tut tut tut... how people have the brass neck (even back then) to lose themselves in sheer ecstatic joy and jubilation at seeing your team achieve something you have dreamt about for years and thought sometimes would never happen is just beyond me, again, TUT!!!
its the law abiding citizens I feel sorry for that had their team lap of honour ruined by these scum, how I long for the old days when people knew how to behave and had respect for one another...?
Too many designer shirts, ties and flat caps in that picture for my liking. If they're not careful, the tram driver won't let them on his tram. Don't they know that smoking is banned in an open space
its the law abiding citizens I feel sorry for that had their team lap of honour ruined by these scum, how I long for the old days when people knew how to behave and had respect for one another...?
lets hope we never see such scenes at the valley!
(great pics henry) ;~)