot" (as posters above have done) for expressing justifiable fears.
Mind you, come to think of it, Gordon Brown denounced a woman as a "bigot" because she questioned Labour's immigration policy.
It must be the Socialist way.